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Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive MANAGING CONTRACTORS Alec Ferguson HSE.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive MANAGING CONTRACTORS Alec Ferguson HSE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Safety Executive Health and Safety Executive MANAGING CONTRACTORS Alec Ferguson HSE

2 Managing Contractors Who Are Contractors? Someone brought in by you as client, to work at your premises. Can include: Builders Specialist maintenance workers Cleaners Asbestos removal Electrician Plumber Heating and ventilation engineer

3 Managing Contractors The Basics You should know: Your premises Your Routines & work patterns Risks arising from your premises and work

4 Managing Contractors The Basics The contractor should know: The risks arising from his own activities How to control those risks The capabilities & skills of his employees The capabilities and skills of his subcontractors

5 Managing Contractors The Law Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 – eg Section 3 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 – eg Reg 12 Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2007 – eg Regs 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17

6 Managing Contractors The CDM 2007 Approach Specific duties on clients in the revised CDM 2007 Regs Applies to construction work only But, provides a good framework which may be appropriate for other contractors

7 Managing Contractors Why clients are so important for H & S They “set the tone” for the project They make crucial decisions about resources – both time and money They select contractors, and decide the timing of their appointment

8 Managing Contractors The CDM 2007 Approach Is the project “Notifiable”? Appoint a CDM co- ordinator Co-ordinator can assist with competence checks, and provision of information If not notifiable, consider carefully how to comply with your client duties

9 Managing Contractors Competence is Key Take “reasonable steps” to ensure contractors are competent ACOP Appendix 4 – The Core Criteria A 2 Stage assessment process Pre-qualification schemes

10 Managing Contractors Arrangements & Information Ensure your arrangements for managing the project are suitable, and those of the contractor Keep this in proportion Provide relevant preconstruction information Make the Health & safety File available Other risks eg asbestos?

11 Managing Contractors The Practicalities 3 rd party liability insurance? Induction on site How will contractors ensure safe work? Who will supervise on site? Will the job be subcontracted out? Co-ordination during the project Information for H&S File Contractor assessment

12 Managing Contractors Information HSE Approved Code of Practice &: Industry Guidance ns forums/constructionclientsgroup

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