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Welcome To MUS 291 Module 1: Getting Started. Basic Info-Course Meetings Course will be completely on-line.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome To MUS 291 Module 1: Getting Started. Basic Info-Course Meetings Course will be completely on-line."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome To MUS 291 Module 1: Getting Started

2 Basic Info-Course Meetings Course will be completely on-line

3 Introduce Yourself Learning Activity 1: Introduce yourself to your classmates and Dr. Gedde Return to the course Moodle site Click on the Begin Here tab Click on the Introduce Yourself discussion forum Write an introduction for yourself Be sure to tell us the following: Grade level/area you wish to teach Where you are from A few of your favorite things

4 Course Learning Outcomes The learning outcomes or objectives for the course are as follows: # To give you a basic understanding of and the ability to participate in the elements of music and their components as they pertain to the elementary classroom. # To enable students to teach with music in their classroom--- integrate music with core content---music integration. # To enable you to give your future students learning experiences with music for a variety of purposes.

5 Meeting Course Learning Outcomes Course Assignments Overview of Course Assignments 1)On-Line Modules 2)Piggyback Song Project

6 Assignments-On-line Learning Modules For the on-line portion of the class you will complete a learning module. # Each Learning module will consist of the following: A power-point with Dr. Gedde’s classroom instruction Video Clips with Sample activities and discussion questions Other learning activities. End of Module Quiz/Assessment

7 Assignments-Piggyback Song Project 2) Piggyback Song Students will learn about the song form know as piggyback songs Students will create their own piggyback song for their chosen grade level and core content. Students will create a power-point presentation of their song Students will then record themselves teaching me their piggyback song using direct instruction. Piggyback songs will be graded using the piggyback song project grading rubric. (See Piggyback Song Project Tab on Moodle or Module #7).

8 More about On-Line Modules Each Module will consist of a power point presentation. The power point presentation will consist of Dr. Gedde’s classroom instruction. For each learning module you should: Begin by opening the power-point instruction. Read the power-point instruction and complete all power-point learning activities in full as directed within the context of the power- point. Submit relevant learning activities in the required format. Complete the module quiz/assessment.

9 On-Line Module-Other Learning Activities Each module will have learning activities as well as instructive video clips. In addition to video clips, some examples of learning activities include: Reading assignments Discussion Questions Small thinking and writing activities Other short practice assignments to help you practice the content of the module Possible Discussion Board Posts

10 On-Line Learning Modules-Video Clips When a power point contains a sample video clip you should: View the discussion questions associated with the clip Watch and participate fully in the clip as relevant and appropriate. Answer the discussion questions in the required format. This will either be as a part of your other learning activities in a word document. Or as a post on a discussion forum.

11 On-Line Modules-Other Learning Activities Some instructions for completing other learning activities: For many of the 0n-line learning activities you will need to complete them in a word document. Please do the following: Begin one word document and complete all activities in that one document unless otherwise specified. Label each activity with the appropriate number and title. Complete all activities and then submit the document via the module submission portal

12 On-Line Learning Modules--- Other Learning Activities Sometimes the learning activity may require you to complete a separate document or video. # Relevant instructions will be included with the activity in the power-point. # Simply complete as directed and submit as directed.

13 On-Line Learning Modules- Discussion Forums As part of the on-line learning activities you may complete several discussion board activities. All discussion board posts should: Address the relevant topic in detail and in full Utilize professional/academic writing skills Exhibit correct grammar and conventions Use appropriate formal syntax Not use text or slang language. Be Polite and courteous to others Be tolerant of other viewpoints.

14 Grading for On-line Modules Grading for the on-line modules will be based on the following very simple and basic rubric.

15 Module Grading Rubric A=Module is completed in full, demonstrates maximum effort and attention, and is mostly accurate. B=Module is completed in full, demonstrates effort with only minor inconsistencies and has only minor inaccuracies. C=Module is completed in full or may be missing one or two items, shows inconsistent effort and has many inaccuracies. D=Module is not completed in full, effort is inconsistent or much below expectations and has many inaccuracies. Module most be redone

16 On-Line Learning Module Quizzes After completing the on-line learning modules you will complete a brief quiz to help you practice the material from the module. # The goal is that you practice and review the information therefore you may use the module to take the quiz.

17 Assignment Deadlines All assignments are due on May 5 th by 5pm. No Exceptions N0 Late Work will be accepted.

18 Course Materials In addition to the other general course materials for the on-line portion of the course you will need: Access to a Computer with relevant software to read power point files, Adobe PDF files, access to the internet and Moodle. Moderate amount of space to participate with on-line example activities as you watch the relevant video clips. Word processing capabilities. Means of video recording yourself.

19 Course Grading The course grading scale is as follows: 100-90: A 89-80: B 79-70: C 69-60: D 59 and below: F

20 Communication with Dr. Gedde You may reach me via my e-mail address as listed on the Moodle site and course syllabus. Guidelines: I will do my best to respond to e-mail within a 12-24 hour period during weekdays. I will do my best to respond to forum questions daily. I will expect the same from you.

21 Assignment Feedback and Grading Feedback and Grading will be given in the most timely manner possible. Exact timeline depends upon when you submit the assignment. For most assignment or quiz submissions I am able to grade them and give feedback within a week.

22 Last Note about Communication I will do my best to respond to all communication and give feedback and grades in a very timely manner but please do be patient as we are adjusting to having a newborn baby and all that goes along with that. I will plan to check e-mail 2x daily---once in the am and once in the pm. Please plan accordingly.

23 Learning Activity # 2 Ice Breaker: The Name Game # This activity will serve as a sample for video activities that will be included in later learning modules. # It will serve as a sample for answering discussion questions and taking any notes you may want to take from the activity. # It will serve as an introduction to musical activities and be the true start of our course introduction.

24 Learning Activity #2 Instructions: # Preview the discussion questions contained on the next two slides # Then Click on the video link for learning activity #1 the Name Game # Participate fully in the activity # Then answer the discussion questions in a word document. # Submit your discussion question answers via the Getting Started Module submission portal.

25 Name Game Video Debrief Discussion Questions: Video Debrief Discussion Questions: Why is the name game useful? What does it accomplish? Is this a musical activity? Why or why not? How did I teach it to you---what were the various steps involved? Did I explain each step with words?

26 Learning Activity # 3-Name Game Watch and participate in Video Answer discussion questions Submit questions

27 Answer the Discussion Questions via a word document. Video Debrief Discussion Questions: Why is the name game useful? What does it accomplish? Is this a musical activity? Why or why not? How did I teach it to you---what were the various steps involved? Did I explain each step with words?

28 Dr. Gedde’s Responses The next slides contain my responses to the discussion questions and can serve as a sample for your thinking and approach to this and future video discussion questions. This can also serve as a note-taking sample for when I do an in class teaching example.

29 Sample: Name Game Activity Name Game Summary: -Get to know you “ice breaker style game” Text: this is the name game, who are you, I am Dr. Gedde (said by individual), she is Dr. Gedde (said by all) -Uses hand clapping and patting pattern (pat, pat, clap, clap, clap) (pat,pat, clap) (pat, pat, Clap number of syllables in name) (imitate as a full group)

30 Sample: Name Game Activity Debrief Notes: Used to “break the ice” allows teacher and students to learn names, establishes positive classroom environment, is active, is engaging, is fun, establishes some classroom expectations and management guidelines Can be adapted to make it easier by clapping or patting more slowly (not with the words) Taught by using demonstration not very much explanation Taught in steps: line of text/phrase by phrase, with clapping patting motion and words, just the first two lines, then add in game all together, then with individuals and actually playing game Teacher steps in and helps where necessary to keep activity moving

31 Learning Activity #3 a) Read the Course Syllabus thoroughly. b) Explore the Moodle site c) Then certify the course syllabus on the Moodle site.

32 You Are Done Congratulations you have completed module 1!!!

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