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2 AGENDA  Welcome/Opening Comments  Project Overview  Goal/Outcome  Purpose  Comprehensive Plan  Goals, Objectives & Policies Future Land Use Element Future Land Use Map Housing Element Transportation Element Infrastructure Elements Conservation and Recreation Related Elements Intergovernmental Coordination Element Economic Element Public Schools Facilities Element  Next Steps  Public Comment

3 Project Overview  January 2013: Board of County Commissioners Directs Staff to Streamline Comprehensive Plan following the Land Development Code Update.  July 2013: Board of County Commissioners Adopts Land Development Code Update.  August 2013: Growth Services Staff Implements Review of the Existing Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Map.

4 Goal/Outcome  Goal: Strategic Planning Document Providing Opportunities for Economic Development; Ensuring High Quality Development; Maintaining Community Quality of Life; Protecting Natural Resources & Environment; Protecting Property Rights; Maintaining Fiscal Responsibility; and Maximizing Return on Public Infrastructure Investment.  Outcome: Draft Comprehensive Plan Providing a Framework for Marion County’s Future Growth.

5 Purpose  Provide a Comprehensive Vision for the County  Create a Clear, Cohesive, and Transparent Document  Provide Predictability and Consistency  Remove Barriers for the Enhancement of Economic Development  Conserve and Enhance Marion County’s Agricultural and Environmentally Sensitive Lands  Shift Regulatory Language from Plan to Land Development Code  Maintain and Improve Fiscal Responsibility and Cost Savings  Maximize Returns on Infrastructure Investments  Provide for Flexibility and Encourage Innovative Design

6 Process Land Development Code ZoningDevelopment Standards Comprehensive Plan Elements Elements: Goals, Objectives and Policies Future Land Use Map Framework and Vision

7 Comprehensive Plan Elements  Future Land Use (FLUE)/Future Land Use Map (FLUM)  Housing  Transportation  Potable Water  Sanitary Sewer  Stormwater  Solid Waste  Recreation & Open Space  Public School Facilities  Aquifer Recharge  Conservation  Interlocal Coordination  Capital Improvements (Includes 5-Year CIP)  Economic

8 Future Land Use Element CURRENT PLANPROPOSED PLAN  27 Land Uses  2 Goals  LDC Details in Plan  Policies with Multiple Items  Repetition of Similar Issues  Total Pages – 131  13 Land Uses  10 Goals  LDC References in Plan  Policy Items Separated  Policy References  Total Pages – 67 (- 50%)

9 Future Land Use Element CURRENT PLAN PROPOSED PLAN  Introduction  Goal 1 - Element Framework  Goals 1 – 10, except Goal 5 (intermixed)  Goal 2 – Special Area Plans  Goal 2 (DRI/FQD policy)  Goal 10 (policy items)  Appendix A  Goals 2,4, 5, & 7 (intermixed)  Appendix B  Home Occupation (In LDC)  Goals 7 & 8 (intermixed)  Introduction  Goal 1 – Element Framework  Goal 2 – Land Uses  Goal 3 – Urban Growth Boundary  Goal 4 – Administration of Plan  Goal 5 – Changing Regulations  Goal 6 – Facilities & Services  Goal 7 – Overlay Zones  Goal 8 – Resource Protection  Goal 9 – TDR / TVR Programs  Goal 10 – Special Community Planning

10 Future Land Use Element  Density/Intensity Averaging Authorized by Planned Unit Development (PUD); No Longer by Plan Amendment  Wells/Wellfields by Special Use Permit (SUP); No Longer by Plan Amendment  Wellhead/Wellfield Protection Area (WHPA) moved to FLUE from Aquifer Recharge Element  Transfer of Rights Program Expanded to Allow Exchange of Credits for Non-Residential Land Use Increases  Increased Opportunities for Mixed Use Development  Innovative Planning Strategies for Specific Areas

11 Future Land Use Element PROPOSED CURRENT

12 12

13 13

14 Irvine / Sunny Oaks RGAC Citra Reddick McIntosh Farmland Preservation Area 14

15 Citra Farmland Preservation Area 15 Ocala National Forest

16 Sparr Anthony Reddick New RAC HITS RVP Lowell Prison Farmland Preservation Area 16

17 Ft McCoy Salt Springs 17 Ocala National Forest

18 OTOW Ocala Cold Springs DRI Rainbow Lake Estates Village of Rainbow Springs DRI Rainbow Lake Estates Farmland Preservation Area 18

19 Lynne Waldena Silver Springs Silver Springs Shores 19 Ocala National Forest Ocala Silver Springs

20 OTOW Marion Oaks Summerglen MO RGAC MO RGAC Dunnellon Belleview Dunnellon 20 Cross Florida Greenway Village of Rainbow Springs DRI Cold Springs DRI

21 Silver Springs Shores Silver Springs Shores EAST Belleview The Villages 21 Ocala National Forest

22 Housing Element  Refined Applicability and Revised Provisions for Relationship to County.  Streamlined to Consolidate Provisions and Reduce Duplications; Removed Specific Procedure Details for Inclusion in the LDC (where they are currently addressed today).  Element Reduced ±1 Page in Length.  Element Moved Forward to Become 2 nd Element After Future Land Use Element.

23 Transportation Element  Reorganized the Element into Five Key Areas: 1. Functionality of the Transportation System; 2. Land Use and Transportation; 3. Provision of Infrastructure; 4. Freight; (New Goal, Objective, Policies) 5. Mass Transit; and 6. Aviation.  Condensed Level of Service (LOS) Tables into Three Standards Similar to FDOT Policy: 1) Urban, 2) Rural, and 3) Farmland Preservation Area & Scenic Roads.  Streamlined to Consolidate Provisions and Reduce Duplications; Removed Specific Procedure Details for Inclusion in the LDC (where they are currently addressed today).  Element Reduced ±5 Pages in Length

24 Infrastructure Elements SANITARY SEWER POTABLE WATER SOLID WASTE STORMWATERAQUIFER RECHARGE  Simplified other Study/Plan References, so their Updates do not Require a Plan Update.  Streamlined to Consolidate Provisions and Reduce Duplications; Adjusted “Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge” to Simply be “Aquifer Recharge”.  Well/Wellhead/Wellfield Protection: Shifted language to FLUE; Refined Applicability; Revised to Match FDEP; Removed Specific Procedure Details for inclusion in the LDC (where they are currently addressed today).  Each Element Reduced ±1 Page in Length.

25 Intergovernmental Coordination Element Capital Improvements Element  Revised Provisions Regarding Interlocal Agreements (ILAs) – Many are “Optional” as the County can not “Require” Another Agency to Enter into an ILA.  Refined Applicability and Revised Provisions for Relationship to County.  Intergovernmental’s Length Reduced by ±½ page; Capital Improvements’ Length Reduced by ±1 Page.

26 Conservation Element and Recreation & Open Space Element  Revised Environmentally Sensitive Natural Resource References to Correspond to Statute References.  Streamlined to Consolidate Provisions and Reduce Duplications; Removed Specific Procedure Details for Inclusion in the LDC (where they are currently addressed today).  Streamlined and Coordinated References to the Parks & Recreation Master Plan so it Governs.  Conservation’s Length Reduced by ±½; Rec & Open Space’s length Reduced by ±1 Page.

27 Economic Element  Refined Applicability and Revised Provisions for Relationship to County.  Broadened Support of Partnerships with Other Agencies, and Profit & Non-Profit Sectors.  Added References to Community Redevelopment Areas, and Other Similar Areas, as Tools Available for Economic Development Activities.  Added Opportunity/Option to Create an “Economic Development Plan” for the County.  Element Reduced ±1 Page in Length.

28 Public School Facilities Element  Element to be Deleted/Repealed.  Element is Now “Optional” and No Longer “Required”.  County Must Maintain an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the Marion County School Board, Whether or not it has the Element.  Element Essentially “Mirrored” the ILA, so it was Largely Redundant, Except for Two Components.  Moved “School Siting Policy” to FLUE.  Moved Schools “Level of Service (LOS) Standard” to the Capital Improvements Element.

29 Next Steps  Revisions and Edits:  November 2013-January 2014  Planning & Zoning Commission (as Local Planning Agency) Public Hearing:  January 6, 2014 @ 6:00 p.m.  Board of County Commissioners Transmittal Consideration Public Hearing:  January 23, 2014 @ 6:00 p.m.

30 Public Comment  Questions/Comments


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