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Writing an Expository Essay The Personal Exposition.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing an Expository Essay The Personal Exposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing an Expository Essay The Personal Exposition

2 What is the Personal Exposition? Exposition = explain Personal = first-person point of view Personal Exposition => an essay which seeks to explain a personal opinion or idea

3 A pure or mixed text type? The personal exposition can contain elements of Narrative Descriptive Recount Exposition

4 What Text Forms do Personal Expositions take on? Newspaper editorials Letters to the Press Radio essays Documentaries Art pieces Blogs Anywhere other platform where people can communicate their personal opinions

5 Introduction Start with an anecdote, a personal story about an experience / encounter that illustrates your point Address the question directly: this means you should use words that appear in the question (eg. For a ‘This I believe’ essay, at some point in your introduction, the words ‘I believe that…’ should appear

6 Introduction (continued) State your thesis: In the case of the ‘This I believe’ essay, the context is not provided, so you should state it clearly, i.e. Are you writing about what you believe about how people should treat each other, or whether God exists, or what makes the world go round?

7 Body paragraphs Clear topic sentence that conveys the controlling idea Linking words and phrases to make connections between ideas * Note: refer to the question as often as possible. A good way to do this is to consistently use the keywords from the question and from your introduction throughout your essay.

8 Body paragraphs (continued) Supporting points and elaboration: you might want to explain and elaborate a particular concept or idea that justifies your belief Supporting examples, quotes, data: you can draw on real-life examples, quotations from famous personalities or even data (although data is usually more appropriate for formal expositions)

9 Conclusion Synthesis: Give closure by bringing together all the information Link to introduction (eg. You can make a reference to your anecdotal story) Concluding remark: food for thought --> give the reader something to think about

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