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Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping. L.O. Identify coping strategies. L.O. Define what is meant by problem-focused and emotion-focused approaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping. L.O. Identify coping strategies. L.O. Define what is meant by problem-focused and emotion-focused approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotion & Problem focused approaches to coping. L.O. Identify coping strategies. L.O. Define what is meant by problem-focused and emotion-focused approaches. L.O. Evaluate the use of problem-focused and emotion-focused approaches to coping with stress.

2 Starter: How are you coping? How are you coping with stress? Identify 5 strategies

3 Folkman & Lazarus (1980) Defined coping responses as ‘Cognitions (thoughts) & behaviours that a person uses to reduce stress and to moderate it’s emotional impact’ Basically we try to cope with stress and manage it effectively.

4 Problem-focused. Coping by attempting to change the problem or event causing the stress. Emotion-focused Coping by the person dealing with their emotional reaction to stress Effective coping reduces the intensity of the stressor and the risk that stress will lead to mental illness

5 Problem-focused. Suggestions What do you do? Emotion-focused Suggestions What do you do?

6 Problem-focused. Seeking assistance from others Confrontation Direct Action Information seeking Logical analysis Problem-solving Emotion-focused Avoidance Denial Distraction Hiding Feelings Humour Exercise Praying Worry Wishful Thinking Discuss what you think these mean?

7 Problem-focused strategies Planful problem solving – developing and implementing plans to deal with an event. Many people avoid or do not recognise the problem. Confronting – tackling the problem head on. (non-confrontational)

8 Emotion-focused strategies Positive appraisal – where a person tries to identify positive and negative stressful situation. Accepting responsibility – People relieved to move from denial to accepting that there is a problem and no one else will sort it out for you.

9 Which do you think is the most useful and why? Problem-focused. Coping by attempting to change the problem or event causing the stress. Emotion-focused Coping by the person dealing with their emotional reaction to stress

10 Emotion or problem focused that is the question!! Depending on an individuals personality and the stressful situation we all have the potential to use both. Research has shown that problem-focused coping is typically used in situations that are perceived to be controllable e.g. work issues. Conversely emotion-based coping is usually used in situations where the stressor is less controllable e.g. terminal illness. The most effective strategy is problem-solving if the individual has a realistic chance of changing the stressor or the aspects that lead to the stressor.

11 What research??? Health-Outcomes Penley et al (2002) A study of nursing students found problem focused was positively correlated with overall good health whereas emotion focused was negatively correlated with overall good health. Control & Coping Park et al (2004) undergraduates described their most stressful event, it’s controllability, how they coped & daily mood. Results again promoted problem focused with more positive outcomes. Threat & Coping Rukholm & Viverais (1983) concluded that if a person feels greatly threatened when exposed to a stressor, they need to deal with this using emotion focused coping first. Only then can they make use of the problem- focused techniques.

12 Billings and Moos (1981) Aim: To investigate which factors cause a person to use either problem- focused or emotion-focused strategies to cope with stress. Method: 200 married couples completed questionnaire asking them how they coped with crises in their lives. Results: Generally, more problem-solved strategies are used than emotion- based. However, women did use emotion-focused to a greater extent. All participants used emotion-focused strategies when faced with loss such as bereavement. Conclusion: Use of the two strategies varies according to gender and type of event.

13 Evaluation of Problem-focused and emotion-focused strategies Different events require different strategies. Confronting and accepting responsibility only works if you can do something about the stressful situation. A behavioural response may combine more than one coping strategy.  Most of the research on coping strategies has focused on the type of strategy rather than the effectiveness of the strategy. More research should be done.

14 Defence Mechanisms Psychodynamic theory suggests that the EGO uses a number of coping strategies to deal with stress and conflict called DEFENCE MECHANISMS. They operate at an unconscious level by defending the person against the full force of reality by distorting or denying reality.

15 Denial Regression Rationalisation Repression Projection What do these mean?

16 Defence Mechanism DescriptionExample DenialRefusing to acknowledge a stressful event is happening. Not thinking about a close friend who has cancer RegressionThe person responds to stress by regressing or returning to a childhood period which gives them comfort. tantrum Rationalisation(Intellectualisation) – emotional feelings are replaced with logical analysis. Reading a medical book about a disease RepressionPerson unconsciously pushes memory of an unpleasant stressful event from awareness. Forgetting ProjectionThe problem is projected or attributed to another person. Focusing on another person’s alcohol problem instead of ones own

17 Evaluation of Defence Mechanisms Denial, repression and intellectualisation – can be seen as emotion-focused strategies. Defence mechanisms reduce the intensity of the emotional response of the stressor Operate on the unconscious level – difficult to study scientifically and establish their effectiveness. Defence mechanisms may help in short term as person adjusts but will not help cope with long term stress. For example, when diagnosed with cancer a defence mechanism will give you time to come to terms with this stressor.  Avoidance strategies – avoids tackling the problem  Problem-solving more effective

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