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Sex outside marriage LO: To explore the role and purpose of sex. To investigate the Catholic and Quaker views on sex outside marriage. To explore how to.

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Presentation on theme: "Sex outside marriage LO: To explore the role and purpose of sex. To investigate the Catholic and Quaker views on sex outside marriage. To explore how to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sex outside marriage LO: To explore the role and purpose of sex. To investigate the Catholic and Quaker views on sex outside marriage. To explore how to answer a B style exam question.

2 By the end of the lesson… MUST have identified different views on the purpose of sex. Be able to express my own view on sex outside marriage. SHOULD be able to describe the Catholic and Quaker view and why they have them. COULD use the knowledge I have gained to answer an exam question successfully.

3 Starter… Religious people believe a child should be brought up in a secure environment with a mum and a dad! If you indulge in sex before marriage too much the act can become ‘cheapened’! Sex is something special – save it for someone special! Sex can express one persons love for another. You do not need to be married to be able to show your love for someone else. Some religious people believe sex outside marriage is fine as long as it is only done in loving, long term relationships! Contraceptives are available today to stop pregnancy so sex before marriage is okay. Not all people want to get married, but does this mean they should remain celibate? Many religious people believe that God created marriage for sex and this is where it should stay! All religious people agree that sleeping around is wrong and that sex should be with someone you love and trust! Sex is an enjoyable pastime so why save it for marriage! You would never buy a pair of shoes without trying them on, so you must have sex before marriage to see if you and your partner are compatible! Sex is a complex issue and if you sleep around, you can never be sure that you or someone else might not get hurt!

4 Catholics… Catholics believe that sex outside of is not allowed. The purpose of sex is to PROCREATE (have babies). This must be done within marriage so that children can be brought up in a loving Christian family. Adultery is condemned in the 10 commandments. “Thou shall not commit adultery” The catechism teaches that sex outside marriage is wrong – Catholics should follow the catechism. Sex is a gift from God (sacred) and should be kept within marriage. When a couple marry they become joined together as one. Pre-marital sex is wrong as the couple haven’t committed themselves fully to each other. Promiscuity is wrong as it is abusing your body and St Paul teaches that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit

5 Quakers and Anglicans Do not oppose sex before marriage. Quakers are non-judgemental about sex, which they see as a gift of God. Their attention is focused on the way in which it is used in human relationships. Acceptable in a loving stable relationship Sexual activity is essentially neither good nor evil; it is a biological activity, which, like most other human activities, can be indulged in destructively or creatively. Towards a Quaker View of Sex, 1963 No relationship can be a right one which makes use of a person through selfish desire. Advices, 1964

6 Sexual activity is essentially neither good nor evil; it is a biological activity, which, like most other human activities, can be indulged in destructively or creatively. Towards a Quaker View of Sex, 1963 No relationship can be a right one which makes use of a person through selfish desire. Advices, 1964 What do you think the Quaker view would be on promiscuity?

7 Chastity... Chastity – no sex before marriage: to remain sexually pure for marriage. xlEc

8 Evangelical Christians Helps teens abstain from sex till marriage. Helps them to understand that God has a plan for their life and to wait for the right person. It also helps them to avoid unwanted pregnancy, STDs and emotional pain that can come with pre marital sex. What do you think? Should people save themselves for marriage? Why?

9 Tasks... You are an agony aunt or uncle. Respond to the following letters... Dear Agony Aunt/ Uncle, Me and my boyfriend have been going out now for four months and I'm totally in love. He says he loves me too!!! Yippee!!! He’s asked me if I want to have sex with him so he can show me how much he really really loves me. I’m a virgin and he’s not so I'm a bit nervous. Should I go through with it or should I wait? Yours sincerely, Confused, Aged 17 Dear Agony Aunt/ Uncle, Me and my girlfriend have been going out now for four months and I'm totally in love. She says she loves me too!!! Yippee!!! She’s asked me if I want to have sex with her so she can show me how much she really, really loves me. I’m a virgin and she’s not so I'm a bit nervous. Should I go through with it or should I wait? Yours sincerely, Confused, Aged 17

10 Uh oh... Dear Diary, Well, I went through with it and now I really really regret it. My so called beloved partner has only gone off with someone else. I’m devastated. I really though that they were the one for me and they’re not. Now I'll never be able to totally give myself to the right person. The other thing is... I’m having a few problems in my neither regions... I hope I haven’t caught anything. TTFN x

11 B questions

12 5 – 5 – 1 Summarise today’s topic in 5 sentences. Reduce to 5 words. Now to 1 word.

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