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Invertebrates. Characteristics Of Animals ► Eukaryotes ► Multicellular ► Heterotrophs ► Lack cell walls ► Vertebrates  Backbone ► Invertebrates  No.

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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrates. Characteristics Of Animals ► Eukaryotes ► Multicellular ► Heterotrophs ► Lack cell walls ► Vertebrates  Backbone ► Invertebrates  No."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrates

2 Characteristics Of Animals ► Eukaryotes ► Multicellular ► Heterotrophs ► Lack cell walls ► Vertebrates  Backbone ► Invertebrates  No Backbone

3 Animal Functions ► Homeostasis ► Feedback Inhibition  Product or process that limits that stops or limits a process ► Feeding, Respiration, circulation, Excretion, Response, Movement Reproduction

4 Animal Developement ► Gametes (sex cells)  Unite to form Zygote ► Blastula  Zygote that has divided an began to hollow out ► Protostome  Mouth formed first ► Deuterostome  Anus formed first

5 Early Development (continued) ► Endoderm  Inner layer forms digestive tract and respiratory system ► Mesoderm  Middle layer forms muscles, circulatory system, and reproductive organs ► Ectoderm  Outer layer forms skins and sense organs

6 Animal Body Plans ► Nearly every animal exhibits some type of symmetry (sponges) ► Radial Symmetry  Having body parts arranged around the center ► Bilateral Symmetry  Body can be divided into two equal halves

7 Body Plan (continued) ► Segmentation  Repeating body segments ► Cephalization  Concentration of sense organs and nerves at the front of an animal ► Body Cavity  Fluid filled spaces that house internal organs

8 Sponges ► Porifera  Animal phylum that sponges are a member of ► Asymmetrical  No front/back left/right ► Sessile  Live life attached to a single spot

9 Parts of the sponge ► Choanocyte  Cell that uses a flagella to move water through a sponge ► Pore  Hole in a sponge that allows water to enter it ► Osculum  Large opening that water leaves sponge through ► Spicule  Spike shaped structure made of calcium and silica that make them hard

10 Sexual Reproduction in Sponges ► Sperm is released into the water and currents carry it to another sponge ► Internal fertilization occurs between the egg and sperm forming a ► Larva: immature stage of an organism that looks different from the parent

11 Asexual Reproduction ► Budding ► Formation of a complete organism onto the original organism ► Gemmules ► Tough seedlike structure that can survive under harsh conditions

12 Sponge Ecology ► Create Habitat ► Symbiosis  Both organisms benefit ► Move water  Food  Oxygen  Waste ► Commercial


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