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Welcome! If you are taking Pre- AP World History I or World History II with Miss Sabey in room 3040, you are in the CORRECT class! Please find your seat.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! If you are taking Pre- AP World History I or World History II with Miss Sabey in room 3040, you are in the CORRECT class! Please find your seat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! If you are taking Pre- AP World History I or World History II with Miss Sabey in room 3040, you are in the CORRECT class! Please find your seat and take out a pen or pencil.

2 Name cards Fold an index card in half (hamburger style) Write your first AND last name on one side of the index card, then prop it on your desk. Because I tend to butcher names, I am going to go through the rows and ask you to call your name out when you’re up. Thanks!

3 Journal We will start each class by writing historical journals. In these journals, you will be asked to comment or reflect on historical events. These will stay in a section of your notebook and will be graded on test days during notebook checks. You will be writing these journals during the first 5 minutes of every class. Please label each journal by date. Today, I want you to begin by writing for 5-10 minutes, on the sheet provided to you, about:

4 Journal: Sept. 3 rd Tell me about an event in your past that helped to make you the person you are today.

5 Discussion How does our past affect us today?


7 My history! I grew up in Chicago I went to high school at OP! “Once a Jacket, Always a Jacket” I went to college at Christopher Newport University I graduated from CNU with a Bachelors Degree in History and continued for an extra two years to get my Masters Degree in Teaching. Before I came home to OP, I taught in Culpeper, VA

8 My hobby: travel!

9 Switzerland






15 Near Death Experience VCs VCs







22 What is history? How has your history affected the way you are now? Do negative experiences change your life? Do positive experiences change your life? Do you think history affects the way the world is today? What are some negative things that have changed the world? What are some positive things that have changed the world? What is history?... (the burning question!) Why is it important? How should it be taught?

23 Wordle… For 30 seconds, think quietly about your definition of history in one word Use a sheet of computer paper to write that word down large enough so I can see it from my computer. When I call your name, hold up your word and yell it out to me. In approximately five minutes, we will be able to see what our class thinks history is.

24 Syllabus About the course… Major topics to be covered Supplies: 3 ring binder (2 inches), loose-leaf paper, dividers, pens or pencils, highlighter Assignments: Turn in at the beginning of class in the appropriate folder in the blue crate; late work will result in a 10% deduction per class period Missing work: Pick up from the correct date in the pink crate

25 Homework You will have homework every night… but don’t worry! It will consist of reading assignments that will help facilitate discussion in the classroom. You will be tested on these readings every unit.

26 Rules and Expectations 1.Respect. 2.Promptness. 3.Be prepared. 4.Do your best. 5.Have fun!

27 Coffee Rule

28 Grades Grading Scale: Tests (35%) Quizzes (20%) Projects (15%) Classwork (15%) Homework (10%) Journals (5%)

29 Learning Targets You will be graded on a variety of assignments that all align with specific learning targets developed for this course The learning targets with focus on 5 major historical skills: 1.Knowledge 2.Reasoning and Historical Analysis 3.Mapping 4.Analyzing Documents 5.Historical Writing

30 What is a Learning Target? A learning target is the information that you need to know in order to achieve higher levels of learning and to help you become more successful in this course. All of the learning targets align with the Virginia Standards of Learning but are rewritten in terms that you can understand (basically it’s what you absolutely need to know). Our goal is to “hit” each target by using different types of historical skills and facts. You can think of these skills/facts as arrows hitting the target.


32 How can I prove that I’ve hit the target? Learning Targets 1. Knowledge (K) 2. Reasoning & Analysis (R) 3. Mapping (M) 4. Document Analysis (A) 5. Writing (W) Definition of target I know the basic fact I can do something with the information that I’ve learned (application) I can label, draw and interpret historical maps I can analyze various historical sources in order to answer a larger common question I can use evidence of my learning through formal writing including thesis statements Verbs Used with target Explain, understand, describe, identify, tell, name, list, define, label, match, choose, recognize Compare and contrast, synthesize, classify, deduce, evaluate Locate, identify, label, choose, describe, explain Compare and contrast, examine, investigate, write, read, explain Demonstrate, design, produce, create, develop, make, write, draw, represent, display, model, construct, discuss Ways target can be hit Multiple Choice questions, defining vocabulary, identification questions, study guides Free response questions on assessments, Venn diagrams, flow charts, single document analysis relating to purpose and significance Free response questions on assessments, regional maps that you label, questions based off of already labeled maps Free response questions on assessments, Mini DBQ’s, Document based questions Document based questions with written response, Short answer questions on assessments

33 Procedures Daily Routine: Bathroom Policy Borrowing Pens/Pencils “Borrowing” Paper Make-up work “Office Hours” Dismissal Group projects Test taking Asking questions


35 Safety Procedures Fire drills Tornado drills Earthquake drills Lock down drills http://www.youtub R_G490w0http://www.youtub R_G490w0

36 School Policies Dress Code! Cell phone/electronic policy Check the “Bring your own device” handout Tardy/Absent/Early dismissals Medications sent to nurse/list of allergies

37 FourMyd3v!ces tml?pageid=67587&sessionid=d961261f90922a867d5458d626aa 858d&sessionid=d961261f90922a867d5458d626aa858d

38 Remind 101

39 What is remind101 and why is it safe? One-way text messaging and email system All personal information is free and remain confidential The teacher will NEVER see your phone number and you will not know the teachers phone number You cannot text back to the teacher!

40 Game time: Two Truths and a Lie 1.I play the guitar. 2.I’ve gone skydiving. 3.My best friend lives in Thailand. Which two facts do you think are true?



43 Homework! Bring a 3 RING BINDER Returned syllabus signed

44 Homework… How do you deal with homework? g8A g8A


46 Let’s start this year off right!

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