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Physics Concept Tests Conservation of Energy & Work-Energy Theorem (question answers are in the speaker notes) If the value for gravity is not given, then.

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Presentation on theme: "Physics Concept Tests Conservation of Energy & Work-Energy Theorem (question answers are in the speaker notes) If the value for gravity is not given, then."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physics Concept Tests Conservation of Energy & Work-Energy Theorem (question answers are in the speaker notes) If the value for gravity is not given, then assume g=10 ms -2 The following slides were created or modified through a collaboration of the Industry Initiatives in Science and Math Education (IISME) and Stanford University

2 A ball rolls down a hill and comes to a stop. Which statement best describes this? a) the energy is gone b) the ball used up its energy c) both (a) and (b) d) none of the above

3 Maryam pulls on a pendulum and then lets it swing from one side to the other. Which of the following is true? a) energy was made and then used up b) energy was lost c) energy was not used up or lost d) both (a) and (b)

4 Jessica lifts a book to the top of the table. Which statement best describes this action? a) It took energy to lift the book b) The book did not gain any energy c) The book has more energy than when it started d) both (a) & (b) e) both (a) & (c)

5 Guillermo's skateboard starts at rest and then he kicks. It rolls & then stops at the top of a hill. Which statement best describes his skateboard? a) It took energy to get his skateboard up the hill. b) His skateboard did not gain energy c) His skateboard has more energy than when it started d) both (a) & (b) e) both (a) & (c)

6 Which ball required the most work to get to the top? (assume there is no energy lost to friction) d) b & c required the same amount of work e) none of the above answers

7 Which box required more work to get to the top? c) same amount of work for both d) not enough information

8 The following questions are to be used for the summative assessment. The colored boxes show which of the previous questions they are related to. You can also find all of the summative assessment questions in the Summative Assessment File

9 A ball starts at the top of a ramp, rolls down, and then up another ramp to the same height. Which of the following is true about the total energy of the ball? a) it gained energy and then lost it b) it used up its energy c) both (a) and (b) d) the total energy stayed the same

10 Sara finds a large rock that is sitting still. She pushes it to the top of the hill. Which statement best describes this? a) It took energy to get the rock up the hill. b) The rock has more energy than when it started c) The rock did not gain any energy. d) both (a) & (b) e) both (a) & (c)

11 Which ball required the most work to get to the top? (assume there is no energy lost to friction) c) same amount of work for both d) not enough information

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