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Year 10 Parents’ and Carers’ Information Evening Welcome.

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2 Year 10 Parents’ and Carers’ Information Evening Welcome

3 Quiz Question 1 You are here Why?

4 Quiz Question 2 What % of Year 10 students are we expecting to achieve a grade A*, A, B or C in their English GCSE in Summer 2017?

5 Quiz Question 3 How many subjects do not have Controlled Assessments/ ISAs or similar?

6 ‘Every Person The Best they Can Be’ – our 4 commitments. 1.Everything is about learning – this is at the core of what we do. 2.We have the highest expectations of every student and ourselves: being the best we can be. 3.This is a place that students and staff want to come to – the Steyning Family. 4.We share a common set of values: a caring, kind and accepting community.

7 Highest Expectations – believing in young people. To develop talent you need: The best possible support – teaching and coaching. Self motivation and belief – wanting to do it. Purposeful hard work and effort.

8 Grit Resilience and Perseverance Growth Mindset Believe Practice Makes Perfect Self Control Deadlines, Revision, Home Learning Social Intelligence Understanding the feeling of others Gratitude Appreciation and Thankfulness Zes t Learn enthusiastically Curiosity Want to Learn Developing Learning Characteristics

9 Why learning characteristics? What do SGS parents believe we should be developing in their children?

10 What is ‘personal empowerment’? Positive Emotion Engagement Relationships Meaning Achievement

11 How do we help students develop PERMA? Curiosity is a strong desire to learn or know something – curious students ask questions Zest is an approach to life filled with excitement and energy – zesty students are always enthusiastic Gratitude is the appreciation of the benefits we receive and the desire to do something nice in return. Understanding others means thinking about other peoples feelings and using what we know to act appropriately. Self control with others means being polite, listening and taking criticism well. Self control with learning means avoiding distractions, doing what the teacher says and being organised. Growth Mindset means understanding that intelligence can be developed through purposeful practice. Grit is resilience to challenges accompanied by perseverance and passion for long term goals. Flourish @SGS

12 How can parents help? Use the report as a conversation starter Growth Mindset Constructive advice Use the words

13 How can parents help? Showing a growth mindset

14 How can parents help? Helping students develop a growth mindset Demonstrate you believe your child’s potential isn’t limited Reward the effort – not the outcome. Winning isn’t everything but wanting to win is – Vince Lombardi Make clear expectations on the quantity and quality of practice Help direct students towards help as they try to improve Teachers, friends, relatives Remote access Revision guides and Bitesize The exam board websites Google

15 How can parents help? Constructive advice – the WOOP Think of a short meaningful wish – E.g. I want to get an B in Maths. Wish Imagine the best outcome this will bring – E.g. I will be able to do Maths in the sixth form. It will make me feel really good. Grandad will be proud. Outcome Identify the obstacles in you way – E.g. I am not self-controlled in Maths. I allow Fred to distract me. Obstacles Create an ‘if … then ….’ plan – E.g. If I am distracted by Fred then I will ask the teacher to move seat so I sit further away from him. Plan

16 Want to find out more? Education/35212.html Video s Dr Carol Dweck on Growth Mindset Dr Angela Duckworth on Grit Andrew Sokatch on teaching character How Children Succeed – Paul Tough Bounce – Matthew Syed Books Websites Flourish – Dr Martin Seligman Mindset – Dr Carol Dweck

17 Aims of the Evening Welcome (Mr Wergan) Character Education (Mr Wood) Reports Where are we? GCSE grading 1-9 Controlled Assessments Important dates

18 Week 50 : 50 You are here Year 9Year 10Year 11

19 Quiz Question 2 What % of the Year 10 students are we expecting to achieve a grade A*, A, B or C in their English GCSE in Summer 2017? 0%


21 Learning Characteristic Reports




25 Controlled Assessments How many subjects do not have Controlled Assessments/ ISAs or similar? MathsR.E. Ummm… that’s it, all the others do

26 What are Controlled Assessments? A form of coursework where control levels for each stage are defined by the exam board Tasks are carried out in a supervised classroom They count for 25-60% of your GCSE grade (the rest comes from the exam) The next year (starting from now) is the busiest period

27 Year 10 Trial Exams: 18 th – 28 th April

28 If you could offer your Year 10 self one piece of advice… Year 10 and Year 11 go really quickly – REALLY quickly! This is your last full year – make the most of it. Start acting like a Year 11 now: revise, ask questions, use your time wisely Ask for help. But first of all: help yourself Controlled Assessments take up LOADS of time. You have to plan around them.

29 When are you starting? Need to focus on my revision Soon, really soon. Me too. Just about to start revision Any second now… Did you see that cat barking on YouTube? Now that sounds important… How to study NOT Ben

30 Important dates for your diaries Tuesday 2 nd February Parents Information Evening drop in clinic Exam Guidance Booklet emailed home Information regarding parents evening emailed Wednesday 2 nd March X Band Parents Consultation Evening Thursday 10 th March Y Band Parents Consultation Evening Monday 18 th – Thursday 28 th April Y10 Internal Exams Wednesday 8 th June Y10 Trial Results Day Thursday 9 th June Annual Reports home

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