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Terms & Names AddictionObesity Prevention Strategies Important People $100 $500 $400 $300 $200.

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Presentation on theme: "Terms & Names AddictionObesity Prevention Strategies Important People $100 $500 $400 $300 $200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terms & Names AddictionObesity Prevention Strategies Important People $100 $500 $400 $300 $200

2 Topic 1 - $100 This model of health and illness takes into consideration the different systems that are linked together.

3 Topic 1 - $100 What is Biopsychosocial Model

4 Topic 1 - $200 These appear suddenly and do not last long. They aim for immediate action or attention.

5 Topic 1 - $200 What is Acute Stressors

6 Topic 1 - $300 Theory that states due to evolution, males and females have different stress responses, which are adaptive for their sex.

7 Topic 1 - $300 What is: Theory of “Tend and Befriend.”

8 Topic 1 - $400 The World Health Org. created this campaign to serve as a guide for national anti-tobacco strategies.

9 Topic 1 - $400 What is MPOWER, or— Monitor Tobacco Use ; Protect People from Tobacco Smoke ; Offer help to quit ; Warn about the dangers ; Enforce bans on Marketing ; Raise Tobacco Tax.

10 Topic 1 - $500 This is the second stage within the “Change Model.” This stage dictates that a person is aware of a problem and that something should should be done, but there is no commitment.

11 Topic 1 - $500 What is Contemplation

12 Topic 2 - $100 The active ingredient in tobacco is __________.

13 Topic 2 - $100 What is Nicotine

14 Topic 2 - $200 This person found that young smokers associated smoking with fun and pleasure. + $100 for naming the year

15 Topic 2 - $200 Who is Charlton +100 for naming the year:1984.

16 Topic 2 - $300 Cigarette smoking is more common in a specific socio- economic group [according to a study conducted by the CDC in 2007]. Which group?

17 Topic 2 - $300 What is adults who live below the poverty level.

18 Topic 2 - $400 The most effective treatment method for patients with addiction is…

19 Topic 2 - $400 What is Long-Term Cessation Programmes

20 Topic 2 - $500 Psinger studied treatment of addiction, and concluded that the most efficient methods include what two factors?

21 Topic 2 - $500 What is consultations and participation in smoking cessation interventions

22 Topic 3 - $100 According to WHO, obesity is affecting more people than which two conditions?

23 Topic 3 - $100 What is Malnutrition and Hunger

24 Topic 3 - $200 During evolutionary selection, Humans evolved to become obese due to…

25 Topic 3 - $200 What is storing fat when food is available, for when food is scarce.

26 Topic 3 - $300 Sociocultural Health Psychologists have linked the cause of obesity to…

27 Topic 3 - $300 What is sedentary lifestyles [of modern people]

28 Topic 3 - $400 This argues that obese people may not eat more than the non-obese, but simply proportionally more fat content.

29 Topic 3 - $400 What is Fat Proportion Theory of Obesity

30 Topic 3 - $500 What are the two types of drug treatments for obesity?

31 Topic 3 - $500 What is/are appetite suppressants, and lipase inhibitors

32 Topic 4 - $100 The British Government has launched a massive campaign to prevent obesity. The cornerstone of their campaign is?

33 Topic 4 - $100 What are The Eatwell Plate

34 Topic 4 - $200 The anti-obesity prevention strategy in Australia used targeted slogans like “Stride and ride,” What age group was this campaign targeted to?

35 Topic 4 - $200 What is Kids from 0- 12 years

36 Topic 4 - $300 These are surgical options for treating obesity

37 Topic 4 - $300 What is gastric bypass and gastric banding

38 Topic 4 - $400 This therapy aims to change cognitions and eating behavior.

39 Topic 4 - $400 What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

40 Topic 4 - $500 This antidepressant was created in the late 1990’s and acts on the sites in the brain affected by nicotine.

41 Topic 4 - $500 What is Zyban.

42 Topic 5 - $100 This psychologist concluded that stress arises when people perceive a discrepancy between the demands of a situation and their perception of their own resources.

43 Topic 5 - $100 Who is Sarafino

44 Topic 5 - $200 These psychologists created two coping methods: problem focused, and emotion focused.

45 Topic 5 - $200 Who are Lazarus and Folkman

46 Topic 5 - $300 This economists found out that a total growth in weight led to a decrease in physical activity

47 Topic 5 - $300 Who are Lakdawalla and Philipson

48 Topic 5 - $400 This psychologist developed the concept behind false hope syndrome

49 Topic 5 - $400 Who is Polivy

50 Topic 5 - $500 This psychologist developed the Health Belief Model

51 Topic 5 - $500 Who is Rosenstock

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