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Learning Target #3: Compare the function, location and distinguishing characteristics of the 4 main types of tissue.

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2 Learning Target #3: Compare the function, location and distinguishing characteristics of the 4 main types of tissue.

3 Muscle Tissue True or False: The function of muscle tissue is movement. Answer: True What is a distinguishing characteristic of muscle tissue? A. Tendrils B. Elongated Cells and Nuclei C. Matrix between cells D. All the above Answer: B

4 Muscle Tissue Where is muscle tissue found? Skeletal A C. The heart Smooth B B. In the walls of hollow internal organs Cardiac C A. Attached to bones

5 Muscle Tissue The function of intercalated discs is to transmit the force of __________ from cell to cell. A. Attraction B. Division C. Separation D. Contraction Answer: D

6 Muscle Tissue Match each description with a specific type of muscle tissue. 1. Moves skeletal parts A 2. Major tissue of the heart C 3. Cylindrical, striated, A multinucleated 4. Found in walls of hollow B organs 5. Striated, branching, C intercalated disks 6. Nonstriated, uninucleated B A. Skeletal Muscle B. Smooth Muscle C. Cardiac Muscle

7 Skeletal Muscle Word Bank: Nucleus, Cytosol, Cell Membrane, Striations 1. Nucleus 2. Striations 3. Cytosol 4. Cell Membrane

8 Smooth Muscle Word Bank: Nucleus, Cytosol, Cell Membrane 1. Cytosol 3. Cell Membrane 2. Nucleus

9 Cardiac Muscle Word Bank: Striations, Intercalated Disks, Nucleus 1. Nucleus 2. Intercalated Disks 3. Striations

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