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Welcome to the Year 8 Parents’ Information Evening 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Year 8 Parents’ Information Evening 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Year 8 Parents’ Information Evening 2015

2 Presentations by Mr Schofield – Assistant Principal – Head of Learning for Year 8 Mrs Shakespeare – Vice Principal Daniela Di Nolfo - PTA

3 Year 8 Pastoral Team Additional support available from: School Counsellor Family Support Worker Head of Learning and Assistant Principal Mr Schofield Assistant Head of Learning Miss Eglon Student Support Co-ordinator Mrs Mills Form Tutors 8JEBMiss Brewer 8ADMiss Davies 8PGMrs Greenhouse / Mrs Earl 8LJMiss Jackson 8PMMr Martin 8FQDr Qureshi 8MSAMiss Sasarean

4 Contact with Form tutors

5 Objectives To provide curriculum and assessment information To provide general information, support and advice

6 Curriculum and Assessment Subjects studied Lessons per subject ‘Core’ subjects: brief summary Changes in the news Attainment and progress measures

7 Lesson distribution English4 (including 1 ‘literacy’) Maths4 Science4 MFL4 (2 per language) Geography2 History2 RE1 Drama1 DT2 Art1 Music1 PE2 ICT1 PSHE1 Total30

8 Year 8: Changes from Year 7 and key points No longer taught in Tutor Groups Setting in Maths & Science based on performance in Year 7. Students study 2 nd foreign language (MFL) and some setting in MFL. English classes are mixed ability. Mixed ability groups (‘Olympian’) for other subjects

9 English: structure Year is divided into two ‘bands’ Mixed ability sets throughout both bands Students work in two groupings Colours – mixed ability Shapes – similar ability

10 English: structure Assessed each half term on: Speaking & Listening Reading Writing Classes told when assessments will take place Work is in an assessment booklet ‘Signed’ off by parent At year end, Year 9 setting based on all assessment data

11 English: content Current theme: Poetry and Art (write or study a poem based on a painting) They should know the word… ‘ekphrastic’

12 Ekphrastic poetry Writing that comments upon another art form, for instance a poem about a photograph or a novel about a film. Links between poetry and art:

13 Edward Hopper painted this in 1929. What do you think is happening in this painting?

14 Discuss the following with your neighbour – think of a story: a. Who is the lady in the green top? b. Who is the lady in the blue hat? c. Why have they met? d. What are they talking about? e. Do you think they are happy, sad, angry etc? Why?

15 Mathematics: structure Year is divided into two ‘bands’ Ability based sets in both bands Taught in topics Regular testing throughout year Class teacher will tell class of dates Year end & in year test data used for Yr 9 sets

16 Mathematics: content ‘familiar themes but at a higher level’ Uses the ‘Collins’ teaching package: Mymaths: will continue to be used Later in the year will introduce ‘Collins Connect’ (on line resource linked to course)

17 Science: structure Year is divided into two ‘bands’ Ability based sets in both bands Taught in modules Tests: end of each module end of term dates advised by class teacher

18 Science: content Course covers Biology, Chemistry and Physics in identifiable modules All classes do same modules but not in same order, examples are:- Biology: food, diseases Chemistry: chemistry of solutions, metals Physics: Light, Motion

19 Modern Foreign Languages: MFL Students study two languages French & German or French & Spanish Ability based classes Tested termly on 4 key skills Writing Speaking Listening Reading

20 Humanities : structure Taught in ‘Olympian’ groupings. These are mixed ability. Groups created ‘randomly’ not by friendships Humanities subjects are Geography and History. RE; Drama; IT; Art and Music are also taught in these groupings.

21 Curriculum: ‘Changes in the news’

22 There’s lots in the news, most will seem a long way off, but some changes will impact on current year 8 in due course… Be aware of, (but don’t worry about..) GCSE grade system moving from letters to numbers (9-1 replaces A*-G) New GCSE course content starting from this September… but not in all subjects at once

23 How is Attainment measured? Using the level system (as used in SATs) Numerical levels, plus sub levels Sub levels = A, B, C E.g. 4C, 4B, 4A (4A is the higher level)

24 What level of progress should I expect? Expected progression – 2 sub-levels of progress during the year Student starting on level 5C By year end progressed to 5A Student starting on level 5A By year end progressed to 6B

25 How and when is my child assessed? How? Through homework, testing, classwork, project work, questioning. Students also regularly assess themselves and each other. When? Classes are told when tests will take place: no surprises.

26 Curriculum Summary Students should enjoy the range of subjects They should look for the ‘extension’ in areas studied before They will be some of the first students to study ‘new’ GCSEs

27 Mrs Shakespeare

28 C1 – Students exhibits poor behaviour/low-level disruption. C1 is given – no sanction is given and no record is taken. Chance C2 - Student chooses to continue with poor behaviour. C2 is given and a 20 minute same day detention. Student and teacher to discuss in this time the poor behaviour and its effect. Choice C3 – Student continues to behave poorly. Student is removed to CAM and will receive 45 minute CAM det (if escalation occurs to SLT). Student will receive A 1 hour 30 min SLT detention. Consequence Behaviour for Learning

29 Student diary page

30 Celebrating achievement at Heathside Achievement points system Principal’s breakfast every half-term

31 School will: Teach your child about staying safe though assemblies and coverage of E Safety issues Use the ‘Securus’ monitoring system Promote new technologies as an aid to teaching and learning Key advice to parents: Be aware of what your child is doing online Keep devices in communal areas Keep channels of communication open! Please report your concerns E Safety update

32 Heathside PTA Please support PTA events Offer ‘ time’ help if you can Provide financial help if it is appropriate

33 Key Year 8 information – Mr Schofield Communication of Progress Key dates Reports Progress Monitoring

34 More helpful information Homework – Schoology School Gateway Office 365 and Remote Access Parents on-line booking system

35 Weblinks

36 ICT support 4) Any IT queries can be emailed to be

37 Additional support for students Miss White – SENCo and Head of Inclusion Mrs Sedgwick – School Counsellor Mrs Atkinson- Family Support Worker Anti-Bullying policy

38 One-way system

39 Thank you for coming. Please fill out the evaluation form. Have a safe journey home.

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