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Learning English through musicals: A case study of social economically disadvantaged aboriginal students in eastern Taiwan Presenter: LIH-WEI LEI March.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning English through musicals: A case study of social economically disadvantaged aboriginal students in eastern Taiwan Presenter: LIH-WEI LEI March."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning English through musicals: A case study of social economically disadvantaged aboriginal students in eastern Taiwan Presenter: LIH-WEI LEI March 18, 2011

2 Background-a joyful language learning case study New Hope Foundation, an NGO, started a project named "The Light of Eastern Taiwan" to help disadvantaged children improve their academic performance through free after-school program. English is a major subject in the program.

3 Learning English through musicals Since October 2010, the Foundation launched a new program to motivate the children and to maximize their perceived usefulness and perceived fun in learning English through musicals.

4 Training process


6 Practice English through multimedia VCD After a major training workshop, students spent 3 months learning through a musical VCD, followed by a group competition showing their learning outcome.

7 Outcome Participants were exposed to English and recited the lines naturally Students played an active role and used a great deal of gesture, posture, songs and dance Students ’ learning anxiety decreased yet learning motivation increased

8 Performance in group competition


10 Observation Students showed significant improvement in English verbal expression and body coordination Students were creative and active in his/her role

11 Media report The highlight of the outstanding performances was broadcasted in Taiwan Indigenous TV evening news (2011/01/09) and Taiwan PTS peopo- news (2011/03/04).

12 Students ’ self-reflection (Survey) about 90% of responded students considered learning English through “ singing ” and “ acting ” interesting 90% considered “ performing in the English musical ” made them more confident in English

13 Students ’ self-reflection (Survey) 80% indicated that they would “ actively practice English ” through ways such as “ imitating singers on TV, radio, or internet to sing an English song. ” 60% felt more comfortable speaking English loudly while performing, and now they were less afraid of talking to others in English

14 Students ’ self-reflection (Interview) One student said, “ Before doing this, I often felt frustrated with English. I don ’ t understand it at all. In English class, I even intentionally threw my textbooks away. Now I realize that there are so many ways to learn English. I think it ’ s really cool. ”

15 Students ’ self-reflection (Interview) Another student said, “ I was surprised that we could sing and act, and integrate English into our daily lives. I really hope that we can have this again and would like to try a different role. ”

16 Group comparison There was a significant difference between students who participated and who didn ’ t participate in the English musical program. Only 54% of those in the control group would actively learn English.

17 Pie chart of survey result (participated group)

18 Pie chart of survey result (control group)

19 Group comparison Students who participated in the English musical program would more “ actively look for chances to practice English ”, and felt that learning English helped them to be more self- confident.

20 Group comparison Chi test p<0.001

21 Future direction New Hope Foundation is planning to further promote this immersive multimedia learning strategy. More social economically disadvantaged aboriginal students are expected to benefit. Students’ English learning motivation and the improvement of their achievement will continue to be the focus of this research.

22 Acknowledgement This project is supported by the National Science Foundation, Taiwan. ( 數位典藏與學習之學術與社會應用推廣計畫 - 推廣應用公開徵選計畫 )

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