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VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Information and Technology IT Workforce Development (ITWD) in collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Information and Technology IT Workforce Development (ITWD) in collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Information and Technology IT Workforce Development (ITWD) in collaboration with Product Development

2 Welcome and Introduction Slide 3 of 39 VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Primavera Team: Charlene Murray IT Specialist / OIT PD/Open Source, Configuration & Tools Management Division Mairye Bates IT Specialist / OIT PD/Open Source, Configuration & Tools Management Division

3 How to connect to each VA Primavera P6 module Slide 4 of 39 VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Training Objective

4 Audience – All users of VA Primavera P6 Prerequisite –License to use the appropriate module(s) Slide 5 of 39 VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Training Overview

5 ACCESSING THE PROGRAM: MODULES OVERVIEW Section 1: VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 6 of 39

6 Accessing the Program - Requesting Access to VA Primavera P6 To get access to VA Primavera P6, your VA manager must send a request to the mail group: OIT PD PAC PRIMAVERA TOOLS TEAM Additionally, users must: –have received a VA Windows network username –be able to access the VA intranet VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 7 of 39

7 Accessing the Program – Module Applications There are four modules in VA Primavera P6: –Progress Reporter –Project Management –Web Access –Methodology Management VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 8 of 39

8 Accessing the Program - Progress Reporter (PR) Module VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 9 of 39 Progress Reporter (PR) Module Features Web-based time reporting and inter-project communication system Real-time status updates Connect directly to the enterprise database to report time on activities and send related information Activity feedback features and timesheet notes facilitate communication

9 Accessing the Program - Project Management (PM) Module VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 10 of 39 Project Management (PM) Module Features Store and manage projects in a central location Supports work breakdown structures (WBS), organizational breakdown structures (OBS), user-defined fields & codes, and scheduling Manage multiple projects from the highest levels of the organization to the individuals that perform specific project tasks Centralized resource management

10 Accessing the Program - Web Access (WA) Module VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 11 of 39 Web Access (WA) Module Features Browser-based access to project, portfolio, and resource data across the enterprise Customized Dashboards for an individualized view of specific projects and categories of project data Workspaces and Workgroups can be customized to meet the needs of each user

11 Accessing the Program - Methodology Management (MM) Module VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 12 of 39 Methodology Management (MM) Module Features System for authoring and storing methodologies - project plan templates Best practices are stored in a central location Create custom project plans by selecting, combining and tailoring methodologies vs. creating from scratch

12 ACCESSING THE PROGRAM: PROGRESS REPORTER (PR) Section 2: VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 13 of 39

13 Accessing the Program - Progress Reporter (PR) It is a web enabled, Java based application that allows users to report workload to approved and budgeted projects The PR software is not installed on the user’s desktop Progress Reporter is often referred to as Timesheets and is formerly known as TeamPlay VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 14 of 39

14 Accessing the Program - Progress Reporter (PR) Login Slide 15 of 39 http://vaishapp:7001/pr/ Navigate to Primavera P6 Progress Reporter located at: http://vaishapp:7001/pr/ or http://vaishapp:7001/pr/ Navigate to Primavera P6 Progress Reporter located at: http://vaishapp:7001/pr/ or http://vaishapp:7001/pr/ VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

15 Accessing the Program - Progress Reporter (PR) Home Page Slide 16 of 39 Select Launch P6 Progress Reporter to connect to the Primavera application VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

16 Accessing the Program - Progress Reporter (PR) Login Slide 17 of 39 VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

17 Accessing the Program – Additional Progress Reporter (PR) Training VA Primavera P6 Progress Reporter(PR) VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 18 of 39

18 ACCESSING THE PROGRAM: PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PM) Section 3: VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 19 of 39

19 Accessing the Program - Project Management (PM) PM client resides in a Terminal Server environment P6 software is not installed on the user’s desktop Users connect with Remote Desktop Connection (RDC), a standard Windows application VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 20 of 39

20 Accessing the Program - Project Management (PM) - Connecting with Remote Desktop Connection 1. Enter vaishtms or 2. Select Connect VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 21 of 39

21 Accessing the Program - Server authentication is required Slide 22 of 39 1.Enter your Windows network User name & Password 2.Select Network User Domain 1.Enter your Windows network User name & Password 2.Select Network User Domain 3. Select OK VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

22 Accessing the Program - Launch P6 Project Management (PM) Client Application Slide 23 of 39 Select Project Management VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

23 Accessing the Program - Log into Project Management (PM) Slide 24 of 39 1. Enter Login Name 2. Enter Primavera Password 3. Select PMDB 4. Select OK 1. Enter Login Name 2. Enter Primavera Password 3. Select PMDB 4. Select OK VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

24 Accessing the Program - Project Management (PM) - Welcome Screen Slide 25 of 39 Open Global Data Open Existing… Open Last VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

25 Accessing the Program – Additional Project Management (PM)Training Create a Project & Define a WBS Add Activities Assign Resources Milestone & Activity Types Project Management Refresher Portfolio Management - Optional VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 26 of 39 Create an Activity Network Baselining Layouts, Reporting, & Filtering Timesheet Approval & Apply Actuals EVMS - Optional

26 ACCESSING THE PROGRAM: WEB ACCESS (WA) ACCESSING THE PROGRAM: WEB ACCESS (WA) Section 4: VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 27 of 39

27 Accessing the Program - Web Access (WA) A web enabled application that allows users to access all information they have privileges to in Project Management Progress Reporter users can also use WA to report workload and view project information P6 software is not installed on the user’s desktop VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 28 of 39

28 Accessing the Program - Web Access (WA) - Homepage VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 29 of 39 http://vaishapp4:7001/primaveraweb/login_cmt Navigate to: http://vaishapp4:7001/primaveraweb/login_cmt http://vaishapp4:7001/primaveraweb/login_cmt or Navigate to: http://vaishapp4:7001/primaveraweb/login_cmt http://vaishapp4:7001/primaveraweb/login_cmt or

29 Accessing the Program - Web Access (WA) - Login VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 30 of 39 1. Enter Username & Password 2. Select Login

30 Accessing the Program – Additional Web Access (WA) Training Additional training is available for WA: –VA Primavera P6 Web Access VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 31 of 39


32 Client based application co-located on the Terminal Server desktop with Project Management VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 33 of 39 Accessing the Program – Methodology Management (MM)

33 Accessing the Program – Launch P6 Methodology Management (MM) Client Application VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 34 of 39 Select Methodology Management

34 Accessing the Program - Methodology Management (MM) - Login VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 35 of 39 1. Enter Login Name 2. Enter Primavera Password 3. Select MMDB 4. Select OK 1. Enter Login Name 2. Enter Primavera Password 3. Select MMDB 4. Select OK

35 Accessing the Program – Methodology Management (MM) Slide 38 of 39 Open Global Data Open Existing… Open Last VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

36 Accessing the Program – Additional Methodology Management (MM) Training Additional training is available for MM: –VA Primavera P6 Methodology Management VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program Slide 37 of 39

37 Accessing the Program - User Support Contact mail group for Support & Connectivity issues OIT PD PAC PRIMAVERA TOOLS TEAM Email Slide 38 of 39 VA Primavera P6: Accessing the Program

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