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_SV8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_ mode=1&safe=active _SV8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_.

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Presentation on theme: "_SV8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_ mode=1&safe=active _SV8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_."— Presentation transcript:

1 _SV8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_ mode=1&safe=active _SV8&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_ mode=1&safe=active

2 Assignment Handout – Periodic Table. –Color: Metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids –Label All groups and families from the book.

3 Periodic Table In 1869, a Russian chemist named Dmitri Mendeleev came up with a way of organizing the elements that were known at the time. He set them out in order of atomic weight, and then grouped them into rows and columns based on their chemical and physical properties.

4 Periodic Table Group (Family) – is any column of elements within the periodic table. Within any of the 18 groups, chemical and physical properties are similar but not identical.

5 Periodic Table Period – is a row within the periodic table. Along each row, properties vary according to the columns.

6 _SV8&safe=active _SV8&safe=active The periodic table (rapping version)

7 Periodic Table Lanthanide Series – contains “rare earth” elements 57 – 71.

8 Periodic Table Actinide Series – contains elements which all contain unstable nuclei, and so are radioactive. (89 – 103). Elements 93 and all above 95 are not found in nature, but are produced in a lab.

9 Alkali Metals What are the KEY properties of the Alkali Metals??? http :// mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active 7_256k.asf fety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

10 Periodic Table Alkali Metals – Column #1 soft, gray, reactive metals with low density. Very reactive. Tend to lose 1 electron.

11 Alkaline Earth Metals What are the KEY properties of the Alkaline Earth Metals??? f

12 Periodic Table Alkaline Earth Metals – Column #2 dark metals with relatively low densities. Reactive tend to lose 2 electrons.

13 Periodic Table Transition Metals – Columns 3 –12, Varied metals, tend to be high densities. 1 or 2 outer electrons, brightly colored.

14 Periodic Table Halogens – Very reactive nonmetal gases, tend to gain an electron in bonding. (Also Hydrogen).

15 Periodic Table Noble Gases – NON-Reactive gases with full outer level, all very low densities.

16 Periodic Table Stair Step Line – Metalloids – Both properties of metals and nonmetals.

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