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Space Unit Scientists. Lived in Egypt but was from Greece. Was the most influential astronomer, mathematician and geographer of his time.

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Presentation on theme: "Space Unit Scientists. Lived in Egypt but was from Greece. Was the most influential astronomer, mathematician and geographer of his time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space Unit Scientists

2 Lived in Egypt but was from Greece. Was the most influential astronomer, mathematician and geographer of his time.

3 Geocentric Model Ptolemy believed all the planets and the sun circled the earth. Ptolemy believed all the planets and the sun circled the earth. He used epicycles in his model of the solar system. He used epicycles in his model of the solar system. An epicycle is a smaller orbit that is used to explain the movements of the planets and the sun. An epicycle is a smaller orbit that is used to explain the movements of the planets and the sun.

4 Nicolas Copernicus (1473 – 1543) Was an astronomer and mathematician Was an astronomer and mathematician Lived and worked in Poland. Lived and worked in Poland.

5 Heliocentric Model Copernicus used mathematics to prove that the earth turned on its axis once a day and orbited the sun once a year – Heliocentric Model Copernicus used mathematics to prove that the earth turned on its axis once a day and orbited the sun once a year – Heliocentric Model He still used epicycles to explain of the motions of the planets. He still used epicycles to explain of the motions of the planets.

6 Galileo (1564-1642) His most famous invention was the telescope, 1609. He modeled it after other telescopes of the his time. His was much more powerful, up to 10 times more magnification. With this telescope, he was able to look at the moon, Jupiter’s moons, a supernova, and moon phases. His discoveries supported the heliocentric model, also know as the Copernican system.

7 Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Kepler formulated the “Laws of Planetary Motion” Kepler formulated the “Laws of Planetary Motion” Kepler realized that the orbits of planets were not circles, but “flattened” circles called ellipses. He discovered that planets travel in elliptical orbits. Kepler realized that the orbits of planets were not circles, but “flattened” circles called ellipses. He discovered that planets travel in elliptical orbits. circle ellipse

8 Edwin Hubble (1889-1953) He discovered that other galaxies exist beyond our own. He discovered that other galaxies exist beyond our own. Edwin Powell Hubble's observations had revolutionized astronomy. We also were able to determine that the universe was expanding outwards, giving birth to the Big Bang Theory. Edwin Powell Hubble's observations had revolutionized astronomy. We also were able to determine that the universe was expanding outwards, giving birth to the Big Bang Theory.

9 John Glenn (born 1921) First American to orbit the Earth First American to orbit the Earth February 20, 1962 February 20, 1962 Freedom 7 spacecraft Freedom 7 spacecraft

10 Alan Shepard (1923-1998) First American to travel in space. First American to travel in space. May 5, 1961 May 5, 1961 Freedom 7 spacecraft Freedom 7 spacecraft

11 Neil Armstrong (born 1930) First man to land and step foot on the moon. First man to land and step foot on the moon. July 20, 1969 July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 mission Apollo 11 mission

12 Buzz Aldrin (born 1930) 2 nd man to step foot on the moon. 2 nd man to step foot on the moon. July 20,1969 July 20,1969 Apollo 11 mission Apollo 11 mission

13 Yuri Gagarin (1934-1968) First human to travel in space. First human to travel in space. April 12, 1961 April 12, 1961 Vostok 1 Vostok 1

14 Mae Jemison Became the first Black woman to travel space in 1992

15 Who???? …was first to walk on the moon? …was first to walk on the moon? …was 2 nd to walk on the moon? …was 2 nd to walk on the moon? …was the first human to travel in space? …was the first human to travel in space? …was the first American to travel in space? …was the first American to travel in space? …discovered that other galaxies exist beyond our own? …discovered that other galaxies exist beyond our own? …confirmed the idea that planets revolve around the sun? …confirmed the idea that planets revolve around the sun? …was the first to view the moons of Jupiter with his handmade telescope? …was the first to view the moons of Jupiter with his handmade telescope? …discovered that planets travel in elliptical orbits? …discovered that planets travel in elliptical orbits?

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