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Contrast optimization for structure-from-motion surveys James O’Connor 1 Mike Smith 1, Mike R. James

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1 Contrast optimization for structure-from-motion surveys James O’Connor 1 (, Mike Smith 1, Mike R. James 1 School of the Natural and Built Environment, Kingston University, 2 Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University 3. Description of other algorithms PCA1 : First Principal Component (PC) of each RGB image PCALab : First PC of each image after conversion to LAB colourspace 16PCA1/16PCALab: 16 bit First PC of first two algorithms AVGLab3 : Taken from Verhoeven et al. (2015), seeks to maximise statistical information in a single image PCALabM : Multi-image decolourization. Images are concatenated before taking first PC in order to ensure global consistency (Bennedetti et al. 2012) mLab3 : AVGLab3, but with masking of unimportant regions before applying the workflow 1. Introduction Motivation: Structure-from-motion (SfM) is a technology which takes multiple 2D photos of a common scene as an input and projects the data into 3D. Feature based SfM pipelines take single channel (grayscale) images as inputs. Within this contribution we review the results from varying this channel. Research question: Can we improve the accuracy of SfM models by generating appropriate greyscale channels from RGB images? 2. Methods a. SfM software takes greyscale images as inputs b. By altering this greyscale input, we intend to optimise contrast and improve outputs c. Experiment: Take greyscale images made using different combinations of the Red, Green and Blue colour bands. Test other operators and compare accuracies d. Measure accuracy against a very high quality terrestrial laser scan e. Create greyscale image subsets generated by imposing the constraint that the Red, Green and Blue image bands must sum to 1. Bands are incremented by.05 per set and all permutations generated f. 231 image subsets are constructed with 10 models generated for each set. Error (Cloud- to-truth) surfaces are then generated for the entire dataset g. Data augmented with further algorithms h. Two datasets used, one a 9 image block of a Welsh coastal cliff (Figure 2, Westoby et. al 2012) and one a 21 image block of a lab controlled scene (courtesy of Annette Eltner, figure 2) Acknowledgments Annette Eltner and Matt Westoby for providing the datasets. Geert Verhoeven for sharing the code from his work Contact: References Benedetti L, Corsini M, Cignoni P, Callieri M and Scopigno R (2012) Color to gray conversions in the context of stereo matching algorithms. Machine Vision and Applications 23(2): 327-348. Verhoeven G, Karel W, Štuhec S, Doneus M, Trinks I and Pfeifer N (2015) Mind Your Grey Tones–examining the Influence of Decolourization Methods on Interest Point Extraction and Matching for Architectural Image-Based Modelling. : ISPRS. Westoby M, Brasington J, Glasser N, Hambrey M and Reynolds J (2012) ‘Structure-from- Motion’photogrammetry: A low-cost, effective tool for geoscience applications. Geomorphology 179: 300-314. 5. Discussion Cloud to cloud errors shown to be reduced by up to 6% (Constitution hill) vs untreated images using simple contrast enhancement techniques Multi-image decolorization shown to not perform as well as image-specific techniques in dataset b Range of differences appear to depend on number of images within each block 4. Results Combinations of RGB images mapped onto a triangle, showing distance to reference laser scan (Figure 4 and 5) Median of mean absolute cloud-to-truth distance for 10 runs presented Other algorithms listed in colourbar and figure 6 6. Future work Bit depth will be investigated to see if further contrast enhancement can be achieved Number and geometry of images further studied to see if accuracy can be increased RAW image workflows currently being investigated to maximise value from consumer-grade cameras Figure 4. Results from Constitution Hill block Figure 5. Results from Lab control block Terrestrial laser scanner JPGs from camera Ground Control Points Image processing Agisoft Photoscan Dense cloud Cloud-to-truth distance Evaluation 10 runs per set Green coefficient Red coefficient Blue coefficient Green coefficient Red coefficient Blue coefficient Figure 1. Workflow applied Figure 3. Lab control overview Figure 2. Constitution Hill overview Figure 6. Results of other operations for lab control block Clip edges

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