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1. District Overview Population: 52,96,741 Approx 25% of Delhi’s Population 2 nd Highest Populated in shortlisted districts Area :7493 Sq. Km Including.

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Presentation on theme: "1. District Overview Population: 52,96,741 Approx 25% of Delhi’s Population 2 nd Highest Populated in shortlisted districts Area :7493 Sq. Km Including."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 District Overview Population: 52,96,741 Approx 25% of Delhi’s Population 2 nd Highest Populated in shortlisted districts Area :7493 Sq. Km Including most of GHMC Sex Ratio:961 Literacy:75.87% No of Govt. School :2264 No of Pvt. Schools :2495 No of School Children:11,01,937 Approx Population of J&K (19 th highest state) 2

3 Swachh Vidyalaya Toilets with Running Water Maintenance & Hygiene Community Involvement Behavioural Transformation Contents 3

4 Swachh Vidyalaya Toilets with Running Water Maintenance & Hygiene Community Involvement Behavioural Transformation 4

5 The Toilet Plinth Area 110.18 sft. Estimated Cost Rs.1.25 Lakhs Minimum Estimated Cost 4 Urinals 1 Water Closet 1 Handwash Tiles for Flooring and dadoing Polyethelene Overhead Tank with water supply and sanitary fittings Water Source 5

6 Toilet Block at UPS Narepally, Ghatkesar Mandal 6 Toilet Block at ZPHS Athevelly, Medchal Mandal

7 7

8 Toilets in School * Toilets defined as one functioning unit per gender 8

9 Construction & Repairs Sl NoNature of WorkGovt.PSUTotal 1No of Toilets Built 387792 1179 2No of Toilets Repaired 4210 Total 808792 1600 9

10 Progress on Construction of Toilets 10

11 Technology Web Portal, Android App Bank Linkage Payment Online to SMC Accounts Tracking Only Payments Community: Sarpanch and SMC Quality Monitoring Speed of Execution Additional Resources Teams made with district level officers: OSDs Engineering Department for quality monitoring Monitoring 11

12 Photographs of toilets taken in two phases one at initial stage and other in final stage List of sanctioned works communicated to community GPs directed to write on wall District Level OSDs reviewed progress of work. Mandal Level convergence meetings held with SSA Staff, Mandal Educational Officers, Head Masters, Tahasildar and MPDO. Meeting with community members like Head Masters, SMC Chair person, Contractor and local public representatives Implementation 12

13 Monitoring Proforma

14 Sl No Stage of Construction FlexibilityTransparency 1Finalizing of model unit & cost PSUs fixed unit cost and model to suit local needs. Government build units modified to suit ground factors SMCs involved in customizing model to suit local needs All sanctioned works shared with GPs for writing on wall 2Identifying Construction Agencies Private Sector given first choice to choose locations. Construction agency & contractor decided by private sector Construction of Government funded school toilets by contractor identified by SMC Reduction in time to ground project 3Monitoring Done through mobile & web based platform Only parameter monitored was payments Community involved in stage by stage monitoring 4Payment Immediate disbursal of funds, no delays Payment done only through SMCs Direct transfer into bank accounts Transparency & Flexibility 14

15 And Just When We Thought It Was Over… Construction of Addl. Toilet Block @ ZPHS Rajiv Gandhi Nagar 15

16 Swachh Vidyalaya Toilets with Running Water Maintenance & Hygiene Community Involvement Behavioural Transformation 16

17 WASH Campaign re-launched with the Swachh Vidyalaya Program Workshops conducted at District, Block, School Level Implemented several localized programs with help of corporate and NGOs “Hygiene Education in Primary Schools” as part of Dettol – Banega Swachh India campaign HMs given orientation on Swachh Patashala and provided booklets. Awareness through human chains, soap rallies School Committee with students and teacher to oversee hand wash Behavioral Changes 17 Battery of Taps & Toilet Block @ MPPS Baspally, Doma Mandal

18 Battery of Taps @ ZPHS MP Patelguda, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal 18 Soap Rally @ ZPHS Yacharam, Ibrahimpatnam Mandal

19 Swachh Vidyalaya Toilets with Running Water Maintenance & Hygiene Community Involvement Behavioural Transformation 19

20 Earmarked Budget for Hygiene Increased Funding For Maintenance Minimum Rs.250/- per month from the SSA Grants Rs.750/- under RMSA Grants Mandal level monitoring : pictures on Whatsapp Maintenance of database of cleaning staff With Contact Numbers Community Involvement Gram Sarpanch and SMC Water & Sanitation Committee Civil Society & CSR NGOs invited to and adopted schools BPCL, TCS and Bharath Dynamics Ltd. Entered MoU to provide maintenance amount of Rs.3000/- to all the 491 Schools (approx 20% of Schools) Maintenance 20

21 No of Schools in the District : 2264 Schools with Hand Pump: 463 Schools with Tap Water & Bore well: 1065 Other Source (Through GP): 736 IN 2015-16 Academic Year Syntex tanks, Pipeline Connection: 504 RO Plants: 208 Running Water 21

22 Student Committees in all the schools to check personal hygiene: Brushing teeth, clean clothes & nails and wearing footwear Hygiene discussed daily during morning assembly Menstrual Hygiene: CSR from companies P&G 2427 to provide Sanitary Napkins to girls from 11 High Schools from the month of Sep-15. More corporate support is being sought In case of upper primary and high schools, ensuring that at least one girls toilet has covered dustbin for disposing used sanitary napkins Hygiene 22

23 Swachh Vidyalaya Toilets with Running Water Maintenance & Hygiene Community Involvement Behavioural Transformation 23

24 Swachh Vidyalaya stepping stone to Swachh Bharat School and Community feedback loop Gram Jyothi: Community guided village development Water and Sanitation Committees in all Villages Involved in ensuring water supply and maintenance of toilets A challenge for a district in second consecutive drought year Teachers & HMs Community targeted too Wholesome competition encouraged : BEST Awards Teachers contributed personally to fill gaps Community Led Total Sanitation 24

25 Harithaharam launched by GoTS in 2015 Green cover to state Plantation of trees taken up in large scale 36950 trees planted in schools In view of drought, handwash clubbed with trees Committees formed in schools to water plants daily. Private partnership to supply tree guards. Harithaharam 25

26 Corporate Partners 26

27 70% of district is urban Large number of corporate and NGOs CSR & NGO support taken for Construction of toilets Obtaining money to maintain the toilets Obtaining digitized learning material RO plants and safe drinking water Supply of milk to schools Building of libraries in schools Corporates & Private Sector 27

28 Swachh Vidyalaya Toilets with Running Water Maintenance & Hygiene Community Involvement Behavioural Transformation 28

29 Hon’ble Supreme Court Inspection Committee 29 Three Man Committee headed by Sr Advocate Sh Ashok Gupta set up by the Hon’ble Supreme Court was satisfied by Ranga Reddy’s maintenance of Toilets at Schools

30 Construction Phase Round II: Increase the minimum no of units target Swachh Vidyalaya: A holistic plan Construction of toilets only step 1 Increased maintenance funds through SSA Swachh Vidyalaya to be made a subject for teachers under inservice trainings. Institutionalize community involvement SMCs & Village sanitation committees to be participate in school hygienic programme. Provide a framework to monitor and alter behavioral transformation Improvements 30

31 Thank You 31

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