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Help with Homework!. Homework Expectations in Year 3 Reading: 10-15 minutes at least 3 times a week. Spelling: 5-10 minutes daily practice as necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Help with Homework!. Homework Expectations in Year 3 Reading: 10-15 minutes at least 3 times a week. Spelling: 5-10 minutes daily practice as necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Help with Homework!

2 Homework Expectations in Year 3 Reading: 10-15 minutes at least 3 times a week. Spelling: 5-10 minutes daily practice as necessary using look, say, cover, write, check. Children should also practise putting their spellings into sentences. Structured times tables/number bonds practice: 5-10 minutes daily practice. Maths and Literacy: 10 minute tasks may be set fortnightly from the Spring term. Additional personal research is encouraged.

3 Homework Expectations in Year 4 Reading: 10-15 minutes at least 3 times a week. Spelling: 5-10 minutes daily practice as necessary using look, say, cover, write, check. Children should also practise putting their spellings into sentences. Times tables/number bonds: 5-10 minutes daily practice as appropriate. (Children are expected to know up to 12 x 12 and related division facts by the end of year 4). Maths: 20 minute fortnightly maths task (including use of My Maths) Literacy: 20 minute fortnightly grammar or written task. Additional personal research is encouraged.

4 Homework Expectations in Year 5 Reading: 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. Spelling: 5-10 minutes daily practice as necessary using look, say, cover, write, check. Children should also practise putting their spellings into sentences. Maths: one 30 minute task set fortnightly (may be set using My Maths). Literacy: one 30 minute punctuation or written task set fortnightly. ‘Log book’ task which may be maths-based, literacy-based or topic based (including, for example, science, history, geography, etc) a minimum of 40- 45 mins in total (2-3 will be set per half term allowing children at least 2 weekends to complete the task). Additional personal research is encouraged.

5 Homework Expectations in Year 6 Reading: 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. Spelling: 5-10 minutes daily practice, as necessary, using look, say, cover, write, check. Children should also practise putting their spellings into sentences. Maths: one 30 minute task set fortnightly (may be set using My Maths). Literacy: one 30 minute punctuation or written task set fortnightly. ‘Log book’ task which may be maths-based, literacy-based or topic based (including, for example, science, history, geography, etc) a minimum of 40- 45 mins in total (2-3 will be set per half term allowing children at least 2 weekends to complete the task). Additional personal research is encouraged.

6 Website http://www.bedgrovejunior.bucks.sch. uk/

7 Reading Fun Read together – regardless of age and stage Decoding/phonics Praise for ‘having a go’ Discussion, before, during and after Understanding CDs / picture books / online books resources.woodlands- Read anything and everything!

8 Spelling Should not be a chore! Possible ideas for learning spelling Look, cover, say, write, check Phonics Flash cards / magnetic letters Syllables Context – say it within a sentence Joined handwriting Patterns Colour Dictionary

9 Literacy Grammar based in upper juniors Writing activity – diary, note taking, short report Comprehension Research based Encourage and support with editing.

10 Helpful websites Reading resources.woodlands- ory.htm html html glish/reading/ glish/reading/ english/ english/ http://www.sir-robert- S2%20Reading%20Prompts.pdf http://www.sir-robert- S2%20Reading%20Prompts.pdf key-stage-2-comprehension.html key-stage-2-comprehension.html Spelling activities/english/spelling.shtml activities/english/spelling.shtml http://resources.woodlands- http://resources.woodlands- resource/Spelling-Games-Interactive- Resource-for-KS1-and-amp-KS2-3002617/ resource/Spelling-Games-Interactive- Resource-for-KS1-and-amp-KS2-3002617/

11 Log Book Tasks These are done on a rotation so the pupils get a chance to cover a wide variety of subjects. Set at least twice a half term. We recognise that every pupil is different and will express their knowledge and creativity in different ways. Although we want creativity and good presentation there still has to be content! Children should spend about 45 minutes working on their tasks. If your child is lacking ideas encourage them to ask for help – before 3:15 on a Friday!

12 Challenge Homework tasks set by teachers will be challenging to pupils. Enough to make them think but not so challenging that they cannot do it – the same as in class. Some children believe that because they get an answer right they are not challenged, even if they have had to work hard to work out the answer or complete the task.

13 Demonstrate what you know about Sparta or Athens.

14 Investigate the life of someone famous from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s or 80’s.

15 My Maths Username: bedgrove Password: cosine63 Tasks are set by maths teachers and are based on ability. There are games and activities which can be completed at any time.

16 Calculation Methods By the time children leave KS2 we want them to have a secure knowledge of an efficient written method that they can apply to solve a range of problems. It is important for children to learn and understand each step of the calculation process. If children jump straight to a compact method they will not understand the concept and will not be able to apply it.

17 Calculation Guidance We have a guide to show what methods are taught in each year group. It is available on the website. It is a guide only and staff will move through the steps at the right pace for their sets. It may mean some sets are working at a different stage within the same year group.

18 Jottings - Number line 67 + 24 That’s 2 tens on from 67 … 67 10 77 10 87... And then 4 units on from that … 3 takes us to 90 … 3 90 91 1 … and 1 takes us to 91

19 + 5 = 4 59 50 + 3020 = + = 3434 2525 59 9 +=

20 Informal written methods 6 2 5 + 4 8 6 0 0 6 0 1 3 6 7 3 (H) (T) (U) 6 2 5 + 4 8 1 3 6 0 6 0 0 6 7 3 (U) (T) (H) 6 2 5 + 4 8 1 3 6 0 6 0 0 6 7 3 (U) (T) (H) 6 2 5 + 4 8 1 3 6 0 6 0 0 6 7 3 (U) (T) (H) (U) (T) (H) 6 2 5 + 4 8 1 3 6 0 6 0 0 6 7 3

21 4 6 8 7 + 5 7 4 9 6 1 3 1 4 1 1 0 Compact Column Method

22 Subtraction Number line Partitioning Compact column method

23 Multiplication Mental images Arrays Groups of Number line Grid method

24 Grid Multiplication x 38 x 14 = = 380 = 152 532 308 10 4 300 120 80 32

25 Compact Multiplication 46x 7 42 280 22 1 3

26 Compact Multiplication 46x 7 2 4 32

27 Division Number line Expanded method (chunking) Bus Stop

28 Support at home Counting Rhymes and games Practise number facts Estimating Everyday maths Times tables grids Number bonds

29 Useful Websites Useful websites can be found on the front page of the Calculation Guidance.

30 What tips can I use to help my child? Positive Everyone can learn maths Maths is important and fun Show maths being used Encourage persistence Praise Have fun!

31 Don’t suffer in silence! If your child has really struggled with a any area of their homework, do let us know!

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