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Sport Psychology Katie Ulrich Baker College Online.

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1 Sport Psychology Katie Ulrich Baker College Online

2 Sport Psychology ▪ Lets create a mind-set for success, by simply thinking right! ▪ Confidence: trust that they will deliver their best (Mizzou, 2014) ▪ Concentration: control of the focus of their attention (Mizzou, 2014) ▪ Composure: control of their physiological and emotional arousal (Mizzou, 2014) ▪ Courage: desire and confidence that is greater than their fear (Mizzou, 2014) ▪ Commitment: making the final decision before meeting the challenge (Mizzou, 2014)

3 Foundations of Sport Psychology Coleman Griffith “father of sport psychology” Brue Ogilvie “father of applied sport psychology”

4 Foundations of Sport Psychology Continued...(Ethics) ▪ Competence- ▪ Integrity- ▪ Professional and Scientific Responsibility- ▪ Respect for Peoples Rights and Dignity- ▪ Concern for Others Welfare- ▪ Social Responsibility-

5 Motivation in Sport and Exercise ▪ Self-Confidence and Intrinsic Motivation ▪ Goal Perspective Theory ▪ Youth Sports

6 Effects of Attention, Emotion and Mood on Performance...  Attention and Concentration in Sport and Exercise  Anxiety, Stress and Mood Relationships  Alternatives to Inverted-U Theory

7 Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions... ▪ Coping and Intervention Strategies in Sport ▪ Goal Setting in Sport ▪ Imagery and Hypnosis in Sport ▪ Psychological Skills Training

8 Coping and Intervention Strategies in Sport... Coping Strategies…”Lazarus & Folkman” ▪ Problem-focused and emotion-focused ▪ Dispositional and dynamic hypothesis ▪ Generalizability of coping ▪ Sources of stress and coping Relaxation Strategies… ▪ Progressive relaxation ▪ Autogenic training ▪ Meditation ▪ Biofeedback training ▪ Arousal energizing strategies ▪ Team energizing strategies ▪ Immediate self-energizing strategies

9 Goal Setting in Sport... ▪ Goal setting ▪ Goal Striving

10 Imagery and Hypnosis in Sport Imagery… ▪ Define… ▪ Theories ▪ 4 W’s ▪ Measurement of imagery ▪ Developing imagery skills Hypnosis… ▪ Hypnosis and athletic performance

11 Psychological Skills Training... ▪ Models of psychological skill development ▪ Psychological skills and methods

12 Social Psychology of Sport ▪ Aggression and Violence in Sport ▪ Audience and self-presentation effects in sport ▪ Team cohesion in sport ▪ Leadership and communication in sport

13 Aggression and Violence in Sport... Aggression ▪ Instinct Theory ▪ Social Learning Theory ▪ Reducing aggression in sport Violence ▪ Fan violence ▪ Situational factors in a sport setting

14 Audience and Self-Presentation Effects in Sport... ▪ Social facilitation ▪ Effects of an interactive audience on performance ▪ Home court advantage/disadvantage ▪ Self-presentation effects in sport

15 Team Cohesion in Sport...  Measurements  Determinations  Consequences  Developing

16 Leadership and Communication in Sport... ▪ Fiedler’s cognitive theory ▪ Path-goal theory ▪ Life cycle theory ▪ Smith’s sport psychology contingency model ▪ Jowett model of coach-athlete relationship

17 Psychobiology of Sport and Exercise... ▪ Exercise Psychology ▪ The psychology of athletic injuries and career termination ▪ Negative aspects of sport and exercise

18 Conclusion... ▪ Sport psychology has come a long ways and also plays a critical role in the enhancement of performance for athletes. Over the years sport psychology has seen more recognition throughout the sport community for supporting the athletes mental health and vital aspects while they perform in competition. ▪ Sport psychology needs to keep developing in both the U.S. and other countries, to ensure sports teams service to help with their performance.

19 Reference... ▪ Cox, R. H. (2012) Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill ▪ Google Images. (2015). Google Images. Retrieved from ▪ Mizzou Online. (2014). Lesson 1: A History and Introduction to Sport Psychology. Retrieved from sson01/lesson01.aspx sson01/lesson01.aspx

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