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Survey Training Pack Preparing for the Training Session.

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1 Survey Training Pack Preparing for the Training Session

2 Target Group  Works best if centred around ONE planned survey  Level of involvement of each participant in this survey should ideally be known  Important to understand level of capacity of the group – needs assessment template provided  Most challenging topics: sessions 1, 2, 3 and 4  Group size: not more than 8 to 10 participants for one facilitator  Adaptation to the training materials may be required depending on level of capacity

3 Before Training Session  Venue: ideally a location where participants will not be distracted – budget pending  Classroom setup: should be coherent with methods used during the day  Refining your training plan: clarifying objectives and matching those to proposed methods, tools and techniques  Documents: agenda, course description, evaluation forms, etc.

4 Beginning of Training  Welcome participants: being as warm as possible sets a positive tone for the entire training session  Ice breaker to generate interest and build trust among training participants  Elements to cover in the initial session: ground rules, agenda, expectations and logistical matters  Clarify what is being covered in the training session  Allow for a parking lot: always acknowledge questions and concerns that participants may express

5 Sequence of Training Day Typical sequence of a training day:  Daily recap: dual objective – refresher and energiser  Plan for 3 main breaks during the day: one in the morning, one for lunch and one in the afternoon  Chrono-biological rhythm: lecture is best between 9-11 am, after lunch participants need to move, etc.  Energiser after lunch is generally necessary  End-of-day feedback as well as Q&A

6 Closure of Training  Final recap: remind participants of key messages  Review parking lot to make sure that all questions and comments have been addressed  Revisit expectations – was everything covered?  Course evaluation: oral as well as written is useful  Contact information, links to useful resources, social event and informal certificate (if possible)

7 Adult Learning Recipe for a successful training: StructureFeedback AlternationUtility Meta-cognition (planning, monitoring and evaluating) Learning by doing GamePlan of action PreparationSummarising ActionParticipants are the driving force

8 Methods  Discovery: trainer does nothing; participants discover on their own; necessitates a lot of preparation from the trainer  Demonstration: materials must be carefully prepared, best with smaller groups  Questioning: success depends on trainer’s ability to master the Q&A format  Explanation/telling: no feedback, harder to maintain attention

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