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Event 2010 Roadshow – visiting schools in Denmark fall 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Event 2010 Roadshow – visiting schools in Denmark fall 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Event 2010 Roadshow – visiting schools in Denmark fall 2010

2 Roadshow  EU-truck visiting 25 schools in fall 2010

3  Cooperation between the National Agency for Enterprise and Construction, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries and the Regions + Bornholm.  Covering: ERDF, ESF, LEADER groups, Rural development programme and the Fisheries development programme.

4 Target group  Higher Preparatory Examination Course  Grammar schools  Commercial schools  Technical schools  Age-group 15-18  Focus on young people with an interest in social studies

5 Content of the visit – in the classroom  Short presentation of EU, the Lissabon strategy, the regional set-up and EU funding in DK.  Institution or company presenting a specific project.

6 Content of visit – in the truck  An ”orienteering race” between wall sheets, computers, films and products.  Students have to consider a number of questions about EU, regional development and specific projects from their region.  The classes can participate in a competition – ’How to create growth in 2020’.

7 Relevance  Webpage – downloading relevant educational  A role-play – young people could be a jounalist, lobbyist, politician or a person trying to get a project accepted.  While developing the concept the whole set-up including educational material has been tested by teachers and students.


9 Mediacoverage  Issuing a number of press-releases to the local media – so far covered in newspapers, tv, radio and on the web.  Announcement of the winner of the competition – ’How to create growth in 2020’ by the Minister of Economic and Business Affairs in january 2011.

10 Budget  DKK 660.000 (EURO 88.000) – conceptual development, renting of truck, driver, photos ….  DKK 200.000 (EURO 27.000) – permanent youth homepage

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