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1 American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO Mark Dimondstein President.

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1 1 American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO Mark Dimondstein President


3 3 MOTOR VEHICLE SERVICE Michael O. Foster Javier Pineres Motor Vehicle Director Assistant Director

4 4 MOTOR VEHICLE SERVICE JOB ID NUMBERS National Business Agents Presented by: Merlie H. Bell Jerome A. Pittman Central Region Western Region

5 5 National Business Agents Merlie H. Bell Jerome A. Pittman

6 6 PSE REVERSIONS While the APWU continues to work on converting Postal Support Employee (PSEs) into residual vacancies and career status it has become apparent that the Postal Service does not have the same interests. The Postal Service finds it more economical to have as many PSE’s as possible on the rolls working for reduced wages.

7 7 Office of Inspector General Report RE: Use of Postal Support Employees in Customer Service Operations Report Number: DR-AR-13-006 Date : August 16, 2013 The Postal Service employed PSEs in May 2011 and provided training at both the national and area levels. In fiscal year (FY) 2012, salaries and benefits in customer service operations were over $6.5 billion, more than $575 million (or 9 percent) of which was overtime costs. As of May 31, 2013, there were 11,443 PSEs (18.5 percent of career employees) and 61,961 career employees on the rolls in customer service operations. “Our objective was to evaluate the use of PSEs in customer service operations.”

8 8 WHAT THE OIG FOUND: The Postal Service showed incremental increases in using PSEs in customer service operations in FY 2012 and achieved significant labor cost savings totaling over $233 million. However, it ended the year with a PSE usage rate of only 10.5 percent, about half of the maximum 20 percent usage rate allowed by the National Agreement. Maximizing the use of lower cost staff provided an opportunity for the Postal Service to avoid overtime costs of $43.2 million in FY 2012.

9 9 WHAT THE OIG RECOMMENDED: We recommended the vice president, Delivery and Post Office Operations, continue emphasizing managers maximize usage of PSEs to reduce overtime costs and meet operational needs.

10 10 THE BATTLE LINES ARE DRAWN Management wants a larger supplemental work force, and we want a larger Career work force

11 11 PROTECT OUR WORK The postal service is constantly evolving and with it, we must move the MVS Craft forward and into the future. As such, the duties of local craft directors and stewards are continually changing, intertwined between policing the contract, representing our members, and protecting our work.

12 12 JOB ID NUMBERS In the past, many assignments may have been improperly reverted, in violation of Article 39; they may have been abolished, or not reverted at all, and simply disappeared from the rolls. In several instances, local management has changed job IDs, making it difficult to track duty assignments. Consequently, numerous assignments have disappeared.

13 13 INVENTORY In many facilities the union has not been tracking duty assignments, and has no idea of the true complement of the MVS craft. It is important for every MVS director and each steward to maintain an inventory of all duty assignments in their facility. This should include the job ID numbers for every duty assignment.

14 14 RESEARCH THE BIDS Know the history of all craft employees, and all bid assignments in the complement. Prepare an inventory of all the duty assignments in the Craft.

15 15 We should know the complete history of each duty assignment. Who had it originally Dates of all times it was vacated Names of each successful bidder for this assignment All duty assignment numbers that it previously had Copies of all schemes and schedules for this run All Job ID numbers that have been assigned to the assignment

16 16 ZPAR REPORT (USPS Seniority Roster) Request the ZPAR report. It will show each employee on the rolls in your craft by seniority.  Request the bid history of each person on the list.  Request the job ID numbers of each assignment  Match the bid history with job ID numbers for each successful bid.  Track the status of each Job ID Number

17 17

18 18 Request eHRSSC Forms Information What is eHRSSC Forms?  A new online system to complete HR personnel actions such as employee placements, position creation, separations or changes to employee data  Transforming 11 manual worksheets to 5 automated forms  The service formerly used Form: JB-1300 to track these changes.

19 19

20 20 Human Capital Enterprise System The Human Capital Enterprise System (HCES) automates day-to-day personnel transactions related to hiring, promotion, job applications, retirements, and similar career- related functions. Implemented in 2008, HCES has eliminated paper transactions. It has greatly expanded self-service for employees, allowing them to perform personnel and HR activities online, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week Drivers can check their status online with this program.

21 21 Position Create Create new positions which will be posted for bid or offered through recruitment.  New Vacancies  Each new position will have a new Job ID number, and a new duty assignment number. Add this to your inventory

22 22 Position Change Work schedule changes  Change in Scheduled day off  Change in starting time of over 2 hours  These changes will require that the duty assignment be abolished, new positions created, and new Job ID numbers issued.

23 23 Change position attributes in between postings and position status Changes in Classification FT-NTFT Reversions, Abolishment's, Withheld positions Follow the work, and ensure that they are not reverting or abolishing a residual duty assignment.

24 24 Placements Placement or reassignment from one position to another for non career, bargaining and nonbargaining employees. Includes, but not limited to promotions, reassignments, changes to lower level and change in craft.  MVO to Tractor-Trailer  Promotions to the dark side  Change in Craft  Reassignments, Inside and outside the Craft Biding down to Vehicle Dispatch Clerk Permanent Limited or Light Duty

25 Separations Process a Resignation, Termination, or Termination and Rehire after a required Break-in-service  Check to see the status of each duty assignment after resignation, or termination of employees.  Check to see if the position has been posted or reverted within 28 days of separation. 25

26 26 Form 50’s Request Form 50’s for all employees  Check to see the Job ID number on the reassignment action.  Each duty assignment has a job ID number  Check to ensure that the job ID number matches the duty assignment that the employee is working  Job ID numbers may change after the annual bid  Job ID numbers will change each time the employee changes a duty assignment  Follow the job ID numbers to ensure you know where the position went.

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28 28 Ensure that the designation activity code is correct 13-5 vs 23-5 13-5 = Traditional Full Time Career 23-5 = Non Traditional Full Time Career This is important because if management absorbs a traditional full time career residual assignment; 13-5, and we file a grievance, we want a full time career residual assignment returned. Many times management will say the work no longer exists, and will offer a NTFT (23-5) position as a remedy.

29 29 Annual Bid The annual bid will produce many new Job ID Numbers: Each new assignment should have a new ID number If management gives a duty assignment a new run number, it should have a new job ID number.  Having 2-3 assignment numbers for the same job ID number can result in problems

30 30 Example: Each year management gives a new series of numbers for duty assignments; 100, 200, 300. 2013 - Run 123, 2014 - Run 223, 2015 - Run 323, 2016 - Run 123 In 2016 run 123 becomes vacant and is not posted or reverted and it becomes a residual. A grievance is filed for failing to convert a PSE into the residual vacancy. Management then has a zero base bid or an annual bid, and the residual run 123 is gone, but there is another run 123 with completely different stops on it. Management has absorbed the residual run into other duty assignments. Because each year the duty assignment can change, (new hours, new SDO, new stops), we want to identify these new runs each year, and account for the old work. To do this we need new job ID numbers each time, so that we can identify which version of this run was absorbed.

31 31 Ensure that old duty assignments are properly abolished and removed from Webcoin. Management changes runs significantly, but will call it by the same duty assignment number with the same job ID number This is not the same run; allowing this will make it impossible to track the work. Management can hide absorbed residual runs in these assignments

32 32 Residual Vacancies During the zero basing and the annual bid, management may try to absorb residual vacancies into other runs, and the residual vacancy just disappears. Management had 28 days to post or revert, and if neither was done, the position must be filled, and if not, then grievances are appropriate.

33 33 WebCoins Web-based Complement Information System A Web interface that displays and stores information about employee complement details down to the office or unit level. The system gives local management a resource for monitoring and tracking the employee complement.

34 34 Request Webcoin information for the complement of the entire craft. This will show all positions in the craft, filled, unfilled and residual. Match the Webcoin breakdown with duty assignments, job ID numbers, and employees to determine if the employees are currently working the correct position. Look for residual vacancies that management may try to absorb into other duty assignments.

35 35 If a employee constantly has to get pay adjustments, and scheduled day off corrections, it is a sign that that employee is not working under the correct Job ID number. In many cases management will enter changes into the tacs system on a weekly basis correcting employees day off.

36 36 Webcoin Showing 80 Residual Vacancies

37 37 Webcoin showing Route, and Job ID Number for Residual Vacancy BID CLUSTEROFFICEJOB ID JOB TITLE Pay Level CRAFTROUTEPOSITION STATUS AREA NAME Baltimore Post Office Baltimore P&DC 70509491Tractor trailer operator8MVS172RESIDUALCAPITAL METRO

38 38 Sample Grievance Contention: The union contends that the service violated article 39.2.A.11 of the CBA, when they failed to convert the PSE with the highest standing on the roll into residual duty assignment #172, Job ID number 70509491, and absorbed the position into other duty assignments, without reverting or abolishing the position.

39 39 Sample Grievance Remedy: That the craft be made whole, that the residual position be filled with the PSE who has the highest standing on the rolls, with backdated seniority to the date of the residual, and that the successful bidder be given all benefits due to him, including but not limited to out of schedule pay from the date the assignment became residual, sick leave, annual leave, and all other benefits earned by career employees.

40 40 Management is not going to stop trying to minimize the contributions of the Motor Vehicle Service, and will continue their efforts to phase us out. This information is given as a tool to help Directors and Stewards keep up with all jobs in each facility by tracking duty assignments and Job ID numbers, so that we can account for each job in the Motor Vehicle Craft, and fight each and every instance of the service taking any of our positions. To be effective, we have to use our tools. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or any other subject, please don’t hesitate to contact the Motor Vehicle Service National Business Agents. Standup and Fight Back

41 41 MOTOR VEHICLE SERVICE Mike Foster Director Javier PineresAssistant Director Merlie H. BellCentral Region Kenneth PrinzEastern Region Joseph LaCapriaNortheast Region Dwight JohnsonSouthwest Sub-Region Bruce AmeySoutheast Sub-Region Jerome A. PittmanWestern Region

42 American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO 42

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