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Trails for Health and Prosperity The transformative power of trails.

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Presentation on theme: "Trails for Health and Prosperity The transformative power of trails."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trails for Health and Prosperity The transformative power of trails

2 Transformation/Health/Prosperity Prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, success, or good fortune. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes others factors which are independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health.wealthhappinesshealth

3 Tuolumne County Assets Yosemite Stanislaus National Forest Red Hills Columbia/Railtown State Parks Lake Don Pedro/Melones Reservoirs Ditch Network Railroad Infrastructure Historic Communities Dodge Ridge Resort Tribal Communities

4 Can we tie it all together? Wealth (Economic Activity) + Happiness (Social Connectedness) + Health (movement) =‘s Prosperity A TRAIL can be a means to get us there!

5 Tuolumne County Trails Trails for Transportation Historic/Heritage Trails Railroad Trails Ditch Trails Purpose Built Trails Transformation is a Process!

6 Trails for Transportation “Yale Medical School led a study that showed that less than 25 percent of people walked or biked as a means to get from one place to another for more than 10 straight minutes in a given week!” less than 25 percent of people walked or biked If people don’t have anywhere to walk….they won’t If we make it safer, easier and more desirable for people to walk and bike for transportation, THEY WILL. “The prevalence of walking and biking is correlated with four main factors: population density, the connectivity of travel routes, a high mix of land uses, the presence/continuity of sidewalks and bike paths”

7 Roads are built for Cars! Paths are built for people Perceived safety can inhibit physical activity and fast moving traffic makes most people feel unsafe

8 Convenience Counts… Local trails that are convenient to home attract regular users. A study of a Chicago trail system found that among 2,873 trail users 59 percent reported that they used local trails “virtually every week or every day.” Distance matters — the closer people live to trails the more likely they are to use them. One study in Massachusetts found that among 363 adults the likelihood of using a suburban rail-trail decreased by 42 percent for every.25 mile increase in distance from home to the trail. A Minneapolis study also found sharp declines in trail use among bicyclists who had to travel 1.5 miles or further to access the trail.

9 Seamlessness Form + Function = Transformation Connectivity + Walking/Biking = Health Destination + Walking/Biking = Prosperity Connecting the Places we care about…

10 Trails return on Investment Trails have been shown to increase community quality of life through access to natural areas, better land use, resident pride, and resident health and fitness For Every $1 invested in Trails intended for physical activity, there was a $2.94 in direct medical benefit Eco-tourism programs—Natural Resources ◦Fastest growing segment of international tourism

11 Eureka! Historic/Heritage Trails Historic Walking tours (Patriot) Gold Rush changed the world ◦Columbia ◦Jamestown ◦Sonora

12 All Aboard! Railroad Trails Sugar Pine RR Sierra RR Westside RR Hetch Hetchy RR

13 Dry Diggins? Ditch Trails

14 Really? Purpose Built Trails Sierra Communities who’ve rebuilt using trails: ◦Downieville ◦Kirkwood ◦Auburn ◦Tahoe Sonora: ◦Dragoon Gulch ◦Dodge Ridge

15 How do we start Prospering?

16 Let’s grow our Outdoors! Westside Trail Dragoon Gulch Sugar Pine RR Trail (Twain Harte) Sonora-Columbia Path State Trails and Greenways Conference Tuolumne County Trails Website Vision Sonora

17 See you on the Trail!

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