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Pivot Tables (and Pivot Charts) to the Rescue! Dereck Norville, MSSW Hostos Community College – City University of New York DC Data Summit July 7 th, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Pivot Tables (and Pivot Charts) to the Rescue! Dereck Norville, MSSW Hostos Community College – City University of New York DC Data Summit July 7 th, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pivot Tables (and Pivot Charts) to the Rescue! Dereck Norville, MSSW Hostos Community College – City University of New York DC Data Summit July 7 th, 2014

2 Training Workshop Agenda Overview of the sections of the training workshop: Part 1 - Pivot Table Overview Part 2 - Pivot Chart Overview Part 3 - Question-based Approach to Analysis via Pivot Tables (extracting the significance) Excel Training – Part 1 Excel Training – Part 2 Excel Training – Part 3

3 Learning Objectives By the end of the workshop, participants will … Better understand the utility of using Pivot Tables to extract significant findings from their datasets. Be able to construct Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts. Be able to create a simple interactive dashboard using slicers in Pivot Charts. Be able to apply a research methodology to data analysis activities.

4 Part 1 – Pivot Table Overview T opics covered in this section may include: D efinition of a pivot table O verview of the components of a pivot table (e.g. fields, column labels, row labels, values, report filters, and slicers) R earranging fields in a pivot table C hanging data summary calculations D isplaying values as a percentage R enaming headings in the table I ntroducing filters and slicers D rill-down functionality

5 Part 2 – Pivot Chart Overview Topics covered in this section may include: Multiple ways to create a pivot chart Altering chart types, formats, and layouts Filtering Pivot Charts Hiding Pivot Chart elements Using “slicers” to create dashboards from Pivot Charts

6 Part 3 - Question-based Approach to Analysis Topics covered in this section may include: Determining questions to answer (based on the pre-assigned dataset); Determining the variables from the dataset that will be needed to create the pivot table; Creating the appropriate pivot table to determine the answer; and Deciding on an appropriate visualization via Pivot Charts.

7 Intro to Pivot Tables Pivot tables are one of Excel's most powerful features. A pivot table allows you to extract the significance from a large, detailed data set. Its primary purpose is to summarize data and reveal patterns and trends. One of the best features is its drill-down capabilities. There are several components to a pivot table: Fields – This is where the list of variables that you selected will be housed for you to use in your tables. Column Labels – dragging a field into this box will set the values in that field as your column labels. Row Labels - dragging a field into this box will set the values in that field as your row labels. Values – Whatever field(s) you drag into this box will populate the values (counts, averages, sum, max, min, etc.) for that field (variable). Report Filter – whatever field(s) you drag into this box allows you to filter your table results by the values in that field (variable) Slicers – Allows you to “slice” your data by any criteria found in one of your variables (e.g. this function would allow me to slice overall workshop participation by race – Race being the slicer).

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