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P ACKET R OUTE T RACER OF W EB R EQUEST Under The Extreme Guidance: Miss.D.Vandhana Presented by: Asst.ProfessorM.Vanamali ( 09RA1A1235) V.Vani padmini(

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Presentation on theme: "P ACKET R OUTE T RACER OF W EB R EQUEST Under The Extreme Guidance: Miss.D.Vandhana Presented by: Asst.ProfessorM.Vanamali ( 09RA1A1235) V.Vani padmini("— Presentation transcript:

1 P ACKET R OUTE T RACER OF W EB R EQUEST Under The Extreme Guidance: Miss.D.Vandhana Presented by: Asst.ProfessorM.Vanamali ( 09RA1A1235) V.Vani padmini( 09RA1A1236) M.Surendar ( 09RA1A1233)

2 I NTRODUCTION Many web applications use IP address to find the geographical location of the web site visitors.

3 E XISTING SYSTEM The network path tracers currently available are good enough for the basic requirement to display the IP addresses of intermediate routers.

4 P ROPOSED SYSTEMS We in our application wrapped the same thing into a much more convenient package, overcoming the drawbacks of earlier applications.

5 M ODULES Trace route component Location Service Component GUI Map

6 T RACE ROUTE COMPONENT o This module deals with developing a class library which has classes that implement Trace Route functionality.

7 L OCATION S ERVICE C OMPONENT This module involves grabbing the data location, using classes which communicates to the “HostIP.Info” or “Maxmind” implementing the web service.

8 GUI M AP The GUI Map is made up of all currently loaded GUI Map files.

9 S OFTWARE R EQUIREMENTS Microsoft.NET framework 3.5 Microsoft C#.Net Technology Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE XML Microsoft Virtual Earth API

10 H ARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processor : Intel Pentium 4 Ram : 1 GB Hard disk : 40 GB hard disk

11 Any Queries?

12 Thank you.

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