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Night of the Scorpion L/O: Learning about the context and main ideas of the poem.

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Presentation on theme: "Night of the Scorpion L/O: Learning about the context and main ideas of the poem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Night of the Scorpion L/O: Learning about the context and main ideas of the poem.

2 Nissim Ezekiel Nissim Ezekiel was born in Bombay to Jewish parents in 1924. He was raised in a Hindu culture and was influenced by atheist views. As a Jew living in a Hindu society Ezekiel was something of an outsider. ‘ Not being Hindu I cannot identify myself with India's past as a comprehensive heritage or reject it as if it were mine to reject’. He wrote about modern India and the little mysteries of everyday life.

3 The Night of the Scorpion What is Night of the Scorpion about? The poem is about the night when a woman (the poet's mother) in a poor village in India is stung by a scorpion. Concerned neighbours pour into her hut to offer advice and help. All sorts of cures are tried by the neighbours, her husband and the local holy man, but time proves to be the best healer - 'After twenty hours / it lost its sting.'. After her ordeal, the mother is thankful that the scorpion stung her and not the children.

4 Reincarnation The Hindu belief in reincarnation is in Night of the Scorpion. This is the idea that when individuals die the spirit leaves the body and is reborn into a new body. A person’s new self on reincarnation is determined by the good (or bad) things he or she has committed in his or her preceding life.

5 What Happens? LinesWhat is happening? 1 - 7The scorpion comes into the home to escape the rain and stings the poet’s mother 8 - 33 34 - 48 There are three main parts to the poem. Do you know what they are? The first one has been done for you

6 Night of the Scorpion I remember the night my mother was stung by a scorpion. Ten hours of steady rain had driven him to crawl beneath a sack of rice. Parting with his poison - flash First person The poet’s mother Alliteration Scorpion is just Trying to stay dry Religious imagery Stung the mother

7 of diabolic tail in the dark room – he risked the rain again. The peasants came like swarms of flies and buzzed the name of God a hundred times to paralyse the Evil One. Religious imagery to show The scorpion is demonic Scorpion is afraid and risks the rain to get away from the people Symbolic of the Devil – capitalised To make it a name Simile which makes the peasants seem panic- stricken and illogical Sets the scene by showing it’s a poor Indian house

8 With every movement that the scorpion made his poison moved in Mother's blood, they said. May he sit still, they said. May the sins of your previous birth be burned away tonight, they said. Superstition shows how ill-educated the peasants are Sounds like a prayer, but having the same word At the start of so many lines makes this reaction Seem repetitive and unsympathetic Talking about reincarnation – they think she will die

9 May your suffering decrease the misfortunes of your next birth, they said. May the sum of evil balanced in this unreal world against the sum of good become diminished by your pain. Reincarnation again. Religious imagery Pain is seen as a way of cleansing the soul before the next life

10 May the poison purify your flesh of desire, and your spirit of ambition, they said, and they sat around on the floor with my mother in the centre, the peace of understanding on each face. More candles, more lanterns, more neighbours, more insects, and the endless rain. Shows the superstition about the afterlife They think that she is going to die. Repetition of the word more

11 My mother twisted through and through, groaning on a mat. My father, sceptic rationalist, trying every curse and blessing, powder, mixture, herb and hybrid. he even poured a little paraffin upon the bitten toe and put a match to it. The event was so serious that his father tried anything to save her. Desperation.

12 I watched the flame feeding on my mother. I watched the holy man perform his rites to tame the poison with an incantation. After twenty hours It lost its sting. My mother only said Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my children. Repetition Personification of the flame/ alliteration. Chanting Shows the nature of a mother’s love. Separate stanza concluding the story. The mother is rational which contrasts with the villages. Time was the only healer.

13 Imagery Look at the description of the village peasants. What does the imagery suggest about them? The Images Notes on the images they ‘came like swarms of flies’ they ‘buzzed the name of God’ They threw ‘giant scorpion shadows /on the mud-baked walls’ They ‘clicked their tongues’

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