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1/9 Dairy India Pvt. Ltd. Sharad Raizada Managing Director Cell: 91 98101 75674 WRC.

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Presentation on theme: "1/9 Dairy India Pvt. Ltd. Sharad Raizada Managing Director Cell: 91 98101 75674 WRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/9 Dairy India Pvt. Ltd. Sharad Raizada Managing Director Cell: 91 98101 75674 WRC

2 Dairy India Pvt. Ltd. New Era Dairy Engineers Pvt. Ltd 2/9 Business Type - Manufacturer / Supplier / Exporter Year of Establishment – 2004 Contact : Regd. Office C-197, 2nd Floor Jhilmil Colony Shahdara, Delhi Tel: 91-120-4224168 / 4768015 Corporate Office Pragati Tower, H- 112, Sex 63, Noida, UP, India Works Link Road, Gram Chaubara, Gajraulla District, JP Nagar UP, India Business Type - Manufacturer / Supplier / Exporter Year of Establishment – 2001 Contact: B-68, Sector-64, Noida - 201301, Uttar Pradesh, India Tel:91-120-4549160 / 4549161 Fax:91-120-4549159 Key Personnel - S. P. Choudhary (Director) Mobile:+919810396782 Email: WRC

3 Facts & Figures Dairy India Pvt. Ltd. New Era Dairy Engineers Pvt. Ltd Paid-up capital600Cash and bank balances130 Reserve & Surplus770Loans and advances220 Secured loans2930Net Current Assets3670 Un Secured Loans710Total Assets5160 Sales Turnover3150Export Percentage10% No. of Employees25 Export Markets Uganda, South Africa, Middle East, Caribbean, South/West Europe, North America, South America, Australia/NZ (Amount in US $ ‘000) 3/9 WRC

4 Products & Services Dairy India Pvt. Ltd. New Era Dairy Engineers Pvt. Ltd Whole Milk Pure Ghee Butter Skimmed MilkMilk Powder Cream Dairy Equipments Dairy EvaporatorsShifters Fluid Dryers Butter 4/9 WRC

5 Brazil Opportunities – Dairy Industry 5/9 Allows international companies to enter the marketplace more easily continuously upgrading technology & innovating methods Companies seeking more innovative packaging & modernize its production operations German dairy modernize curd cheese operation Germany The exports were projected at 1.18 bn gallons in 2011, reaching 1.94 bn ltrs in 2020 Conversion of dairy processors into large dairy plants & cooperative Government announced a $67 billion agriculture loan program in June, 2011 Country will get a public and private sector investment boost in 2014 & 2016 Brazil WRC

6 6/9 71% percent of the dairy processors have intentions to purchase equipment in the near future 37% of the dairy processors are considering more robotic equipment (Automation) in the future USA The demand for fresh dairy products is rising. An attractive opportunity for Bangladeshi dairy farmers Seeking more technologically advanced machinery to enhance efficiency Needed Extension and training Services Government led improvements in breeds, private investments and interest in the processing sector. Bangladesh Govt of Mongolia has tended to support (FDI) in all sectors and businesses. Mongolia plans to substitute majority of imports with domestic milk, but also need to look to exporting quality, niche products to the rapidly growing markets of nearby Mongolia WRC

7 7/9 It position itself producer of dairy products such as milk powder Subsidy Levels – as per Sector Commodity Transfers – are near zero OECD/FAO projections forecast that global imports of whole milk powder will grow by 10% by 2019 Kazakhstan Australia and the Netherlands are helping Sri Lanka kick start its dairy industry by investing over $12 million. Artificial insemination is constrained by difficulties in heat detection and present herd management systems Country Govt. ease the FDI norms in several sector including Dairy Sector Good opportunities for smallholders who are involved in domestic dairy production because The consumption of fresh milk appears to increase with income suggesting that as incomes increase over time demand could shift toward liquid milk Srilanka WRC

8 India 8/9 The new GATT treaty, opportunities will increase tremendously for the export of agri-products in general and dairy products in particular. Needed - Clean-in-place (CIP) systems, small automatic milk collection m/c Low cost packaging technology to suit Indian conditions Packaging equipment for products like butter, cheese, UHT (Ultra High Temperature) milk, aseptic filling Sensors and automation equipment for fleet and cold storage management WRC

9 9/9 “One which cannot be measured cannot be improved’’ Thanks WRC

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