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Earth Chemistry CH 1. The Periodic Table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth Chemistry CH 1. The Periodic Table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth Chemistry CH 1. The Periodic Table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements relates to atomic structure.

2 Matter Atom – the basic unit of matter. Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons make up an Atom. Protons – positive charge Electrons – negative charge Neutrons – no charge

3 Elements Atomic Number - the number of protons and number of electrons. Atomic Mass - the number of protons + neutrons.



6 Elements are arranged: Vertically into Groups Horizontally Into Periods

7 Each atom has the same number of electrons in it’s outermost shell. An example… Groups

8 The group 2 atoms all have 2 electrons in their outer shells Be (Beryllium) Atom Mg (Magnesium) Atom

9 The number of outer or “valence” electrons in an atom effects the way an atom bonds. The way an atom bonds determines many properties of the element. This is why elements within a group usually have similar properties.

10 If you looked at an atom from each element in a period you would see…

11 Each atom has the same number of electron holding shells. An example… PERIODS

12 The period 4 atoms each have 4 electron containing shells K (Potassium) Atom Fe (Iron) Atom Kr (Krypton) Atom 4 th Shell

13 Each group has distinct properties The periodic Table is divided into several groups based on the properties of different atoms.

14 Alkali Metals Soft, silvery colored metals Very reactive!!! http://www.lyon. edu/webdata/U sers/DMcDowel l/GenChem/alka lishow.html

15 Alkali Metals reacting with water: Li (Lithium) Na (Sodium) K (Potassium) Rb (Rubidium) Cs (Cesium) What would you expect from Francium?!?!

16 Alkaline Earth Metals Silvery-White Metals Fairly reactive Many are found in rocks in the earth’s crust

17 Transition Metals Malleable (easily bent/hammered into wires or sheets) Most are good Conductors of electricity

18 How many things can you think of that have Transition Metals in them?


20 Metalloids lie on either side of these “stairsteps” They share properties with both metals and non-metals

21 What are semiconductors used in?

22 Nonmetals Brittle Do not conduct electricity

23 Most are Poisonous Fairly reactive Halogens

24 Unreactive Gases at room temperature Noble Gases

25 Lanthanide Series Actinide Series

26 Ch 4 Study Guide 1.How do chemical properties differ from physical properties? 2.Define element. 3.Name three basic subatomic particles and give the charges associated with each. 4.Which type of bonding includes the sharing of electrons? 5.What sets an atom of one element apart from the atoms of all other elements? 6.Define isotopes.

27 7. Distinguish between ionic bonds and covalent bonds. 8. Describe where metals, nonmetals, and metalloids are found on the periodic table of elements. 9.Explain why a water molecule has polar covalent bonds. 10.Compare atomic number, mass number, and atomic mass.

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