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Directional Planes and Muscular System. Chapter 62 Directions, Planes, and Regions Directional Terms Anterior or ventral – front side of the body. Posterior.

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Presentation on theme: "Directional Planes and Muscular System. Chapter 62 Directions, Planes, and Regions Directional Terms Anterior or ventral – front side of the body. Posterior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Directional Planes and Muscular System

2 Chapter 62 Directions, Planes, and Regions Directional Terms Anterior or ventral – front side of the body. Posterior or dorsal – back side of the body. Inferior – below another structure. Superior – above another structure.

3 Chapter 63 Directions, Planes, and Regions (cont.) Planes of the Body Sagittal plane – divides the body into 2 parts, right and left. Frontal or coronal plane – divides the body into anterior and posterior sections.

4 Directions, Planes, and Regions (cont.) Transverse plane – divides the body horizontally into a top, or superior, part and a bottom, or inferior, part. Midsagittal plane – divides the body into equal right and left sides.

5 Chapter 65 Directions, Planes, and Regions (cont.)

6 Chapter 66 Directions, Planes, and Regions (cont.) Regions of the Abdominal Cavity Epigastric region. Hypochondriac regions, left and right. Umbilical region. Lumbar regions, left and right. Hypogastric region. Illiac, or inguinal, regions left and right.

7 Chapter 67 Directions, Planes, and Regions (cont.)

8 Chapter 68 Directions, Planes, and Regions (cont.) Right upper quadrant (RUQ) Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ) Left lower quadrant (LLQ) Abdominal Quadrants

9 Chapter 69 The Muscular System Consists of over 600 individual muscles. Muscles produce movement by shortening in length or contracting.

10 Chapter 610 The Muscular System (cont.) Three types of muscles Involuntary (Smooth) – cannot be controlled by will. Cardiac – control the contractions of the heart. Voluntary (Skeletal) – can be controlled by will.

11 Chapter 611 The Muscular System (cont.) Voluntary or Skeletal Muscles Maintain posture, protect internal organs, and produce heat and energy for the body. Origin – attachment of a muscle to a stationary bone. Insertion – attachment of a muscle to a moveable bone. Produce movements such as flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and rotation.

12 Chapter 612 Muscle Tissue There are three types of muscle tissue: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.

13 Muscle Use How is the person in each frame using involuntary and voluntary muscles? Chapter 613

14 Chapter 614 Types of Muscle Tissue Identify the type of muscle tissue in each body structure.

15 Muscles Moving Bones Muscles and bones work together and make the body move. Chapter 615

16 Muscle Pairs Chapter 616 When the arm is bent at the elbow, the biceps contracts while the triceps relaxes. What happens to each muscle when the arm is straightened?

17 Chapter 617 The Muscular System (cont.) Diseases and Disorders Strain – overuse of a muscle and/or tendon. Fibromyalgia – a chronic pain in muscles. Bursitis – an inflammation of the bursa surrounding a joint.

18 The Muscular System (cont.) Diseases and Disorders Tendonitis – an inflammation of a tendon in a joint caused by overwork. Dislocation – may result from an injury or strenuous, sudden movement. Muscular dystrophy – a group of inherited diseases that cause progressive weakness and disability.

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