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Using ESR Oracle Learning Management in NHS Wales Mike Dunnage Oracle Learning Management (OLM) One Direction.

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1 Using ESR Oracle Learning Management in NHS Wales Mike Dunnage Oracle Learning Management (OLM) One Direction

2 Framework A new Workforce and Organisational Development framework, ‘Working Differently - Working Together’ was launched in 2012 and defined the 5 year vision for NHS Wales focusing on the vital role that all staff play in delivering safe and effective care for the people of Wales. A national project that delivered the outcomes of this strategy was therefore required. The project design needed to be flexible in order to align with the existing ESR Development Programme and ensure strategic benefits were maximised and implemented in organisations across NHS Wales. There was also a requirement for effective and robust governance with strategic leadership that ensured conflicts in resources and priorities were effectively managed.

3 Business need No standard repository for maintaining and reporting staff training No standard learning management system used No common set of core values and shared standards used throughout NHS Wales No consistency with regards to competency assessment No transparency or compliance visibility across NHS Wales

4 Business requirements Common set of core learning standards (where practical) shared across NHS Wales Improved quality and cost effectiveness of training delivery Elimination of unnecessary repeat training Streamlined and efficient processes for access to training and learning Compliance visibility and transparency for regulating monitoring and compliance with minimum standards Integration with post and undergraduate learning for improved information sharing

5 What can OLM do? OLM To make learning a blended approach Aligned with National e-Learning Strategy/ Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy Increasing national content to meet workforce needs Increasing number of courses and users Direction supported by the Welsh Government National Naming and coding conventions Will Link with Learning@NHSWales & to CSTF

6 Working across NHS Wales Organisations All NHS Wales organisations - 7 LHB’s - 3 Trusts - Hosted oraganisations including Shared Services NWIS Where did we start

7 Work with Speciality Groups in NHS Wales Organisations - Manual Handling, Fire Safety & Health & Safety - Violence & Agression & Information Governance - Safeguarding, POVA, MCA DoLs - Infection Control - NWIS - UK Core Skills Training Framework To organise naming and coding conventions, competencies, refresher rates and consistency in learning objectives and descriptions of learning Where did we start

8 Naming Conventions & Codes Examples of: Manual Handling MH1 (VPD) Moving & Handling Induction MH2/3 (VPD) Moving & Handling Module A MH 4 (VPD) Moving & Handling Foundation Training for People Handlers Violence & Aggression V&A 1 (VPD) Violence & Aggression Module A V&A 2 (VPD) Violence & Aggression Module A & B V&A 3 (VPD) Violence & Aggression Module A & B & C

9 OLM capability The Oracle Learning Management system was the vehicle that would provide the capability for NHS Wales to achieve these strategic business requirements in the following ways: Full deployment of OLM across all NHS Wales organisations NHS Wales standardised and version controlled OLM catalogue (including naming conventions, coding conventions and national competences) Deployment of Shared Training Centre functionality to maximise ‘all Wales’ training opportunities Full use of the Inter Authority Transfer (IAT) portable data set Revised recruitment processes for new starters / rotations for inductions and statutory and mandatory training Development and deployment of an ‘all Wales’ Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) strategy where OLM is a key enabler Use of minimum data sets including endorsement of ESR by the Welsh Risk Pool for recording of all learning and compliance Integration with undergraduate and post graduate education by using OLM to capture medical education and qualifications Development of standardised ‘all Wales’ reports and dashboards to evidence a competent and safe workforce


11 Successful activities to date of the All Wales OLM group OLM Actions and Benefits Your Logo Standardising Naming and Coding Conventions eLearning & Learning@NHSWales Competencies linked to CSFW, KSF, NOS, Mandatory & CSTF SME’s Agreement on content of learning Shared Training Centre Status for the whole of NHS Wales M & S e-learning and e-Induction ESR BI 77 66 55 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1

12 1.The CSTF is the minimum standard Mandatory & Statutory training requirements within NHS Wales 2.Local NHS Organisations will still be able to deliver their own Mandatory requirements that are above the CSTF 3.Other frameworks such as the HCSW will fit into place alongside and be reportable within OLM 4.All training to have assigned competencies where the completion of the training will result in a competences being assigned to the training record Local Mandatory Training CSTF HCSW Framework How it all fits?

13 Benefits An initial analysis suggests a gain of 71,228 productive hours per annum for NHS Wales as a direct result of this project and can be broken down as follows: 9,828 productive hours gained by adopting standardised statutory and mandatory training within clinical pre registration training 27,600 productive hours gained by eliminating unnecessary statutory and mandatory training for new starters moving between NHS Wales organisations and already compliant 33,000 productive hours gained by eliminating unnecessary repeat statutory and mandatory training for doctors in rotation within NHS Wales 800 productive hours gained by use of OLM functionality to record competence

14 Additional Benefits Additional benefits of this project include: Improved quality of training Clear governance and version control Portability of competence Alignment with the undergraduate post graduate curriculum Compliance visibility and transparency More effective use of resources to target training and compliance monitoring in high risk clinical areas. These measures will enable us benchmark our effectiveness, learn lessons from other organisations (for example Mid Staffordshire) and adopt any necessary recommendations.

15 Learning@NHSWales Work currently underway –OLM link to Learning@NHSWales (Moodle) –OLM unique coding and catalogue to be used in Learning@NHSWales –Skills for Health Core Learning Unit –National Programme Delivery Board –All Wales National Groups (Manual Handling, V & A, Safeguarding, Fire, Health & Safety, Information Governance, H & S, POCT, Medical Devices, Infection Control, Environment, Energy & Waste, Food Safety & Clinical Coding) –Shared Training Centre allowing the recording of training carried out any NHS Wales organisations to automatically update individuals training record –Agreed All Wales Naming and coding conventions and processes for all other courses –Standardising e-learning packages across NHS Wales in conjunction with the National Programme Development Group (NPDG) –Working towards one Nadex login The OLM link to

16 Cost Efficiency Benefits / Evaluation Example for NHS Wales Approximately 12 learning hours is required for completion of Induction including minimal level statutory / mandatory training on appointment to a Local Health Board or Trust Figures are based on NHS Wales Average earnings from Apr 11 to Mar 12 (c £34,500 inclusive of on-costs) Junior doctors in training repeat Induction including minimal level statutory and mandatory training each time they rotate to a new organisation

17 Financial benefits of using e-learning (Example) Banding/ Grade Rate Hourly No of Staff Classroom - (Hours - includes Average 1.5 hours Out of Office/Travel) Cost to attend Classroom Course e-learning Equivalent Average (Hours) Cost to complete e-learning Course Time Saving Hours Financial Saving - Individual Cost Saving to the Trust Band 1£8.8425£44.201.5£13.263.5 £ 30.94£62 Band 2£9.592055£47.951.5£14.393.5 £ 33.57£6,881 Band 3£10.782255£53.901.5£16.173.5 £ 37.73£8,489 Band 4£12.601375£63.001.5£18.903.5 £ 44.10£6,042 Band 5£15.362395£76.801.5£23.043.5 £ 53.76£12,849 Band 6£18.822185£94.101.5£28.233.5 £ 65.87£14,360 Band 7£22.271915£111.351.5£33.413.5 £ 77.95£14,888 Band 8a£26.96535£134.801.5£40.443.5 £ 94.36£5,001 Band 8b£31.92265£159.601.5£47.883.5 £ 111.72£2,905 Band 8c£38.85165£194.251.5£58.283.5 £ 135.98£2,176 Band 8d£46.07105£230.351.5£69.113.5 £ 161.25£1,612 Band 9£55.0535£275.251.5£82.583.5 £ 192.68£578 Total 1325 £75,841 This data was kindly supplied by NHS North East Essex which compares Health and Safety training through classroom and online methods (Oct 2010)

18 Timeline Time 3 5 1 2 4 6 Mandatory & Statutory Training Usage of OLM Now Introduction of CSTF Alignment of HCSW Framework ESR BI reporting Dashboards Recording of PDR & other Appraisals Shared Training Centres Linking e- learning to Learning@ NHS Wales

19 Piloted ESR PMP functionality for Wales OLM agreed as the only LMS to be used in NHS Wales for the recording and management of training and education Assess baseline of OLM usage in Wales Developed a Minimum Data Set for OLM Developed a consistent naming, coding standards for key statutory & mandatory training and for accredited and external education/training for consistent use throughout NHS Wales Established Workforce Development Group Agreed Terms of Reference Achievements 11 22 33 44 55 66 77

20 Adopt all Wales Manual Handling additional data fields to organisations OLM catalogue Adopt standard OLM codes/names for e-Learning programmes Adopt standard OLM codes/names for NLIAH programmes OLM Training materials developed and shared to aid competence with OLM configuration within workforce development departments Standardise restriction rules and notification rules for mandatory training in OLM Adopt standard OLM codes/names for ILM programmes Develop ‘Action Point’ as a tool for supporting OLM projects and work streams Achievements 88 99 10 11 12 13 14

21 Investigated and agreed an interim link to Learning@NHSWales for automatic updates of E Learning in OLM. Developed an SLA or MoU for enabling the use of Shared Training Centres throughout NHS Wales. Piloted the use of Instructor URP across all organisations Scoped requirement for OLM training programme to develop OLM expertise Evaluated use of Self Serve Booking for training Evaluated Primary case use of e-learning materials on Learning@NHSWales Developed training materials for Manager/Employer Self Serve ESR functionality Achievements 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 Key Benefits Auto updates of training records and refreshers Time saving in updating of record and admin processes – more timely data Open courses to other organisations Restrict classes to own organisation Agreed competencies IAT (Inter Authority Transfers) Cost and process savings Transferrable training record for staff across NHS Wales

23 Evaluation Process mapping pre and post deployment of new OLM functionality Staff surveys to evaluate user perception and ease of access and usability of the new ESR learning environment Periodic reviews of project objectives against NHS Wales strategic policies and strategies, particularly the workforce and organisational development strategy for NHS Wales, ‘Working Differently; Working Together’ Alignment with ‘Francis’ report recommendations Stakeholder evaluation workshops There is also move to work collaboratively with a local university to support a formal evaluation and review of benefits resulting form this project.

24 Potential for other organisations Potential learning for other LHBs/Trusts includes how Wales has used ESR and OLM to: Create a core set of common training values and standards for Wales Standardise the training catalogue and improve quality of training Creatively utilise Shared Training Centre functionality to reduce data input and improve compliance reporting Reduce unnecessary repeat training Manage technology enabled assessments Increase productivity and released staff for more meaningful activity and direct patient care Effectively engage all organisations at a country wide level

25 Learning is already shared in the following ways: NHS Wales hosting of ESR Conference 25 April 2013 Effectively engaging with the ESR Communications Steering Group to provide case studies and other learning materials for sharing with the wider ESR community Attending other Regional User Group meetings to share learning experiences and work collaboratively across countries Encouraging others in NHS England to attend any Wales hosted ESR training / master classes Extension of invitation to NHS England to participate video conference in Wales Special Interest Group and other strategic meetings Shared Training Centre

26 THANK YOU! For further information please contact Mike Dunnage : or Julie Rogers:

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