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Tanya’s Reunion Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Created by Mike.

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Presentation on theme: "Tanya’s Reunion Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Created by Mike."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tanya’s Reunion Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Vocabulary Words Houghton Mifflin Reading Theme 2 - Journeys Created by Mike Brewer  2008

2 See if you can correctly identify the following vocabulary words.

3 If necessary, use the context clues from the sample sentences to help you.

4 arrangementsarrangements

5 arrangementsarrangements Sample Sentence: Tina made arrangements for her dog to stay with friends.

6 arrangementsarrangements Definition:Definition: n. plans made beforehand; preparations

7 gathering

8 gatheringgathering Sample Sentence: The students were gathering on the playground.

9 gatheringgathering Definition:Definition: n. a meeting or crowd of people; a coming together of people.

10 homesteadhomestead

11 homesteadhomestead Sample Sentence: The pioneers homestead was deep in the Mohave Valley.

12 homesteadhomestead Definition:Definition: n. a house, especially a farmhouse, with its dependent buildings and land.

13 persistedpersisted

14 persistedpersisted Sample Sentence: The group persisted to search for their missing cat.

15 persistedpersisted Definition:Definition: verb. Continued repeatedly

16 reunionreunion

17 reunionreunion Sample Sentence: The highschool reunion was held at the Paris Hotel.

18 reunionreunion Definition:Definition: n. the coming together again of things or people that have been divided

19 satisfactionsatisfaction

20 satisfactionsatisfaction Sample Sentence: The satisfaction showed on the teachers face as the little boy began to read.

21 satisfactionsatisfaction Definition:Definition: n. The feeling of pleasure that comes when a need or desire is fulfilled

22 announcementannouncement

23 announcementannouncement Sample Sentence: The wedding announcement was read to all in attendance.

24 announcementannouncement Definition:Definition: n. a formal written notice, often a card or newspaper item

25 reassuredreassured

26 reassuredreassured Sample Sentence: The waiting families were reassured by the police after the accident.

27 reassuredreassured Definition:Definition: adj. made less fearful or worried

28 fadedfaded

29 fadedfaded Sample Sentence: The jeans looked faded from the repeated washes.

30 fadedfaded Definition:Definition: v. worn out or pale

31 aromaaroma

32 aromaaroma Sample Sentence: The aroma coming from my grandmothers kitchen made my mouth water.

33 aromaaroma Definition:Definition: n. a smell especially a pleasant smell

34 murmurmurmur

35 murmurmurmur Sample Sentence: There was a murmur coming from the group of people.

36 murmurmurmur Definition:Definition: n. Something said that is either very quiet or sounds indistinct

37 tilledtilled

38 tilledtilled Sample Sentence: The farmer tilled the land before he could plant the crops.

39 tilledtilled Definition:Definition: v. to prepare the land for growing crops

40 tapertaper

41 tapertaper Sample Sentence: The storm is beginning to taper off now.

42 tapertaper Definition:Definition: v. to become or make something smaller in size or amount

43 consentconsent

44 consentconsent Sample Sentence: The students needed to return the consent forms in order to go on the trip.

45 consentconsent Definition:Definition: v. to give permission or approval for something to happen

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