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Animation By: Mitchell Northern. Game Motion Idle motion is used when the character is not doing anything. These should be about 40 frames long. Running.

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Presentation on theme: "Animation By: Mitchell Northern. Game Motion Idle motion is used when the character is not doing anything. These should be about 40 frames long. Running."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animation By: Mitchell Northern

2 Game Motion Idle motion is used when the character is not doing anything. These should be about 40 frames long. Running motions are used when the character is trying to get somewhere fast or to get away from something. These are about only 18 or fewer frames long. React motions are used to add realism to the game and could be lots of things from turning the head or reacting to fire. This is usually about 15 or fewer frames.

3 Perspectives of View (Game Motion continued) Death motions take lots of forms like falling over backwards and these are usually about 12 frames long. Games can be 1 st or 3 rd person view. 1 st person view puts the camera in POV view. (in my opinion, puts you looking through the character’s eyes) This eliminates most of the animation. 3 rd person view shows all the animation. (the whole character)

4 Movie Skeleton The modelers in movie animation make wire bases for the skeleton of a character. Then they add on workable geometry to the skeleton to make a rig. After that they just add some rough shapes to make block-out the movement. Then the rough layout is used for determining where the characters, lighting,and timing for the scene, etc. This obviously gives a picture of that scene before the animation starts.

5 Movie Scenes (Extra facts also) Then the animators add little doodads to the scene to make effects. Then after all the effects are together they are composted. After these effects are done the movie is sent to the lighting department. They add sound effects to. ( like… BLEEP, BOOM, WHISTLE!!!) In old animation, people drew many static shapes and went through them in quick succession to make the illusion of moving. (you mean SsTtAaTtIiCc electricity?)

6 EXTRA STUFF (continued) The quick succession must be at least 12 frames. In just regular movies it uses the same rule except it is 24 frames. The traditional animation uses a stop-motion camera that shows a frame at a time. This was used to make animation for the first half of the century. Frames are flickers that is too fast for our eyes to make out gaps in it.

7 More Extra Things Cycles are frames you duplicate the first part of and put it at the end.


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