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Incident Command System and Unified Command USCG Sector San Diego Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) Zone.

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Presentation on theme: "Incident Command System and Unified Command USCG Sector San Diego Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) Zone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incident Command System and Unified Command USCG Sector San Diego Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) Zone

2 Agenda Incident-specific response organization within USCG Sector San Diego FOSC zone – UC composition – ICS organization

3 UC Composition in San Diego (Memorandum of Agreement, 1994) Known RP Unknown RP USCG FOSC (Captain Jon Spaner) SOSC, OSPR (Warden Jack Prescott) RP USCG FOSC, Captain Jon Spaner SOSC, OSPR Warden Jack Prescott

4 ICS Organization Built on demand, by demand ACP identifies MOST agencies/organizations with authority, jurisdiction, and capability to respond ACP identifies SOME non-government/non-profit organizations with “passion, resources, commitment” to respond State of California Oil Spill Contingency Plan ( describes many governmental, non-governmental, non-profit/volunteer agencies and organizations ICS organization determined by complexity of incident characteristics: number, type, location, size, severity, extent, resource demands, etc.


6 ICS delivers a way to organize No single agency has the capability, competency, or capacity to respond in isolation U.S. domestic incident management predicated upon partnering across government, non-government/ non-profit, private sector, academia, volunteer groups, and citizens We are all stakeholders: “Whole-of-government”, “whole-of-community”, “whole-of-nation”, “whole- of-planet”

7 ICS Participation per USCG Sector San Diego ACP Federal – USCG Sector San Diego – NCP Special Teams USCG National Strike Force (Pacific Strike Team) USCG District Response Advisory Team (USCG District Eleven) USCG National Pollution Funds Center (Washington, D.C.) USCG Public Information Assist Team (Norfolk, Virginia) US Environmental Protection Agency (Region IX) National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, Scientific Support Coordinator (Mr. Jordan Stout) US Navy Supervisor of Salvage

8 ICS Participation, cont. per USCG Sector San Diego ACP Federal US Department of the Interior – US Fish and Wildlife Service – National Marine Fisheries Service – US National Park Service US Department of Commerce – NOAA – National Weather Service US Department of Health and Human Services – Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (for hazardous materials response) – Centers for Disease Control (for oil spill response) US Department of Transportation – Federal Railroad Administration – Federal Aviation Administration – National Transportation Safety Board US Navy Region Southwest

9 ICS Participation, cont. per USCG Sector San Diego ACP State Agencies – California Department of Fish and Wildlife/Office of Spill Prevention and Response (SOSC) – Oiled Wildlife Care Network (OWCN-member facility at SeaWorld San Diego) – California Department of Parks and Recreation – California Office of Emergency Services – California State Lands Commission – Regional Water Quality Control Board – California Coastal Commission – Office of Historical Preservation – California Highway Patrol

10 ICS Participation, cont. per USCG Sector San Diego ACP Local Agencies – City governments (Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, National City, Oceanside, San Diego, Solana Beach) – San Diego Unified Port District/Harbormaster – San Diego County Office of Emergency Services – San Diego Sheriff’s Department – San Diego Harbor Police Department – San Diego Police Department – Oceanside Police Department – San Diego County Hazardous Materials Division – San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, Hazardous Materials Incident Response Team – San Diego Metropolitan Medical Strike Team – Marinas, Yacht Clubs, Fishing Fleets

11 ICS Participation, cont. per USCG Sector San Diego ACP Other listed groups – Marine Pilots Association – Project Wildlife – Friends of the Sea Lion – Marine mammal Center – National Audubon Society – Ocean Conservancy – Pacific Wildlife Care Center – San Diego Coastkeeper – Save Our Shores – Sierra Club – Surfrider Foundation – Scripps Institution

12 Conclusion – No single agency has the capability, capacity, or competency to respond in isolation and meet national, regional, local, and international priorities and expectations – Partnering is central to facilitating the “Best Response” – Discussion and Questions

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