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Cristina Macarron Department of agriculture economics 31 DE MAYO DE 2008 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.

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Presentation on theme: "Cristina Macarron Department of agriculture economics 31 DE MAYO DE 2008 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cristina Macarron Department of agriculture economics 31 DE MAYO DE 2008 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

2  1. Introduction  2. Objectives  3. Relationship Quality  3.1 Definitions 3.2 Theorical framework of the investigation 3.3 Dimensions 3.4 Antecedents 4. Conclusions Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

3  Environment of the organizations is formed by: dynamism, uncertainty, a lot of competitors…For that, it is important to obtain efficient answer in the market.  Make an effort :  to improve the relationship with the clients or with other companies  to get stables and durables relations  to improve the supply to the clients  This analyze help us to evaluate this relations and measure the intensity and duration Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

4  Main objective is to provide a general literature overview of the concept of relationship quality and how it is measured. Specifically:  to provide an overview of some definitions of relationship quality.  to discuss how relationship quality is measured.  to discuss the important antecedents of relationship quality. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

5  Summary of quality definitions of the relation.  AuthorsDefinitions  Gumesson (1987)“Quality of the interaction between a company and their clients, it can be interpreted in terms of accumulated value”.   Crosby ( 1990)“When the client is capable of trusting in the integrity of the seller and he has confidence in the future job of the seller because the past level has been satisfactory”.  Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

6 More contributions: Raval and Gronroos (1996) Crosby, Evans and Cowles (199O) Han and Wilson (1992)  Smith ( 1998)“Total evaluation of the effort of a relation and the grad which is in understanding with the needs and expects, based in a meeting or fracases/correct events”   Johnson ( 1999)“ Total depth and climate of the relation between companies” Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

7 Raval and Gronross (1996) add that the client’s expectations change from transactional factors towards a major emphasis on the relational quality. Crosby, Evans and Cowles (1990) considere the relationship quality in terms of compensation between the value and the risk. They also suggest that the relationship quality increase as increase the duration of the relation. Han and Wilson (1992) add that it can be influenced by a rank of structural relation (for example :technology, adaptability..) Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

8  Traditional model is replaced by a new relations  Interest in maintaining strategic relations in long-term with limited numbers of intermediaries.  More important variables of relationship quality:  Trust  Satisfaction  Commitment Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

9  Trust: “it is the belief of the company that the other company will carry out actions. It will have a positive result for the company, as well as that will not do unexpected actions that can provoke negative results for this one”  Satisfaction: “is a positive effect as a result of the good operation of the relations between companies”  Commitment:“is a pledge of fidelity between buyers and sellers”. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

10  Spekman (1998) think: trust is the cornerstone of the strategic relations ”  Georg-August-Universität Göttingen However, for others like Kotler (1994) think that the satisfaction is considered fundamental part of relationship quality, since it was demonstrated that:

11  General thought: is multidimensional  Different opinions:  Two dimensions (trust and satisfaction, trust and commitment)  Three dimensions (satisfaction, trust and commitment)  Seven dimensions ( including more dimensions: conflict, honesty, continuity….) Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


13  Depends on the different relations. Not are always the same.  Affect the different relations in the market.  Some antecedents: firm size, culture idees, price satisfaction, communication, service quality, stability, team orientation, innovation, image………. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

14  Communication : better communication  better way to resolve the conflicts  better relationship quality.  Organizational culture: influence in the thinking and how they work  determine if two companies can work together.  Price satisfaction: more satisfied with the price, probably the relationship will be longer. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

15  Service Quality : if the relation is more close  increase the quality of the buyers  increase the relationship quality.  Flexibility : the longer the flexibility is, more biggest is the efficient and the company will be harder  Increase the relationship quality.  Conflict resolutions: it is important how a company resolve the problems. If it is in harmony  the relationship quality will be better. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

16  The market is changing: more competition, more rivalry…  Establish alliance is important.  Analyze this relations is important for the success of marketing’s politics.  A good definition is Smith’s definition in 1998. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

17  Relationship Quality is three-dimensionality (trust, satisfaction and commitment).  The most important antecedents: communication, price satisfaction, service quality, organizational culture, flexibility, resolve conflicts.  To have a relation in long term: necessary the satisfaction of the buyer and the supplier. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

18  Thanks for your attention. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

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