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Life in the Soviet Union and Russia By Jeremy Phan.

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1 Life in the Soviet Union and Russia By Jeremy Phan


3 Communism Timeline


5 Life during Communism Recently, our government of Russia transitioned from a Communist government to a Democratic government. But, was it really worth it for the citizens of Russia? Under Communism, the rights of the people were restricted. People could not voice their opinions, believe in religion, or paint art that contradicts the Communist Party. Because of censorship, writers and artists had to be very careful with their works. If not, they would be put to death, and so their works could not criticize the government, depriving the average citizen from the knowledge of the evils the Communist Party carries out. With so poor of an economy, the people live in terrible conditions, barely making ends meet for themselves and their families. Many families lived in cramped, dirty, insanitary housing, living from dollar to dollar. The economy could not prosper as the working citizens did not put forward effort as everyone was paid equally. During the Communist rule, religion was banned and all the education praised the government. The Communists wanted the citizens to worship the government instead of religion, so it would make the citizens more loyal. Education was changed to only support the Communist party and train people to become loyal Communists and manipulate them to carry out their plans. Some may say our life was better before the Fall of Communism, and they probably were right. Although there were less freedoms and opportunities, the citizens of Russia do not know how to exercise these newfound rights, therefore making them useless.


7 Fellow Russians, I come here for your support. My opponent, Boris Kiriyenko, is of the supporter of Communism. If you elect him, your life will be the same as it is now, miserable and in poverty. I am running for President of Russia because I want to be the one who reforms Russia for the better. In a democracy that I promise to start, you (the citizens) have the right to vote for your leaders and for who will represent you. Boris can’t promise you that because he believes that only a few people should control the whole country, instead of letting the people run it. Communism takes away your personal freedoms. Just like Boris will. I promise you that if I am to be elected, that you, the citizens, will have the freedom of speech, expression, religion and more of the rights you deserve! I do not believe that the citizens should pay for the businesses, which Boris will force. I believe that if they have the initiative to start one, they should without having to pay the government. Censorship hurts a nation. The people of a nation should be able to criticize their government and the people who run it. Boris would never allow that. The removal of censorship would allow the citizens to exercise their freedom of speech and this could benefit the government. If the citizens give their opinion of the government, the elected representatives can improve themselves by listening to the people. I hope that you will elect me, because if you elect Boris Kiriyenko, Russia will go back to what it was before.


9 Christian Kasha $5,021 Farmer High school diploma Rebelling against the Russians in protests, exercising my new rights after the Fall of Communism, and trying to help the less fortunate My Life in shambles Freedom for the Chechnyans! Every day, I grow my crops to sell in the town. But, people often come by, asking for some donations of crops so that their families can eat. I don’t make enough money for my own family … Ever since the Fall of Communist, times have been tough. Everyone used to have jobs and food to put on the table ; now no one can support their own families. Businessman Government official Russian mobster Russian soldier Ever since the Fall of Communism, I’m starting to have no business because everyone is poorer now. Work isn’t too busy now that Communism is gone … the country has no more money. Now that Communism is gone, my regiment hasn’t travelled around to take care of protesters.

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