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Water footprint as a tool for integrated water resources management Maite M. Aldaya, Arjen Hoekstra Appointed by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain.

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Presentation on theme: "Water footprint as a tool for integrated water resources management Maite M. Aldaya, Arjen Hoekstra Appointed by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water footprint as a tool for integrated water resources management Maite M. Aldaya, Arjen Hoekstra Appointed by the Royal Academy of Sciences of Spain

2 PRODUCTION of water-intensive goods Globalization of Water Local water consumption and pollution related to export CONSUMPTION of water-intensive goods Water saving, but also water dependency related to export TRADE

3 The water footprint concept ► The WF is an indicator of water use that looks at both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer. ► Water use is measured in terms of: - water volumes consumed (evaporated or otherwise not returned) - polluted per unit of time ► Geographically explicit ► A WF can be calculated for: - process - product - consumer - group of consumers (e.g. municipality, province, state, nation) - producer (e.g. a public organization, private enterprise)

4 Water footprint of a product Green water footprint ► volume of rainwater evaporated. Blue water footprint ► volume of surface or groundwater evaporated. Grey water footprint ► volume of polluted water.

5 Production chain cotton

6 [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

7 Water footprint of EU’s cotton consumption (blue water)

8 The water footprint: making a link between consumption in one place and impacts on water systems elsewhere Shrinking Aral Sea

9 [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008] This is a global average and aggregate number. Policy decisions should be taken on the basis of: 1. Actual water footprint of certain coffee at the precise production location. 2. Ratio green/blue/grey water footprint. 3. Local impacts of the water footprint based on local vulnerability and scarcity.

10 [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]



13 Water footprint of biofuels from different crops [litre/litre] [Gerbens-Leenes, Hoekstra & Van der Meer, 2009]

14 National virtual water balances [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

15 Consumption Export Production Import Internal water footprint External water footprint WF of national consumpt. Water use for export Virtual water import for re- export Virtual water export + + = = WF within nation Virtual water import ++ == Virtual water budget + += = National water accounting framework Traditional statistics on water use (withdrawals)

16 Water footprint per capita [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

17 Water footprint per capita Global average water footprint [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

18 Guadiana river basin (Spain) - green and blue (surface and groundwater) - related economic analysis Spanish regulation (2008) requires including the water footprint analysis in the River Basin Management Plans according to the EU WFD. Water footprint applications

19 LevelMeans User level Local water use efficiency Create incentives to the water user: water pricing, promoting technology, awareness raising River basin level Water allocation efficiency Allocate water where its value added is highest Global level Global water use efficiency Virtual water trade from water- abundant to water-scarce regions Water use efficiency at different levels Key question: how to develop a coherent set of actions at different spatial levels to solve local water problems?


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