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Mailchimp How email marketing and analytics can organize what needs to be presented when creating a call to action.

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1 Mailchimp How email marketing and analytics can organize what needs to be presented when creating a call to action.

2 What is Mailchimp? Mailchimp is a free email marketing service that organizations of all types can utilize in order to send out newsletters, email updates, press releases and more. Mailchimp is set up to track each email campaign in order to provide the organization with results on how many people opened the email, how many people clicked which link, how many people unsubscribed, and more.

3 Watch and Learn Awesome British lady introducing how to get started on Mailchimp – watch now!watch now!

4 Description This online service is a great tool for organizations to use when attempting to see what their messaging is really doing for the target audience. There are several ways to go about creating the perfect email campaign for a specific organization, and by receiving analytics, organizations can continue to make positive changes to the messaging and technique being used in each email.

5 Purpose The purpose of Mailchimp is for organizations to be able to communicate effectively to their audience in a mass form of communication. The lists imported into Mailchimp can range from hundreds of people to thousands of people. Sending out campaigns will communicate the organization’s necessary call to action, which will lead to problem solving work successes.

6 Purpose cont. Between importing different lists, creating several templates and campaigns, to continuously monitoring analytics and results, an organization can successfully organize what needs to presented not only to the audience, but to internal stakeholders as well.

7 Main Features Our team experimented with the different types of features throughout the past week, learning about how to create and evaluate an email campaign.

8 Our Trial After walking through the site, we decided to create a mock campaign in order to test out the analytics portion. In order to create a campaign, the first thing we had to do was create an email list.

9 Importing the List

10 Importing the List cont.



13 Our First List

14 Now, the Fun After walking through the site, collecting email addresses from our peers and importing our first list, we decided to have a little fun and create a campaign. Our team brainstormed a mock non-profit organization called Orlando Student Puppy Rescue, which focuses on gaining a membership of students who are willing to help foster animals until a family can take care of them full time.

15 The Campaign The email campaign we set up was set up like a newsletter. Before we could insert cool photos and catchy messaging into our newsletter format, we had to walk through the steps of creating the campaign.

16 The Set Up

17 The Set Up cont.

18 The Set Up Aftermath By selecting certain options, we were able to set up our campaign to track the following: how many people opened our email newsletter, how many clicks were generated by receiving the email, and how many plain text URL’s were clicked.

19 Formatting After collecting our peers email addresses, we thought it would be a smart idea to make our newsletter visually attractive to them. We picked a basic newsletter format that was offered on Mailchimp, and customized it to feature the cutest photos of puppies ever.

20 Formatting cont.


22 Results We sent out the newsletter before class today, and thought it would be cool to show you guys our admin view of the results. Let’s take a look and see how this particular newsletter did!

23 What We Learned We learned that Mailchimp is a great tool for organizations to effectively communicate messages and calls to action to their external audiences. We also learned that Mailchimp is a tool that can be used to present results to internal audiences. Mailchimp is free, so it would be beneficial to a non- profit organization such as OSPR. If a non-profit organization does plan to use Mailchimp, it does require time and planning, so it would be helpful to have employees who can spend time on it.

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