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Christine Bunn, President Kimberly DeHart, President-Elect Connie Costley, Past President.

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Presentation on theme: "Christine Bunn, President Kimberly DeHart, President-Elect Connie Costley, Past President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christine Bunn, President Kimberly DeHart, President-Elect Connie Costley, Past President


3 About Adam… Grandparents and parents were/are a tremendous influence in his life. Hungarian Education was important Had a suit/tie job with all the perks and prestige It wasn’t enough

4 Initially … Life & Career Money Mastery Meaning

5 Later …Life & Career Autonomy Mastery Purpose Legacy Something greater than ourselves…

6 Domino Chain Reaction THE POWER OF ONE SMALL FORCE file://localhost/<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https/" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

7 Achievements are the faded milestones of past aspirations.

8 REGARDING CTE… As I look at the education my children will have… THIS COMMUNITY (Career and Technical Education) will craft the future of education.


10 FIVE IDEAS ABOUT EDUCATION 1)Acknowledge that different students require different timelines for learning.

11 FIVE IDEAS ABOUT EDUCATION 2) Unbundle college services to reduce the outrageous costs that create insurmountable student debt.

12 FIVE IDEAS ABOUT EDUCATION 3)Reduce the large lecture hall model.

13 FIVE IDEAS ABOUT EDUCATION 4)Ensure that every student entering the workforce is trained on 21 st Century soft skills.

14 FIVE IDEAS ABOUT EDUCATION 5)Create a cultural shift to elevate teachers and teaching.

15 True self discovery begins where your comfort zone ends.

16 “For Purpose” Asked children if they could have anything what would it be? Answer: a pencil (40 Thousand Words!) 2008 Went to the bank to get a small loan Entrepreneurial activities as a result Not NON PROFIT “Change your words to change your worth.” Rise of “For Purpose” Well-being of collective society Build schools

17 Adam’s Final Thought If your dreams are not scary, they are not BIG enough.

18 Excellent Resource Websites, Apps, and More The Best of the Web 13-2852TA9214 Curriculum and Instructional Materials Center Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education www.okcimc

19 Skills USA SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. We provide educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education (CTE) in the nation’s classrooms. Should we better educate ourselves about how Skills USA works?

20 Digital Badges Are they Formative or Summative? Michael McDermott, Principal, Indiana County Technology Center Heidi Speese, Senior Project Coordinator, NOCTI ForAllRubrics – Chicago-based consulting companyworking with assessment designers

21 Digital Badges Are they Formative or Summative? Skill Badges Open Badges “Capitalize on technology…offer a means to display student achievement. Represent projects, programs, courses, credentials, and other activities.” Badges are structured using metdata – represents skills, information is linked to badge, explains evidence associated with the badge.

22 Schoology Like Facebook/Edmodo Free and intuitive Physics, web design, and animation PBL Lessons learned from web animation

23 Succession Planning You Me Us

24 Divide and Conquer To meet NYSAFCSE’s mission

25 AC’s, PD, Board Thank you for all you do!

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