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Sustainability at Fort Lewis College Presented by Rachel Landis Coordinator, Environmental Center at Fort Lewis College.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability at Fort Lewis College Presented by Rachel Landis Coordinator, Environmental Center at Fort Lewis College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability at Fort Lewis College Presented by Rachel Landis Coordinator, Environmental Center at Fort Lewis College

2 What you can expect today: Presentation Outcomes Provide an update on sustainability at Fort Lewis College Sustainability 2.0 Progress towards our sustainability targets Next Steps Discuss transferable lessons learned throughout the past five years of sustainability work

3 Environmental Center at Fort Lewis College Cultivating Tomorrow’s environmental leaders through hands on experience in campus and community sustainability today

4 Sustainability….????

5 Sustainability is a ‘Contestable Concept’ Some Common Themes: “Contestable Concept” that reflects context, worldview, application Element of Perpetuity, Recognizes social-ecological interaction and interplay; equity; systems thinking Important to understand the ‘version’ of sustainability that you are discussing

6 The Role of Higher Education within Sustainability “public function is its essential justification”--Dewey FLC’s Mission: Fort Lewis College offers accessible, high quality education to a diverse student population, preparing citizens for the common good in an increasingly complex world. Systems Approach: 1.Our What….Buildings, etc. 2.Our Why…Educating citizens

7 Sustainability at Fort Lewis College Defined: An Integrated Model INTERNAL CHANGES EXTERNAL CHANGES INDIVIDUAL COLLECTIVE Psychological “What I experience” Behavioral “What I do” Cultural “What we experience” System “What we do ”

8 Sustainability at FLC Where are we at?

9 Sustainability at Fort Lewis College Defined: President’s Climate Commitment 2007, President Bartel Signs the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment Carbon Neutral by 2080 Sustainability will be embedded within our educational mission

10 Sustainability @ FLC. Version 1.0 becomes Version 2.0 Internal Shifts New President New Environmental Center Coordinator and enhanced scope of work Low participation in Sustainability Action Plan Ritter’s term completes TABOR constricts funding for Higher Ed Higher Education getting more organized with Best Practices and Support– AASHE, STARS, etc. External Shifts

11 Sustainability @ FLC. Version 1.0 becomes Version 2.0 Version 1.0 President’s Advisory Council on Environmental Affairs Internal Sustainability Action Plan Internal Framework: Internal Decision Making Operations Service to the Region Environmental Literacy Campus Sustainability Coordinator Campus Sustainability Council STARS Framework Adopted Version 2.0 “Campus sustainability has more to do with the college’s organizational structures and how we make decisions than with how much money we put toward the problem”

12 Sustainability @ FLC. Version 1.0 becomes Version 2.0 Campus Sustainability Coordinator  Reporting & Tracking  Facilitate Coordination & Communication among campus entities  Sustainability across the curriculum  Sustainability Projects Campus Sustainability Council  Engage campus stakeholders in decision making  Strategic Vision for Sustainability  Identify resources and support for campus sustainability efforts Environmental Center  Student, Campus & Community Engagement in Sustainability  Student Leadership Development  Co-Curricular Sustainability Learning  Sustainability Projects

13 Sustainability @ FLC. Progress towards Integrated Model Operations Planning & Administration Engagement Academics

14 Sustainability @ FLC. Progress towards Integrated Model Operations – Strong performance, but need for coordinated efforts Planning & Administration – opportunity and need for development Engagement– Rocking out in this department, though need more campus-wide initiatives Academics- 40 courses, 17 majors; need for a campus-wide approach Planning Tool: GAP Analysis Responsible Party Reporting Tracking Tool: GHG Inventory Metrics on All Fronts Reporting Tool: Rating Systems Collegiate Recognition

15 Sustainability @ FLC. Progress towards Integrated Model 2016 Preliminary STARS Assessment FLC Performance Overview 15

16 Sustainability at FLC: Progress Towards Climate Commitment Climate Commitment Milestone Reduce CO2 Scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions by 20% by 2015

17 Sustainability at FLC: Progress Towards Climate Commitment SUCCESS!!!! We reduced our CO2 Emissions by 21% Performance Contract with McKinstry Industries: 31% decrease in Stationary Combustion; 18% decrease in purchased electricity: $9.3 mil in renovations; $365K in savings in Year 1 Renovations Across Campus: Lighting Retrofits Boiler Replacements Misers Insulation Additions

18 Lessons Learned

19 Lessons Learned: Commitments What we like: Innovative Frame -- Set goals that we don’t know how to achieve Clear articulation of goals allows for buy-in and accountability Collective Impact Challenges: Need to make sure that there is the ability to walk behind the talk Failure to achieve goals is inherently demotivating Complicated and time-intensive to meet reporting and progress requirements

20 Lessons Learned: Reporting & Tracking Frameworks What we like: Evidence-based ‘road maps’ to achieving goals Reporting is inherently reflective Creates common language, best practices, network and shared resources Clearly delineates who is doing what Provides metrics for success Challenges: Cookie cutter doesn’t always work Time and energy required for tracking

21 Lessons Learned: Coordinated Champions Needed Support from the top of your organization is critical Support across divisions is necessary Succession Planning is essential Culture is created through communication of efforts and values

22 Lessons Learned: Outside Expertise What we like: Cost effective when project-based and we are capacity-strapped Brings in industry best practices if we lack expertise Building contracts that require a ‘teaching’ component Credibility is motivating Challenges: Identifying funding sources Retaining autonomy within the process Ensuring that the unique qualities of FLC are captured Internal Communication around the project and affiliated findings/outcomes

23 Lessons Learned: Externalities Matter Externalities drive policy, regulation and resources…which in turn drives opportunity Pay attention to those factors effecting your efforts for opportunities to leverage change…and push to take advantage of them Be open to an iterative process that is resilient and can respond to changes externally Put on your political hat-- work in networks to maximize your lobbying power

24 Looking Ahead Next Steps in Sustainability at FLC

25 Looking Ahead: President’s Climate Commitment Some Areas to Focus On Facilities Planning: Right Sized Planning Facilities Master Plan Shifting Fuels & Power Generation Power purchase agreement Reduce Fuel Consumption Behavior change campaigns Holiday shut downs Scope 3 Initiatives: Transportation 2020 Goal: Reduce Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions by 30%

26 Looking Ahead: Integrated Model of Sustainability Some Areas to Focus On Build Capacity & Planning Right Sized Staffing to support sustainability Update Sustainability Action Plan Sustainability within upcoming strategic plan Build campus-wide sustainability engagement opportunities Develop Sustainability Policy & Resources Student & Staff Orientation & training programs Behavior change campaigns Incorporate sustainability across academics and within curriculum Include in Academic Master Plan Create Sustainability requirements for across the curriculum “Keep the Stoke High” Counter the notion that ‘we are done’ post performance-contracting Show value of integrated model

27 Thank you! For more information on sustainability at FLC, please visit: Sustainability Website: Environmental Center Website:

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