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 Oneida Business Committee Strategic Direction  Advancing Principles  Improve Patient Satisfaction through Cultural Competency  OBC New.

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2  Oneida Business Committee Strategic Direction  Advancing On^yote>a=k@ Principles  Improve Patient Satisfaction through Cultural Competency  OBC New Budget Process

3  Need for cultural awareness and knowledge of Oneida history while providing services in Comprehensive Health Division  Team formed from Supervisor/Director meeting request  Current Team Members: Jeff Carlson, Tina Ama, Diana Hernandez (lead), Margaret VanDen Heuvel, Kala Cornelius, Kelly Skenandore, DJ Danforth, Debbie Danforth, Mary Beth King, Tina Baeten,& Irene Danforth  Discussion, logic model, and recommendation



6  Directors and Supervisors Support  Management Team Support  Culture Planning Committee  CHD Employees  Oneida Faith Keepers  Cultural Heritage  Wellness  Language House  Tribal Historian  Others

7  “Kick Off Event”  Keynote Speaker $5000  Food $1500  Facility $1000  CHD Closure of Services  ½ Day vs 1 Day  2 – ½ Days  Funding for Cultural Training  Booster Club  50/50 Raffles  Work with Oneida Printing  Record Event for Community Viewing  New CHD Employee

8  Create Culture Awareness Policy  Develop Training Material/Curriculum  Provide Kick Off Event  Hold Quarterly Meetings  Implement Process Improvement Survey  Implement Patient Satisfaction Survey  Culture Awareness Competency and Culture Hours Compliance will be reflected in Annual Employee Evaluations

9  Number of staff in attendance at meetings  Number of events held  Evaluation-knowledge gained  Culture hours logged  Continuation of Quarterly meetings

10 Created Oneida Cultural Awareness as measured by understanding: o the Clan System o the Creation Story o the Thanksgiving Address o the Use of Traditional Medicine o the Cycle of Ceremonies o the Health Center history o IHS and funding Gained knowledge of Community Resources (benefits and services booklet)  Improved patient satisfaction survey results

11 IntermediateLong Term  Culturally Competent Workforce  Increased Job Satisfaction  Increased Patient Satisfaction  Set Cultural Policy Standards for the Oneida Nation Organization

12  Need YOUR support and approval to move forward.  Approval of Kickoff Event Budget ($7500)  Approval of CHD Closure of Services  Approval of Kickoff Event  Approval of Cultural Awareness Policy  Approval of Employee Directive Memo

13 Any Questions?


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