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Crash Course Videos Taxonomy Remember there are six kingdoms!

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1 Crash Course Videos Taxonomy Remember there are six kingdoms!


3 Porifera Common Name of organisms in phylum Sponges Special Characteristics Only have cells (no tissues or organs) Filled with “pores”; eat food particles in water that flow through these pores

4 “Absorbent and yellow and porous is he Spongebob Squarepants”

5 Common Name of organisms in phylum Special Characteristics Cnidaria Jellyfish Cells and tissues (no organs) Radial symmetry Nerve Net as nervous system Have gastrovascular cavity

6 Platyhelminthes Flatworms Size: 1 mm – 20 m Parasitic (tapeworms live in digestive tract of host) Soft, thin, flat bodies Common Name of organisms in phylum Special Characteristics


8 Common Name of organisms in phylum Special Characteristics Nematoda Roundworms Small Parasitic Heartworms – spread by mosquitoes


10 Common Name of organisms in phylum Special Characteristics Annelida Segmented worms (earthworms and leaches) Divided into segments Earthworms are hermaphrodites Leeches feed by slitting razor through hole and injecting anticoagulant and anesthetic Closed Circulatory System (explain difference in closed vs. open)


12 Mollusca Common Name of Organisms in phylum Snails, squids, and octopussquids Special Characteristics Soft body Most have shell The most MARINE species of any animal phylum

13 Arthropoda Insects, spiders, and crustaceansspiders By far the most species of any animal phylum because of insects (approximately 80% of all animals) Exoskeletons Jointed appendages (legs) 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen) Open Circulatory System Common Name of Organisms in phylum Special Characteristi cs

14 Common Name of Organisms in phylum Special Characteristics Echinodermata Starfish, sea urchins, sandollars Spiney plates Explain how starfish eat

15 Chordata vertebrates Backbones (All fish, birds, mammals, reptiles) Brains and nerve (Spinal) cords Common Name of Organisms in phylum Special Characteristics

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