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(R12) SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, on population distribution in Europe. a.Compare how the location,

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Presentation on theme: "(R12) SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, on population distribution in Europe. a.Compare how the location,"— Presentation transcript:

1 (R12) SS6G10 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, natural resources, on population distribution in Europe. a.Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the United Kingdom and Russia affect where people live and how they trade. b. Compare how the location, climate, and natural resources of the Germany & Italy affect where people live and how they work & trade.

2 Essential Question  How does each countries location make it unique in terms of climate, natural resources and population density?

3 “What is Population Density?” you ask.  Population Density is the measure of the number of people per unit area, commonly represented as people per square mile (U.S.A) or square kilometer (the rest of the world).  But Mr. Robertson, how do I compute it?  Great question. To determine an area’s population density, you just have to divide are area’s total population by the land area.  50 people in 2 miles= 25 people per mile

4 What are Natural Resources?  Natural resources are materials provided by the Earth that humans use to make more complex products.  Who can name me some Natural Resources?

5 The United Kingdom

6 UnitedKingdom &Russia

7 United Kingdom

8 United Kingdom Population Density Map

9 Chart to fill out for your notes COUNTRY LOCATION CLIMATE NATURAL RESOURCES UNITED KINGDOM *Highest Population Density in southern Great Britain, around cities. Near WATER!! Islands – NW Europe West of North Sea East of N. Atlantic *Access to many bodies of water *Location makes it an important trade center. MARINE Mild w/ Rainfall all year **Warmer than it should be b/c of the Gulf Stream Coal, Natural Gas Fish Iron Ore Minerals Commercial Agriculture Arable Land : 23% Dairying Livestock Ranching Manufacturing

10 Wait, what was that in green?  Arable Land -Suitable for growing crops or good for farming.  If you are going to have a large population, you need to feed them. If you don’t have enough land to grow food on you will need to IMPORT food.  Import means to bring in to your country.  Export means to send out of your country.




14 Now a cool chart for Russia COUNTRY LOCATION CLIMATE NATURAL RESOURCES RUSSIA *Highest Population Density is found in Western (European) Russia Spans Eastern Europe & Northern Asia Northern Coasts remain frozen most of the year Major Ports: St. Petersburg Murmansk Major Corridor: Volga River Long Cold Winters Short Mild Summers *A little bit warmer in European Russia Forestland Oil Coal Natural Gas Iron ore Minerals Commercial Agriculture Arable Land : 10% Manufacturing


16 Germany


18 German Population Density Map

19 You guessed it, Germany COUNTRY LOCATION CLIMATE NATURAL RESOURCES GERMANY *The highest population density is found in the West & South of the Country North Central Europe North- Flat Plains Central- Hilly South- Mountainous Major Corridor: Rhine River MARINE & HIGHLAND West- Winters & Summers are mild w/ plenty of rainfall East- Winters are cold, Summers are warm/hot & dry Forestland Commercial Agriculture Arable Land : 34% Dairying Coal Iron Ore Minerals Fish Manufacturing

20 Italy



23 What the heck, let’s do Italy COUNTRY LOCATION CLIMATE NATURAL RESOURCES ITALY *The highest population density is found in the north & around coastal cities In the south South Central Europe Access to Mediterranean Sea *Though mountainous, Italy has many corridors by land & water allowing much trade Northern Italy has a good mild climate w/ enough rain to grow crops. Mountainous areas have snowy winters & are cooler Southern & coastal areas have a Mediterranean climate w/ dry summers Natural Gas Commercial Agriculture Arable Land : 26% Livestock Ranching Fish Aluminum Minerals Manufacturing

24 Questions for the class  What does arable mean?  What is a natural resource? Give example.  What is population density?  Why are most major cities located near water?  Why do so few people live in Northern Russia?

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