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Higgs Properties Measurement based on H  ZZ*  4 with ATLAS 杨海军 (上海交通大学) 中国物理学会高能物理分会 第九届会员代表大会暨学术年会 华中师范大学,武汉 2014 年 4 月 19-22 日 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Higgs Properties Measurement based on H  ZZ*  4 with ATLAS 杨海军 (上海交通大学) 中国物理学会高能物理分会 第九届会员代表大会暨学术年会 华中师范大学,武汉 2014 年 4 月 19-22 日 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Higgs Properties Measurement based on H  ZZ*  4 with ATLAS 杨海军 (上海交通大学) 中国物理学会高能物理分会 第九届会员代表大会暨学术年会 华中师范大学,武汉 2014 年 4 月 19-22 日 1

2 Outline o Standard Model and Discovery of Higgs Boson o Higgs Production and Decays at LHC o Major Challenge for Higgs Searches o Event Selection of H  ZZ*  4 o Measurement of Properties : mass, spin, CP, couplings o Summary 2 中国科学技术大学和上海交通大学参与 H  ZZ*  4l 的发现和希格斯特性的测量 References: PLB 726 pp.88-119, pp. 120-144 ATLAS-CONF-2013-013 , ATLAS-CONF-2013-034 ATLAS-CONF-2014-009

3 Standard Model and Discovery of the Higgs 3  The Higgs boson was discovered by ATLAS and CMS at LHC in July, 2012.  F. Englert and P. Higgs won the Nobel Prize in 2013. Higgs boson is proposed to responsible for the electroweak symmetry breaking, particles acquire mass when interacting with the Higgs field.

4 Higgs Boson Production at LHC 4 Gluon-gluon fusion gg  H and vector-boson fusion qq  qqH are dominant Gauge coupling Yukawa coupling 87% 0.5% 5% 7%

5 Higgs Boson Decay Higgs decay branching ratio at m H =125 GeV  bb: 57.7% (huge QCD background)  WW: 21.5% (easy identification in di-lepton mode, complex background)   : 6.3% (complex final states with  leptonic and/or hadronic decays)  ZZ*: 2.6% (“gold-plated”, clean signature of 4-lepton, high S/B, excellent mass peak)   : 0.23% (excellent mass resolution, high sensitivity) 5 Higgs boson production rate: 1 out of 10 12 collision events

6 ATLAS Data Samples  7 TeV data samples (2011) – 4.6 fb -1 for physics analysis – Peak luminosity 3.6×10 33 cm -2 s -1  8 TeV data samples (2012) – 20.7 fb -1 for physics analysis – Peak luminosity 7.7×10 33 cm -2 s -1  Data-taking efficiency: ~95.5%  Significant pileup events ICHEP HCP 6

7 Major Challenge (Large Pileup)  Large pileup events result in big challenge to the detector, reconstruction and particle identification ! 7 H  ZZ  4     

8 H  ZZ*  4 Overview  Extremely clean – “Gold-plated” channel o Fully reconstructed final states o Good mass resolution (~ 1.6-2.4 GeV) o High S/B ratio (~ 1-2) o Low decay branching fraction  Currently statistically limited o 4.6 fb -1 @ 7 TeV + 20.7 fb -1 @ 8 TeV o Expect 68 SM H  ZZ*  4  (e,  ) events  Properties measurement o Higgs mass, spin, parity, couplings etc. o Critical to determine whether it is fully compatible with the SM Higgs boson 8

9 Event Selection  Trigger match with single and/or di-lepton trigger  Four sub-channels: 4e, 2e2 , 2  2e, 4  9

10 Background Estimation 10

11 Selected Higgs Candidates 11 BR(H  ZZ*) = 2.63%, BR(ZZ*  4l)=0.45% ~ 68 H  ZZ*  4l events produced

12 H  ZZ*  4 :Mass Calibration BR(meas.)=(3.20 ±0.25±0.13)×10 -6 BR(SM NLO)=(3.33 ±0.01)×10 -6  (PS) =107.3 ± 8.8 ± 4.0 ± 3.0 (fb) (Submitted to PRL, arXiv:1403.5657) 12

13 Higgs Mass and Signal Strength  > 5  discovery in H  ZZ*  4 channel 13 Signal Significance : 6.6  (4.4  expected)

14 Higgs Mass Measurements 14 Best fit mass for H   and 4 M H (  )= 126.6 ±0.2(stat) ± 0.7(syst) GeV M H (4 )= 124.3 ±0.6(stat) ± 0.3(syst) GeV Best fit mass for combination: ATLAS: 125.5 ±0.2(stat) ± 0.6(syst) GeV Mass compatibility: 1.2%, 2.5 

15 Probing Higgs Production 15

16 Probing Higgs Production Rate 16

17 Fermion and Vector Couplings 17 2-parameter benchmark model:  V =  W =  Z  F =  t =  b =  c =   =  g (Gluon coupling are related to top, b, and their interference in tree level loop diagrams) Assume no BSM contributions to loops: gg  H and H  , and no BSM decays (no invisible decays)   F = 0 is excluded (>5  )

18 H  ZZ*  4l : Spin and CP 18

19 H  ZZ*  4l : Spin and CP 19 Observed 0 - exclusion 97.8% Observed 1 + exclusion 99.8% MVA: m Z1, m Z2 + decay angles 0+0+ 0+0+ 0-0- 0-0- BDT analysis variables: m Z1, m Z2 from Higgs --> ZZ*  4l + production and decay angles Exclusion (1-CL s ): Observed 2 + m exclusion 83.2%

20 Summary 20

21 Backup 21

22 Measurements of Higgs Signal Strength 22  Signal strength:  =1.3±0.2(ATLAS)   = 0.8 ±0.14 (CMS) CMS-HIG-13-005 PLB 726 pp.88-119, 120-144 ATLAS-CONF-2014-009

23 Higgs Production: ggF vs.VBF 23 μ VBF+VH vs μ ggF+ttH potentially modified by B/B SM μ VBF+VH / μ ggF+ttH = 1.4+0.4-0.3(stat)+0.6-0.4(syst)

24 Higgs Mass 24

25 Higgs Couplings 25

26 Is it the SM Higgs Boson? 26  Higgs production (m H = 125 GeV)  Higgs decays H f f H W, Z  Couplings (new force!)  Spin and Parity g F (Yukawa coupling) =√2 x m F / g V (Gauge coupling) = 2m V 2 /  is the vacuum expectation value 

27 Coupling Measurements 27 Coupling strengths  i & ratio:  F =g F /g F,SM,  V =g V /g V,SM, ij =  i /  j (8) Example H →   g,   : loop coupling scale factors  H is the total Higgs width scale factor

28 Spin Analysis with H   28 Polar angle  * of the photon decay in Collines-Soper frame, along with m  0+0+ 2+2+ data Z CS bisects angle between the momenta of colliding hadrons CS

29 Spin Analysis With H  WW* 29 BDT discriminant Observed 2 + (qq=100%) exclusion 99.96% Observed 2 + (qq = 0%) exclusion 95.2% 2+2+ 0+0+ Exclusion (1-CL s ):

30 H  ZZ*  4l : Spin and CP 30

31 ATLAS Trigger 31

32 Higgs Production and Decays 32

33 33

34 Background Estimation 34

35 Selected Events 35

36 Invariant Mass of 4-lepton 36

37 MVA Discriminant: Higgs Spin and CP 37

38 BR of Z  4 38

39 Search for High Mass H  ZZ, WW 39 ZZ WW*  l l ZZ*  4l Extend the Higgs search to high mass assume SM-like width, and decay to WW/ZZ 95% C.L. exclusion of a SM-like heavy Higgs up to ~ 650 GeV ATLAS-CONF-2013-067

40 Large Hadron Collider at CERN 40 CERN LHC: 27 km, the world’s largest proton-proton collider (7-14 TeV) ATLAS ALICE LHCb CMS

41 The ATLAS Detector DAQ: 40 MHz 46 x 25 x 25 m, 7000 tons ~3000 researchers 41

42 Particle Detection  Different particles have different signatures in detectors 42 Muon Spectrometer: muon identification and momentum measurement Hadronic calorimeter: Measurement of jets and missing energy Electromagnetic calo: e/  identification and energy measurement Tracking system: Charged particle momentum, vertexing

43 Higgs Width (CMS)  43

44 Higgs Width (CMS)  44

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