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KING abdul AZIZ bin ABDULrah man AL- saud Try to find the answers for the following questions :- 1)- When was AbdulAziz forced to leave Riyadh for Kuwait?

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2 KING abdul AZIZ bin ABDULrah man AL- saud

3 Try to find the answers for the following questions :- 1)- When was AbdulAziz forced to leave Riyadh for Kuwait? 2)-What did he promise him self ? 3)-When did he regain Riyadh ?

4 Abdul Aziz was only eleven years old in 1891 when his family was forced to leave Riyadh for Kuwait. The young boy looked as his caravan moved away from the gates of the city. Sadly, he watched his home disappear behind the cloud of dust created by the camels. ‘ This is not the last time I will see Riyadh ‘ he promised himself silenty. ; I will return, and Iwill take it back;. While he was growing up in Kuwait, his desire to reconquer his family’s Najdi lands increased. Eleven years later, he kept his promised to himself. On 15 January 1902, he retuned with about sixty followers and regained Riyadh.

5 Choose a, b or c 1)- A bdul Aziz was forced to leave Riyadh for K UWAIT IN ----. a)- 1898. b)-1891. c)- 1888. 2)-He promised himself ‘ I will……., and Iwill take it back. a)- return. b)- stay. c)-travel. 3)-On ………1902, he regained it. a)- 15 March. b)- 15 April. c)_15 January

6 Try to find the answer for the questions :- 1)-When did he capture Hofuf from the Turks ? 2)-What did happen in 1921 ? 3)-When did he unify the two kingdom ?

7 But Riyadh was only the beginning of Abdul Aziz’s great adventure. In 1913, he captured Hofuf from the Turks and by 1917 the entire eastern part of the country was free Turkish rule. He became the Sultan of the Najd in 1921 and King of Hejaz in 1926. Then on 23 rd September, 1932, he unified the two Kingdoms to form the New nation of Saudi Arabia. Between then and the time of his death in 1953, King Abdul Aziz put Saudi Arabia on the road towards modernization.

8 Choose a, b or c :- 1)-He capture Hofuf from the Turks in…… a)-1931. b)-1933. c)-1913. 2)_In 1921, he became the Sultan of …… a)-Najd. B)-Riyadh. C)- Hijaz. 3)-IN …….. He unified the Kingdom. a)_ 1932. b)-1923. c)-1935.

9 Try to find answers for the questions 1)- What is King Abdul Aziz remembered as ? 2)-What was he famous for ? 3)- How did the man recognize Abdul Aziz?

10 King Abdul Aziz is remembered as agreat and fair leader with strong faith in Islam. He was agood speaker, and hostile trible chiefs often became stronge supporters at his MAJLIS. He was so strong physically that he only needed to sleep for hours aday. This gave him a lot of time for business and for meeting his subjects. He was also famous for his generosity. Once, while he was travelling to Makkah for the piligrimage, his car had apuncture. While he was waiting for repairs, aman on a camel rode up. Not recognizing Abdul Aziz, he asked if the King has passed by already. He said. ‘ I want to see the King will give me money so I can make the piligrimage, too ‘. King Abdul Aziz immediately gave the man the money. The man was surprised but then he realized he was actually talking to the King. ‘ Thanks, Abdul Aziz. I did not recognize your face but I recognize your generosity, ‘ he said.

11 Choose a, b or c 1)-King Abdul Aziz remembered as agreat and fair ……….. With astrong faith in Islam. a)- teacher. B)- leader. C)- doctor. 2)- He was famous for his……………… a)- generosity. B)- strength. C)- faith. 3)- King Abdul Aziz gave the man …………. a)- food. B)- money. C)- car.


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