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The Human Body The Parts and Their Functions Double-click to listen to the directions *** Double Click on the box that says By: Your Name Here and type.

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Body The Parts and Their Functions Double-click to listen to the directions *** Double Click on the box that says By: Your Name Here and type."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Human Body The Parts and Their Functions Double-click to listen to the directions *** Double Click on the box that says By: Your Name Here and type your name in the box. Then press okay.

3 The Body Video Double-click to listen to the directions *** Double click on the body video to play the movie.

4 Bones What Do My Bones Do? What Do My Bones Do? My bones make up my skeleton. They hold me up and give me shape. Double-click to listen to the directions *** Read the question and then find the best answer. Once you decide on an answer, delete the other two answers then highlight the remaining answer and change the size of the font to 32.

5 Muscles What do My Muscles Do? What do My Muscles Do? My Muscles make me fly like superman. My muscles make blood for my body to keep it healthy My muscles help move my bones and help pump blood throughout my body. Double-click to listen to the directions *** Read the question and then find the best answer. Once you decide on an answer, delete the other two answers then highlight the remaining answer and change the size of the font to 32.

6 Heart My heart is important because: My heart is important because: It helps me breathe It keeps my blood flowing It helps me break down food Double-click to listen to the directions *** Read the question and then find the best answer. Once you decide on an answer, delete the other two answers then highlight the remaining answer and change the size of the font to 32.

7 Lungs My lungs are important: My lungs are important: And without them I can’t breathe. But I could live without them. And smoking keeps them healthy and strong Double-click to listen to the directions *** Read the question and then find the best answer. Once you decide on an answer, delete the other two answers then highlight the remaining answer and change the size of the font to 32.

8 My body grows as I get older… Please put these pictures in order from youngest to oldest. Please put these pictures in order from youngest to oldest. Double-click to listen to the directions *** Put the pictures in order from youngest to oldest.

9 Who’s heart beats fastest? When my heart beats fast I am strengthening my heart muscle. When my heart beats fast I am strengthening my heart muscle. Double-click to listen to the directions *** Figure out the correct answer. Then highlight and delete the two pictures that do not go with the question. Choose the picture that does go with the question highlight it and drag the corner to make the picture larger to fit in the middle of the screen.

10 Staying Healthy These things help me stay healthy: These things help me stay healthy: Double-click to listen to the directions *** Click on the text box below and create a name for each picture that goes with things that help you stay Healthy. For example, the picture of the kids playing with the pillow is laughing. Laughing keeps you healthy. Write the word laughing next to the picture of the children with the pillows.

11 The All Fit Pledge Double-click to listen to the directions

12 Three ways to keep my body healthy: Double-click to listen to the directions *** Click in the text box and write three ways to keep your body healthy.

13 Double-click to listen to the directions *** Click on the box that says type here. Type in the words The End

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