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Faculty Expectations University of Louisville Disability Resource Center.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Expectations University of Louisville Disability Resource Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Expectations University of Louisville Disability Resource Center

2 What Do Faculty Expect? Going to College Podcast http://www.going-to- ml Going To College Going To College Podcast Going To College Going To College Podcast

3 What Faculty Expect Reading the syllabus Going to class and being on time Being an active learner Reading the assigned materials before class Asking the professor when you have questions Turning in assignments on time Being respectful

4 Reading the Syllabus Instructors will tell you about a lot of their expectations through the syllabus. The syllabus will usually include useful information like Overview of the course Learning outcomes Required and recommended materials Instructor’s contact information Descriptions of assignments and exams Important due dates Class policies

5 Going to Class & Being On Time The attendance policy of the course will usually be in the syllabus or explained on the first day of class. If you are unsure, ask. Missing class may cause you to miss not only course content, but also other important information and announcements. Arriving late can distract the professor and your classmates. Always arrive on time.

6 Being an Active Learner Listen to the professor. Ask the professor questions. Participate in class discussions. Take notes.

7 Reading the Assigned Materials Before Class When an assignment is listed on a certain day, it typically means that it is due on that day. Having read the material before class will help you listen better in class. If there is anything you did not understand from the book, you then have the opportunity to ask the professor for clarification in class.

8 Asking the Professor When You Have Questions If you are unsure about something, faculty would certainly prefer that you ask for further explanation rather than never understand it. Faculty have scheduled office hours set aside specifically for students to come visit them with questions and concerns. Asking your professors questions will further your own learning and show the professor that you are engaged.

9 Turning In Assignments On Time Look at your syllabus and note all of the important due dates and exam dates. Know the professors late assignment policy. Late assignments may not be accepted or they may just lose points for each day that they are late. If you are struggling to make a deadline, talk to the professor ahead of time and explain the situation. They may or may not be willing to give you an extension, but at least they will know why the assignment was late.

10 Being Respectful Being respectful in class includes but is not limited to avoiding the following activities: Talking or texting on your cell phone. Sleeping in class. Packing up your belongings before class has ended. Using your laptop to surf the internet rather than to take notes. Being respectful is also important out of the classroom. Address faculty as “Professor” or “Doctor” unless instructed otherwise. Always thank your professor when they help you with something.

11 Faculty Interaction Activity Jerry walks in to the professor’s office a few minutes after their scheduled appointment. “Hi John, sorry I’m late. I do appreciate that you are willing to meet with me.” Jerry looks for his list of questions for Dr. Bagel that he wrote up before the meeting. He opens his notebook and his papers fall on the floor. He then looks in his textbook and finds the folded paper. Then Jerry’s cell phone rings. Jerry apologizes to the professor and looks to see who is calling him. Since it is Jerry’s roommate, he decides to take the quick call. After the phone call, Jerry explains to his professor that he missed class last week and he has heard from his classmates that he missed a pop quiz. Jerry asks Dr. Bagel when he can retake the quiz. Dr. Bagel informs Jerry that he does not let students make up pop quizzes and will have to accept the zero as his quiz grade. Jerry then asks if he missed anything else important that day. Dr. Bagel informs him that all of his lectures are important and should not be missed. Before Jerry leaves, Dr. Bagel tells Jerry that after he gets the missed class notes from a classmate and reads the related chapter, to come back to his office if he has any specific questions about the material, as he’d be happy to clarify the information. Jerry thanks the professor for his help and leaves saying “I am really enjoying your class.”

12 Faculty Interaction Activity (cont.) What things did Jerry do right? What things did Jerry do incorrectly?

13 Corresponding with Faculty Use your college e-mail when e-mailing professors. You should email from, not from Not only is your school email more professional, but also the professor may not know who you are if you use your personal email address. Avoid using slang, text message abbreviations and acronyms. No lol, omg, and so on. Not only might your professor not know what these mean, but they also may find this disrespectful or even offensive. Keep your tone positive and professional. Avoid emoticons. There is no reason to stick your tongue out or wink at your professor. i.e. :P and ;)

14 Corresponding with Faculty Use an appropriate greeting such as “Dr.” or “Professor” and then their name. Include an appropriate subject line. An appropriate subject should relate to the content of the email, such as “Midterm Exam – BIO 101”. Include your class name and time it meets at the end of your e-mail. Proofread your e-mail before you send it. Use spell and grammar check. Include your full name when you sign your email. There may multiple people with your first name in the class!

15 Email Etiquette Activity Going to College Document http://www.going-to- doc Going To College Going To College Document Going To College Going To College Document

16 References Going to College

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