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NHS Lanarkshire Health Promotion in Partnership with Scottish Book Trust and Health Scotland’s

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1 NHS Lanarkshire Health Promotion in Partnership with Scottish Book Trust and Health Scotland’s play@home

2 Improving on delivering the key messages and uptake of the resources from Scottish Book Trust’s Bookbug and Health Scotland’s play@home programmes by developing a bespoke gifting session for Health Visiting Teams across Lanarkshire.

3 The National Context PTR Media campaign highlights 2 programmes supporting parents.

4 The Programmes Promoting Literacy and Physical Activity

5 Sharing the key gifting messages of these programmes.

6 .“Your baby or toddler loves the sound of your voice and it’s never too early to share books with them. It will help calm and soothe them, as well as helping with their language development.” “You just need a few minutes every day to share a book with your baby or toddler, and this is the perfect time to cuddle your baby or toddler too”. ”You can visit your local library for a wide range of books to borrow for free” “ Playing regularly with your child is very good for their physical, cognitive, social and emotional development ” “ Playing helps your child find out about the world around them ” “ Playing with your child doesn't have to take long – you can incorporate play into everyday activities.”

7 Local Context What was the baseline prior to beginning the improvement work ? Universal services of both Health and Education are responsible for gifting the two parenting programmes from Scottish Book Trust Bookbug and Health Scotland's play@home. Health visiting teams in Lanarkshire were gifting the two programmes but had received only limited updates to support them. Why was it identified as a priority ? A KEY change area of improvement, is attachment and child development through these two programmes ( LS3 bundle) National Parenting Strategy / Modernisation of Nursing/ National Play Strategy A Health Visiting training DVD was developed by Scottish Book Trust It promoted the programme, the key resources and delivering the key messages to parents/ carers. This was available to be shared with teams. – Assertive Outreach lightbulb moment ! Changes made - ( see improvement / what we did differently slide ) Bringing the two programmes together, utilising the DVD, developing a bespoke gifting session highlighting the gifting messages, with health visiting teams across Lanarkshire. Taking the gifting sessions to health visiting team bases was practical and allowed for 100% of teams accessing a session on their doorstep.

8 Health Visitor Training Sir Harry Burns Highlights the Health Visitors Key Role


10 Changes/Improvements What changes currently being tested ? Would the gifting session delivered to teams improve confidence levels within staff ? Would there be an increase in the knowledge and understanding of the programmes by staff ? Has requests for resources by staff changed following the awareness raising ? What has been learned so far ? Staff have benefitted from the sessions, confidence levels increased knowledge and learning has improved practice change is being reported.

11 Data! Data! Data! Uptake Of Sessions 100% of HV teams in both North and South Lanarkshire have been offered and accepted gifting sessions by January 2015

12 Data ! Data! Data!

13 Example of two teams

14 and from the staff......... 97% of staff are more confident in gifting Bookbug and play@home, providing families with information about the importance of singing, playing, rhyming, talking, and book sharing. “Definitely will use some of the key messages suggested.” Practice change “Going to make a bigger effort to go through the play@home and Bookbug packs in more detail with parents.” “I will talk more in detail to parents re- benefits of reading & Bookbug pack.” 96% of staff attending said that the awareness sessions has influenced how they’ll gift the packs in the future. “More aware of the importance and now wish to spend the time speaking with the parents to explain the importance of Bookbug.” “Play@home and Bookbug plays a large role in my duties within the families”. Job satisfaction “Wonderful, great to hear this and motivate us again!”

15 Uptake of resources 2186 toddler books were ordered by teams for year 2012/13 end April 3574 toddler books were ordered by teams for year 2013/14 end April 61% increase More Data ! Data! Data!

16 Making the connections in Lanarkshire

17 The Human Factor Paul / Carol factor – good partnership working ? Going directly to bases – meeting small teams ? Over lunch ! – its good to talk ! Examples of learning from the sessions that were shared with families / colleagues afterwards e.g. Word Poverty 4 + 4 = So much more ! Prisons work, Third Sector ideas to test, joint library training sessions to share the learning

18 Next Steps Improvement within teams to continue by targeting team members who were unable to attend the gifting sessions, getting the gifting messages out using the Health Visitor DVD and key gifting messages sheets. Spreading current change ? by sharing with other agencies, CPPs, the learning from the bespoke Gifting session. New Ideas for change ? – taking the gifting session to other partners involved in universal Gifting e.g. Education staff, transitions work. Improve ways of raising awareness where resource gifting is low e.g. play@home toddler book. The National arena !

19 How best can you share the key gifting messages of these programmes ? What can you do differently from today that could lead to improvement ?


21 Thank you

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