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C. Clement (Stockholms Universitet) Partikeldagarna 2008, Stockholm.

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Presentation on theme: "C. Clement (Stockholms Universitet) Partikeldagarna 2008, Stockholm."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Clement (Stockholms Universitet) Partikeldagarna 2008, Stockholm

2 The Large Hadron Collider p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1

3 The Large Hadron Collider p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Processσ (nb)Events (  L dt = 100 pb -1 ) Min bias 10 8 ~10 13 bb 5·10 5 ~10 12 Inclusive jets p T > 200 GeV 100~ 10 7 W → e ν,  15~ 10 6 Z → ee,  1.5~ 10 5 tt 0.8~ 10 4

4 The Large Hadron Collider p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 4 experiments to explore the constituents of matter and their interaction at 10 -19 m p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 4 experiments to explore the constituents of matter and their interaction at 10 -19 m

5 The Large Hadron Collider p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 4 experiments to explore the constituents of matter and their interaction at 10 -19 m p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 4 experiments to explore the constituents of matter and their interaction at 10 -19 m Physics Motivations Higgs boson Solve/ postpone Hierarchy Problem by Producing Dark Matter in the lab Susy, Kaluza Klein, little Higgs...? TeV scale gravity? Extra dimensions? Heavy gauge bosons? Quark and lepton compositeness? ?? Quark – gluon plasma Flavour physics New sources of CP violation? Why 3 quark and lepton families? Precision b- and top physics... Physics Motivations Higgs boson Solve/ postpone Hierarchy Problem by Producing Dark Matter in the lab Susy, Kaluza Klein, little Higgs...? TeV scale gravity? Extra dimensions? Heavy gauge bosons? Quark and lepton compositeness? ?? Quark – gluon plasma Flavour physics New sources of CP violation? Why 3 quark and lepton families? Precision b- and top physics...

6 The Large Hadron Collider p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 4 experiments to explore the constituents of matter and their interaction at 10 -19 m Thousands of superconducting magnets in the 27km ring. First beams to go around the ring on September 10, 2008 Eagerly awaited... p-p collisions 14 TeV Luminosity 10 33 – 10 34 cm -2 s -1 4 experiments to explore the constituents of matter and their interaction at 10 -19 m Thousands of superconducting magnets in the 27km ring. First beams to go around the ring on September 10, 2008 Eagerly awaited...

7 ATLAS Control room on September 10

8 What 's on the TV screen?

9 First Beam to ATLAS / Sept. 10 tertiary collimators 140 m BPTX 175 m Target on purpose the collimators in front of the inner triplets (Low internsity beam) Target on purpose the collimators in front of the inner triplets (Low internsity beam)

10 First Beam to ATLAS / Sept. 10 tertiary collimators 140 m BPTX 175 m Target on purpose the collimators in front of the inner triplets (Low internsity beam) Target on purpose the collimators in front of the inner triplets (Low internsity beam)

11 Collimator events... tertiary collimators 140 m BPTX 175 m Target on purpose the collimators in front of the inner triplets (Low internsity beam) Target on purpose the collimators in front of the inner triplets (Low internsity beam)

12 First Beam to ATLAS / Sept. 10

13 LHC first few days Beam Dump Sweep LHC first turn Detection of the first proton bunch to ATLAS Beam Pick Up 175m upstream of ATLAS: 1 st trigger

14 Radio frequency capture on day 2 ATLAS Trigger rate vs time Achieved circulating beam for 20mn Test of the optics, measurements of beam parameters... Achieved circulating beam for 20mn Test of the optics, measurements of beam parameters...

15 LHC first few days... Transformer failure in P8, Sep 12, 23:22 “Pilot bunch” with 0.56×10 10 protons Cryogenic problems, no beam Polarity checks*, no beam through ATLAS Bunch intensity measurements at transfert line 2 and 8 Bunch intensity measurements at transfert line 2 and 8

16 Lyn Evans – EDMS document no. 970483 Incident on 19th September 16  During commissioning of the last main bend circuit to 5 TeV an incident occurred resulting in the triggering of quench heaters of about 100 magnets and a large He discharge into the tunnel.  The most probable cause is a faulty electrical connection between two magnets. The sector is being brought to room temperature for repair.  The time needed for warmup, repair and cooldown precludes a restart before CERN’s obligatory winter shutdown.  The shutdown schedule is being modified to gain ~ 1 month of LHC operation in 2009. Slide Stolen from Lyn Evans – LHC Project leader Slide Stolen from Lyn Evans – LHC Project leader

17 What do we do now?

18 This ?

19 More like this...

20 ATLAS... is a complicated experiment Lots of things to fix, test, synchronize, calibrate, align...... is a complicated experiment Lots of things to fix, test, synchronize, calibrate, align...

21 ATLAS Inner Detector (ID) Purpose Charged particle tracks Photon conversions Momentum measurements Primary vertex identification Jet flavour-tagging... Purpose Charged particle tracks Photon conversions Momentum measurements Primary vertex identification Jet flavour-tagging...

22 Status of ATLAS Tracking LHC Collimator Event, ATLAS Pixel Off

23 Transition Radiation Tracker >90% in operation with final gas (Xe) Most of the remaining 10% will be addressed in winter shutdown Currently performing calibration, alignment and synchronisation Transition Radiation Probability Real cosmic event with B-field

24 Semi Conductor Tracker Firsts tracks seen with hits in pixels and SCT combined Large fraction of modues operated: Barrel: >99% EC*: >97% modules Large fraction of missing ones should be recovered during work on ID cooling in shutdown. Large fraction of modues operated: Barrel: >99% EC*: >97% modules Large fraction of missing ones should be recovered during work on ID cooling in shutdown. Starting to look at actual alignment SCT Hit Map z Φ

25 >92-95% in operation Continue commissioning, calibration, fine tune thresholds, mask noisy pixels... During shutdown i) Improve ID cooling, ii) Lower fraction which is not read out iii) Cosmics, calibration, alignment iv) Development for increased data taking flexibility Already accumulated more than 100 000 pixel tracks taken with and w/o B-field for alignment >92-95% in operation Continue commissioning, calibration, fine tune thresholds, mask noisy pixels... During shutdown i) Improve ID cooling, ii) Lower fraction which is not read out iii) Cosmics, calibration, alignment iv) Development for increased data taking flexibility Already accumulated more than 100 000 pixel tracks taken with and w/o B-field for alignment Pixel Cluster Width Track angle

26 ATLAS Calorimeters LArg: 99.1% read out Fully electronically calibrated 6% of channels with HV < nominal  requires corrections Stability of calibration <0.2% Well known map of problems Address remaining problems during shutdown. LArg: 99.1% read out Fully electronically calibrated 6% of channels with HV < nominal  requires corrections Stability of calibration <0.2% Well known map of problems Address remaining problems during shutdown. Tile Calorimeter: currently 98.6% usable for physics Address remaining problems during shutdown Cesium source calibration: adjust PMT HV for uniform response, Residuals <1% stored in DB. 0.2% of channels cannot be calibrated All calibration constants in DB before 1 st beam Tile Calorimeter: currently 98.6% usable for physics Address remaining problems during shutdown Cesium source calibration: adjust PMT HV for uniform response, Residuals <1% stored in DB. 0.2% of channels cannot be calibrated All calibration constants in DB before 1 st beam

27 LHC events in ATLAS Calorimeters / TileCal Energy per Tile cell for events with E>1500TeV Barrel EBC EBA beambeam  attenuated through ATLAS µ  Azimuth Φ Uniformity of response 1% per 'partition' and 6% b/w H-calos dE/dx consistent with cosmics Uniformity of response 1% per 'partition' and 6% b/w H-calos dE/dx consistent with cosmics End Cap Toroid Magnet

28 LArg Calorimeters FCal3C FCal2C FCal1A Beam 2 FCalC FCalA Population of channels (ADC>1300) consistent with direction of beam 2. Low relative population of FCal2/3 channels on the A side. 1 1 2 3 3 2 BarrelECCECA Beam Forward Calorimeters

29 x 25 ns L1 Calo Trigger Calorimeter Precision Read out Calorimeter Tower >99% operation without error Critical timing and energy calibration Uniformity of trigger timing before TOF correction Uniformity of trigger timing before TOF correction During Shutdown: work on noisy towers, threshold adjustment large campain of timing equalisation energy calibration During Shutdown: work on noisy towers, threshold adjustment large campain of timing equalisation energy calibration

30 ATLAS Muon Precision Chambers Precision chambers MDT (Drift Tubes) MDT 99.8% in read out (98.5% with HV) Shutdown: aim at 99.8% for physics Muon Calibration Data Stream in parallele physics runs t 0 constants calculation cycle 24h Precision chambers MDT (Drift Tubes) MDT 99.8% in read out (98.5% with HV) Shutdown: aim at 99.8% for physics Muon Calibration Data Stream in parallele physics runs t 0 constants calculation cycle 24h Forward Precision Chambers CSC < 0.1% dead channels Not yet part of ATLAS regular data taking, problem with off detector read out Address during shutdown Forward Precision Chambers CSC < 0.1% dead channels Not yet part of ATLAS regular data taking, problem with off detector read out Address during shutdown Alignment ~99% of optical alignment sensors operational Some sectors aligned to ~50μm already Cosmic data taking for alignment in progress Alignment ~99% of optical alignment sensors operational Some sectors aligned to ~50μm already Cosmic data taking for alignment in progress 10% pT resolution for 1 TeV requires 30μm precision on chamber positions 10% pT resolution for 1 TeV requires 30μm precision on chamber positions

31 ATLAS Muon Trigger Noise problem Missing HV some electronic Missing HV some electronic Barrel Muon Trigger: Resistive Plate Chambers Main Issues Reach trigger timing uniformity <25ns before beam Large system  difficult Alignment and repair of remaining small h/w problems Precision timing with collisions (<1ns) will require several days of data at 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Main Issues Reach trigger timing uniformity <25ns before beam Large system  difficult Alignment and repair of remaining small h/w problems Precision timing with collisions (<1ns) will require several days of data at 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Forward Muon Trigger Wheels: Thin Gap Chambers (TGC) Fully operational, used daily <0.1 % channels unvailable Fully operational, used daily <0.1 % channels unvailable

32 LUCID at 17 mZDC at 140 mALFA at 240 m Forward Detectors LUCID: luminosity measurement Side C Side A Activity in LUCID during beam time Beam Condition Monitors during beam time

33 Conclusion & Outlook ATLAS in good shape for the first beam All h/w essentially operated and read out S/w and High Level Trigger operational Many sub-systems calibrated, and lots of runing experience Learned a lot from Collimator events and Few days of single beam data LHC incident on Sept 19 Extremely frustrating Beam back in the spring of 2009 What now for ATLAS? Timing, Calibration and Alignment campain ongoing with cosmics Fix small problems on the detector Continue to improve calibration, reconstruction s/w, Exercise software based Trigger algorithms

34 Beam Halo Halo Muon in Muon Precision chambers

35 Beam Halo Halo Muon in Hadron Calorimeter

36 Halo Muon in the forward muon system Beam Halo

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